Publications by authors named "Peter Laszlo"

Since soil spectroscopy is considered to be a fast, simple, accurate and non-destructive analytical method, its application can be integrated with wet analysis as an alternative. Therefore, development of national-level soil spectral libraries containing information about all soil types represented in a country is continuously increasing to serve as a basis for calibrated predictive models capable of assessing physical and chemical parameters of soils at multiple spatial scales. In this article, we present a database containing laboratory and visible-near infrared spectral data of legacy soil samples from the Hungarian Soil Degradation Observation System (HSDOS).

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The aim of this work is to incorporate lanthanide-cored upconversion nanoparticles (UCNP) into the surface of microengineered biomedical implants to create a spatially controlled and optically releasable model drug delivery device in an integrated fashion. Our approach enables silicone-based microelectrocorticography (ECoG) implants holding platinum/iridium recording sites to serve as a stable host of UCNPs. Nanoparticles excitable in the near-infrared (lower energy) regime and emitting visible (higher energy) light are utilized in a study.

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is a key truffle species with significant ecological and economic value. Despite its importance, plantation success can be influenced by soil pH, host plants, and undesired fungi. This study examines how soil pH and host plants influence mycorrhization trends in plantations across six plant species in eight Hungarian settlements, using root sampling and DNA analysis to assess plantations at three and six years of age.

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In strong-field laser-matter interactions, energetic electrons can be created by photoemission and a subsequent rescattering and can attain energy as much as 10 times the ponderomotive potential (U_{p}) of the laser field. Here, we show that with the unique combination of infrared laser sources (exploiting the quadratic scaling of U_{p}) and plasmonic nanoemitters (which enhance rescattering probability by orders of magnitude) ∼10U_{p} rescattered electrons can be observed in the multiphoton-induced regime. Our experiments correspond well to a model based on the time dependent Schrödinger equation and allowed us to reveal an unexpected aspect of ultrafast electron dynamics in the multiphoton emission regime.

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The cross-section of various substrate-deposit metal pairs obtained with a laser-assisted additive manufacturing process has been studied by observing the composition profile with energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). The EDS composition profiles observed with a sufficiently high data acquisition time revealed that the composition profile is asymmetric. By scanning toward the growth direction, a sudden composition variation was observed, which was followed by a slow decay.

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Mesoporous materials containing heteroelements have a huge potential for use as catalysts, exchangers, and adsorbents due to their tunable nanometer-sized pores and exceptionally large internal surfaces accessible to bulky organic molecules. In the present work, ordered mesoporous silica containing Ni atoms as active sites was synthesized by a new low-temperature method of condensation of silica precursors on a micellar template from aqueous solutions in the presence of nickel salt. The homogeneity of the resulting product was achieved by introducing ammonia and ammonium salt as a buffer to maintain a constant pH value.

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Citric acid plays an ubiquitous role in the complexation of essential metals like iron and thus it has a key function making them biologically available. For this, iron(III) citrate complexes are considered among the most significant coordinated forms of ferric iron that take place in biochemical processes of all living organisms. Although these systems hold great biological relevance, their coordination chemistry has not been fully elucidated yet.

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Studies of sessile droplets and fluid bridges of a ferroelectric nematic liquid crystal in externally applied electric fields are presented. It is found that above a threshold, the interface of the fluid with air undergoes a fingering instability or ramification, resembling to Rayleigh-type instability observed in charged droplets in electric fields or circular drop-type instabilities observed in ferromagnetic liquids in magnetic field. The frequency dependence of the threshold voltage was determined in various geometries.

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Electrodeposited NiCo/Cu multilayers were prepared with Cu spacer layer thicknesses between 0.5 nm and 7 nm. Their structure and magnetic and magnetoresistance properties were investigated.

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Article Synopsis
  • Laser cladding with H13 steel powders produced various aerosol particle sizes, which were studied using specialized measuring techniques.
  • The analysis showed a clear relationship between the particle size, concentration, and oxidation state, with ultrafine particles being mostly oxidized.
  • Larger particles retained properties of the original steel powder but showed compositional changes, highlighting the effects of the laser process on material transformation.
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We investigated laser-induced periodic surface structures (LIPSS) generated on indium-tin-oxide thin films with femtosecond laser pulses in the infrared region. Using pulses between 1.6 and 2.

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The role of soils in the global carbon cycle and in reducing GHG emissions from agriculture has been increasingly acknowledged. The '4 per 1000' (4p1000) initiative has become a prominent action plan for climate change mitigation and achieve food security through an annual increase in soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks by 0.4%, (i.

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Experiments were conducted for the study of the effect of cysteine addition on the microstructure of nanocrystalline Ni films electrodeposited from a nickel sulfate-based bath. Furthermore, the thermal stability of the nanostructure of Ni layers processed with cysteine addition was also investigated. It was found that with increasing cysteine content in the bath, the grain size decreased, while the dislocation density and the twin fault probability increased.

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When facing comorbidity, effects of medicating one disorder on the other disease is a key question for the clinician. As depression influences both development and outcome of oncological diseases, early diagnosis and therapy, primarily with antidepressants, is of paramount importance. This paper gives a survey on the effects of antidepressants on comorbid mood disorders, on the course of cancerous diseases and on the tumor itself.

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Depression is a common comorbid condition in patients with cancer, but the background mechanisms underlying the relationship between depression and cancer are not well clarified. Depression and cancer are prevalent public health problems in the Western world. In this article, I review the recent knowledge regarding possible etiological mechanisms in particular biological contexts.

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The present study was aimed to develop a medium-throughput screening technique for investigation of cyclodextrin (CD)-active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) complexes. Dual-phase potentiometric lipophilicity measurement, as gold standard technique, was combined with the partition coefficient method (plotting the reciprocal of partition coefficients of APIs as a function of CD concentration). A general equation was derived for determination of stability constants of 1:1 CD-API complexes (K) based on solely the changes of partition coefficients (logP-logP), without measurement of the actual API concentrations.

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Anti-NMDAR (N-methyl-D-aspartic acid receptor) encephalitis, first described in 2007, is a rare, autoimmune limbic encephalitis. In half of the cases anti-NMDAR antibodies are paraneoplastic manifestations of an underlying tumor (mostly ovarian teratoma). In the early stage of the disease psychiatric symptoms are prominent, therefore 60-70% of the patients are first treated in a psychiatric department.

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The aim of our retrospective study was to evaluate the diagnostic and therapeutic characteristics of 100 patients who were admitted in our psychiatric department from an index date. Previous investigation showed high prevalence of comorbidity in patients with psychiatric disorders. The most common psychiatric comorbidities included dementia (20%), alcohol dependence (14%) and unipolar depression (8%).

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In the course of the clean-up operation after the red mud inundation in 2010, red mud was removed from the soil surface in places where the layer was more than 5 cm deep. Before its removal, the red mud seeped into the soil. In 2012, soil samples were taken from depths of 0 to 20 and 20 to 40 cm on some of the affected areas.

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Marchiafava-Bignami disease (MBD) is caused by damage of the corpus callosum. There are acute, subacute and chronic forms, it occurs most frequently among alcoholic patients. A variety of neurological symptoms, epileptic seizures, and coma may be associated with the disease, but the chronic form may start with acute confusion and dementia, interhemispherial disconnection syndrome or with slow progressive changes in behavior.

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Although several authors have suggested that the labile fraction of soils could be a potential soil quality indicator, the possibilities and limitations of using the dissolved organic matter (DOM) fraction for this purpose have not yet been investigated. The objective of this study was to evaluate the hypothesis that DOM is an adequate indicator of soil quality. To test this, the soil quality indices (SQI) of 190 arable soils from a Hungarian dataset were estimated, and these values were compared to DOM parameters (DOC and SUVA254).

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The number of biomarkers has increased to a great extent in the last years, but we have no marker in practice to help in the diagnosis of depression or to estimate the effectiveness of therapy. In depression we can measure the activation and aggregation of platelets, and the parallel secretion of ATP. Antidepressive therapy decreases aggregation and leads to changes in the release of ATP as well.

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Acute manifestations of various psychopathological symptoms require detailed differential diagnostic procedure, since their cause is found to be somatic in several cases. These adverse events during the treatment are often the side effects of the prescribed drugs or drug-drug interactions. In the presented case report, the patient had complex visual-auditory hallucinations two days after the initiation of tramadol-clarithromycin coadministration and these transient symptoms were repeated for two days.

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