Publications by authors named "Peter Mausbach"

Two boundary lines are frequently discussed in the literature, separating state regions dominated by repulsion or attraction. The Fisher-Widom line indicates where the longest-range decay of the total pair correlation function crosses from monotonic to exponentially damped oscillatory. In the context of thermodynamic metric geometry, such a transition exists where the Ricci curvature scalar vanishes, R=0.

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The Lennard-Jones potential is taken as a basis to study the structure and dynamics of the face centered cubic (fcc) solid along an isochore from low temperatures up to the solid/fluid transition. The Z method is applied to estimate the melting point. Molecular dynamics simulations are used to calculate the pair distribution function, numbers of nearest neighbors, and the translational order parameter, analyzing the weakening of the fcc-symmetry due to emerging premelting effects.

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Aspects of isomorph theory, Rosenfeld-Tarazona temperature scaling, and thermodynamic geometry are comparatively discussed on the basis of the Lennard-Jones potential. The first two approaches approximate the high-density fluid state well when the repulsive interparticle interactions become dominant, which is typically the case close to the freezing line. However, previous studies of Rosenfeld-Tarazona scaling for the isochoric heat capacity and its relation to isomorph theory reveal deviations for the temperature dependence.

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The Lennard-Jones potential is used to study the high density fluid and face centered cubic solid state region, including solid-fluid equilibria. Numerous thermodynamic properties are considered, elucidating the behavior of matter in this poorly studied region. The present molecular simulation results are extensively compared to the latest and most accurate equation of state models for fluid and solid phases.

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The Grüneisen parameter γG is widely used for studying thermal properties of solids at high pressure and also has received increasing interest in different applications of non-ideal fluid dynamics. Because there is a lack of systematic studies of the Grüneisen parameter in the entire fluid region, this study aims to fill this gap. Grüneisen parameter data from molecular modelling and simulation are reported for 28 pure fluids and are compared with results calculated from fundamental equations of state that are based on extensive experimental data sets.

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The thermodynamic curvature scalar R is evaluated for supercooled water with a two-state equation of state correlated with the most recent available experimental data. This model assumes a liquid-liquid critical point. Our investigation extends the understanding of the thermodynamic behavior of R considerably.

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The thermodynamic curvature scalar R for the Lennard-Jones system is evaluated in phase space, including vapor, liquid, and solid state. We paid special attention to the investigation of R along vapor-liquid, liquid-solid, and vapor-solid equilibria. Because R is a measure of interaction strength, we traced out the line R=0 dividing the phase space into regions with effectively attractive (R<0) or repulsive (R>0) interactions.

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The behavior of thermodynamic response functions and the thermodynamic scalar curvature in the supercritical region have been studied for a Lennard-Jones fluid based on a revised modified Benedict-Webb-Rubin equation of state. Response function extrema are sometimes used to estimate the Widom line, which is characterized by the maxima of the correlation lengths. We calculated the Widom line for the Lennard-Jones fluid without using any response function extrema.

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The thermodynamic properties of pressure, energy, isothermal pressure coefficient, thermal expansion coefficient, isothermal and adiabatic compressibilities, isobaric and isochoric heat capacities, Joule-Thomson coefficient, and speed of sound are considered in a classical molecular dynamics ensemble. These properties were obtained using the treatment of Lustig [J. Chem.

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The pressure and energy behavior of the Gaussian core model (GCM) fluid as a function of strain-rate are obtained from nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulations for a wide range of thermodynamic state points. An analytical dependence of pressure on strain-rate is observed which is in agreement with a Taylor series expansion of pressure in terms of the strain-rate tensor. In contrast, the energy as a function of strain rate is found to be dependent on temperature and density.

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Nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulations are reported for the shear viscosity of the Gaussian core model (GCM) fluid over a wide range of densities, temperatures and strain rates. A transition from Newtonian and non-Newtonian behavior is observed in all cases for sufficiently high strain rates. On the high-density side of the solid region where re-entrant melting occurs, the shear viscosity decreases significantly when the density is increased at constant temperature and Newtonian behavior persists until very high strain rates.

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The solid-liquid phase equilibria of the Gaussian core model are determined using the GWTS [J. Ge, G.-W.

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