Freshwater ecosystems face significant threats, including pollution, habitat loss, invasive species, and climate change. To address these challenges, management strategies and restoration efforts have been broadly implemented. Across Europe, such efforts have resulted in overall improvements in freshwater biodiversity, but recovery has stalled or failed to occur in many localities, which may be partly caused by the limited dispersal capacity of many species.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMitigating ongoing losses of insects and their key functions (e.g. pollination) requires tracking large-scale and long-term community changes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe frequency and magnitude of extreme events, such as heat waves, are predicted to increase with climate change. However, assessments of the response of biological communities to heat waves are often inconclusive. We aimed to assess the responses in abundance, taxonomic and functional diversity indices of stream invertebrate communities to heat waves using long-term monitoring data collected across Europe.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInland navigation in Europe is proposed to increase in the coming years, being promoted as a low-carbon form of transport. However, we currently lack knowledge on how this would impact biodiversity at large scales and interact with existing stressors. Here we addressed this knowledge gap by analysing fish and macroinvertebrate community time series across large European rivers comprising 19,592 observations from 4,049 sampling sites spanning the past 32 years.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe decline of river and stream biodiversity results from multiple simultaneous occuring stressors, yet few studies explore responses explore responses across various taxonomic groups at the same locations. In this study, we address this shortcoming by using a coherent data set to study the association of nine commonly occurring stressors (five chemical, one morphological and three hydraulic) with five taxonomic groups (bacteria, fungi, diatoms, macro-invertebrates and fish). According to studies on single taxonomic groups, we hypothesise that gradients of chemical stressors structure community composition of all taxonomic groups, while gradients of hydraulic and morphological stressors are mainly related to larger organisms such as benthic macro-invertebrates and fish.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIdentifying which environmental drivers underlie degradation and improvements of ecological communities is a fundamental goal of ecology. Achieving this goal is a challenge due to diverse trends in both environmental conditions and ecological communities across regions, and it is constrained by the lack of long-term parallel monitoring of environmental and community data needed to study causal relationships. Here, we identify key environmental drivers using a high-resolution environmental - ecological dataset, an ensemble of the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT+) model, and ecological models to investigate effects of climate, land-use, and runoff on the decadal trend (2012-2021) of stream macroinvertebrate communities in a restored urban catchment and an impacted catchment with mixed land-uses in Germany.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDriven by climate change and the need for a more sustainable construction sector, policy is increasingly demanding and promoting timber hybrid construction methods. In the German state of Baden-Württemberg, every new public building has to be of timber or timber hybrid construction (Holzbauoffensive BW). The objective of multi-story buildings with large floor spans can only be achieved in a resource-efficient way by hybrid constructions combining timber and steel components.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHumans impact terrestrial, marine and freshwater ecosystems, yet many broad-scale studies have found no systematic, negative biodiversity changes (for example, decreasing abundance or taxon richness). Here we show that mixed biodiversity responses may arise because community metrics show variable responses to anthropogenic impacts across broad spatial scales. We first quantified temporal trends in anthropogenic impacts for 1,365 riverine invertebrate communities from 23 European countries, based on similarity to least-impacted reference communities.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA tenet of ecology is that temporal variability in ecological structure and processes tends to decrease with increasing spatial scales (from locales to regions) and levels of biological organization (from populations to communities). However, patterns in temporal variability across trophic levels and the mechanisms that produce them remain poorly understood. Here we analyzed the abundance time series of spatially structured communities (i.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFOwing to a long history of anthropogenic pressures, freshwater ecosystems are among the most vulnerable to biodiversity loss. Mitigation measures, including wastewater treatment and hydromorphological restoration, have aimed to improve environmental quality and foster the recovery of freshwater biodiversity. Here, using 1,816 time series of freshwater invertebrate communities collected across 22 European countries between 1968 and 2020, we quantified temporal trends in taxonomic and functional diversity and their responses to environmental pressures and gradients.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFClimate warming can lead to a replacement of species that favour cold temperatures by species that favour warm temperatures. However, the implications of such thermic shifts for the functioning of ecosystems remain poorly understood. Here, we used stream macroinvertebrate biological and ecological traits to quantify the relative contribution of cold, intermediate and warm temperature-adapted taxa to changes in community functional diversity (FD) using a dataset of 3781 samples collected in Central Europe over 25 years, from 1990 to 2014.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn recent years, declining insect biodiversity has sparked interest among scientists and drawn the attention of society and politicians. However, our understanding of the extent of this decline is incomplete, particularly for freshwater insects that provide a key trophic link between aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, but that are also especially vulnerable to climate change. To investigate the response of freshwater insects to climate change, we quantified shifts in insect abundance and diversity across 7264 samples covering Central Europe during 1990-2018 and related these changes to annual data on temperature and precipitation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRates of biological invasion continue to accelerate and threaten the structure and function of ecosystems worldwide. High habitat connectivity, multiple pathways, and inadequate monitoring have rendered aquatic ecosystems vulnerable to species introductions. Past riverine invasion dynamics were largely restricted to large rivers, leaving out smaller rivers that commonly harbour high freshwater biodiversity.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFOur capacity to predict trajectories of ecosystem degradation and recovery is limited, especially when impairments are caused by multiple stressors. Recovery may be fast or slow and either complete or partial, sometimes result in novel ecosystem states or even fail completely. Here, we introduce the Asymmetric Response Concept (ARC) that provides a basis for exploring and predicting the pace and magnitude of ecological responses to, and release from, multiple stressors.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAlien fish substantially impact aquatic communities. However, their effects on trait composition remain poorly understood, especially at large spatiotemporal scales. Here, we used long-term biomonitoring data (1984-2018) from 31 fish communities of the Rhine river in Germany to investigate compositional and functional changes over time.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHumans have severely altered freshwater ecosystems globally, causing a loss of biodiversity. Regulatory frameworks, like the Water Framework Directive, have been developed to support actions that halt and reverse this loss. These frameworks use typology systems that summarize freshwater ecosystems into environmentally delineated types.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBiodiversity conservation faces a methodological conundrum: Biodiversity measurement often relies on species, most of which are rare at various scales, especially prone to extinction under global change, but also the most challenging to sample and model. Predicting the distribution change of rare species using conventional species distribution models is challenging because rare species are hardly captured by most survey systems. When enough data are available, predictions are usually spatially biased towards locations where the species is most likely to occur, violating the assumptions of many modelling frameworks.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWhile there has been increasing interest in how taxonomic diversity is changing over time, less is known about how long-term taxonomic changes may affect ecosystem functioning and resilience. Exploring long-term patterns of functional diversity can provide key insights into the capacity of a community to carry out ecological processes and the redundancy of species' roles. We focus on a protected freshwater system located in a national park in southeast Germany.
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