Mol Plant Microbe Interact
October 2024
A novel betaflexivirus, tentatively named "miscanthus virus M" (MiVM), was isolated from Miscanthus sp. The complete genome of MiVM is 7,388 nt in length (excluding the poly(A) tail). It contains five open reading frames and has a genome organization similar to those of members of the families Alphaflexiviridae and Betaflexiviridae (subfamily Quinvirinae).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFis a previously reported citrus virus from Asia with widespread distribution in China. In 2022, the California Department of Food and Agriculture conducted a multipest citrus survey targeting multiple citrus pathogens including citrus yellow vein clearing virus (CYVCV). In March 2022, a lemon tree with symptoms of vein clearing, chlorosis, and mottling in a private garden in the city of Tulare, California, tested positive for CYVCV, which triggered an intensive survey in the surrounding areas.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRapidly evolving bacterial pathogens pose a unique challenge for long-term plant disease management. In this study, we investigated the types and rate of mutations in bacterial populations during seasonal disease epidemics. Two phylogenetically distinct strains of the bacterial spot pathogen, , were marked, released in tomato fields, and recaptured at several time points during the growing season.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMicrobiol Resour Announc
September 2023
An isolate of papaya virus E was identified in tomato fruits from Mexico. The coding-complete genome sequence was determined using high-throughput sequencing. The coding-complete genome is 13,412 nucleotides and contains 8 open reading frames.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCotton leafroll dwarf virus (CLRDV) is emerging across the major cotton-producing states of the southern United States. Because it was detected in nearly all cotton-producing states within a few years of its initial detection in the United States, the spread of the virus has apparently occurred rapidly. In this study spanning three growing seasons in South Carolina, we collected CLRDV isolates from symptomatic and asymptomatic cotton plants in 10 counties.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTomato is an important vegetable in the United States and around the world. Recently, tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV), an emerging tobamovirus, has impacted tomato crops worldwide and can result in fruit loss. ToBRFV causes severe symptoms, such as mosaic, puckering, and necrotic lesions on leaves; other symptoms include brown rugose and marbling on fruits.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBacterial diseases are a constant threat to crop production globally. Current management strategies rely on an array of tactics, including improved cultural practices; application of bactericides, plant activators, and biocontrol agents; and use of resistant varieties when available. However, effective management remains a challenge, as the longevity of deployed tactics is threatened by constantly changing bacterial populations.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFViroids are the smallest pathogens of angiosperms, consisting of non-coding RNAs that cause severe diseases in agronomic crops. Symptoms associated with viroid infection are linked to developmental alterations due to genetic regulation. To understand the global mechanisms of host viroid response, we implemented network approaches to identify master transcription regulators and their differentially expressed targets in tomato infected with mild and severe variants of PSTVd.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFModern agricultural practices increase the potential for plant pathogen spread, while the advent of affordable whole genome sequencing enables in-depth studies of pathogen movement. Population genomic studies may decipher pathogen movement and population structure as a result of complex agricultural production systems. We used whole genome sequences of 281 Xanthomonas perforans strains collected within one tomato production season across Florida and southern Georgia fields to test for population genetic structure associated with tomato production system variables.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDisease Symptoms: Symptoms include water-soaked areas surrounded by chlorosis turning into necrotic spots on all aerial parts of plants. On tomato fruits, small, water-soaked, or slightly raised pale-green spots with greenish-white halos are formed, ultimately becoming dark brown and slightly sunken with a scabby or wart-like surface.
Host Range: Main and economically important hosts include different types of tomatoes and peppers.
Tomato is an important crop grown worldwide. Various plant diseases cause massive losses in tomato plants due to diverse biotic agents. Bacterial spot of tomato (BST) is a worldwide disease that results in high losses in processed and fresh tomato.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBacterial spot caused by Xanthomonas perforans (Xp) is an economically important disease in tomato. Previous studies have shown that the recently isolated Xp strains have acquired and retained the effector gene, xopJ2, which has been reported to increase fitness of the pathogen in the field. To elucidate the fitness benefit of xopJ2, we quantified the effect of xopJ2 on the dispersal and evolution of Xp populations on tomato.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPlant-virus-derived vectors are versatile tools with multiple applications in agricultural and medical biotechnology. In this study, we developed pepino mosaic virus (PepMV) (family Alphaflexiviridae; genus Potexvirus) into a vector for heterologous protein expression in plants. PepMV was initially cloned in a step-wise manner, fully sequenced and the full-length infectious clone was tested for infectivity in Nicotiana benthamiana.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBefore 1991, was the causal agent of bacterial spot of tomato in Florida but was quickly replaced by . The population has changed in genotype and phenotype despite lack of a clear selection pressure. To determine the current population in Florida, we collected 585 strains from 70 tomato fields, representing 22 farms across eight counties, in the Florida tomato production region.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTomato transplants are the primary means of establishing commercial tomato production fields in the eastern United States. Transplants are often suspected as the source of inoculum for major outbreaks in production fields of bacterial spot of tomato (BST) caused by (). A combination of high plant densities with overhead irrigation, high humidity, and high temperatures are conducive to BST outbreaks during transplant production.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMajor advances in our understanding of plant viral genome expression strategies and the interaction of a virus with its host for replication and movement, induction of disease, and resistance responses have been made through the generation of infectious molecules from cloned viral sequences. Autonomously replicating viral vectors derived from infectious clones have been exploited to express foreign genes in plants. Applications of virus-based vectors include the production of human/animal therapeutic proteins in plant cells and the specific study of plant biochemical processes, including those that confer resistance to pathogens.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMicrobiol Resour Announc
January 2020
Pepino mosaic virus (PepMV) is a widely distributed tomato virus. The complete genome sequence of the PepMV isolate US3 from infected tomato fruit was determined. The genome is 6,410 nucleotides long and has a poly(A) tail.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPrior to the identification of associated with bacterial spot of tomato in 1991, was the only known species in Florida. Currently, is the sp. associated with tomato in Florida.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPhytoplasmas are mollicutes restricted to plant phloem tissue and are normally present at very low concentrations. Real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) offers several advantages over conventional PCR. It is a fast, sensitive, and reliable detection technique amenable to high throughput.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFType III secretion system effectors contribute to pathogenicity through various mechanisms. Recent surveys showed an increasing prevalence of the type III secretion effector avrBsT among Xanthomonas perforans strains. We hypothesized that the acquisition of avrBsT has a fitness advantage for the pathogen.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBacterial disease management is a challenge for modern agriculture due to rapid changes in pathogen populations. Genome sequences for hosts and pathogens provide detailed information that facilitates effector-based breeding strategies. Tomato genotypes have gene-for-gene resistance to the bacterial spot pathogen Xanthomonas perforans.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAlmond witches' broom (AlmWB) is a fast-spreading lethal disease of almond, peach and nectarine associated with 'Candidatus Phytoplasma phoenicium'. The development of PCR and quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) assays for the sensitive and specific detection of the phytoplasma is of prime importance for early detection of 'Ca. P.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn the past decade, crinviruses have gained interest due to their rapid widespread and destructive nature for cucurbit cultivation. Several members of the genus Crinivirus are considered emerging viruses. Currently, four criniviruses: Beet pseudo-yellows virus, Cucurbit chlorotic yellows virus, Cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus and Lettuce infectious yellows virus have been reported to infect field- or greenhouse- grown cucurbits.
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