Zh Vopr Neirokhir Im N N Burdenko
April 2018
Material And Methods: The study included 40 patients with cerebral AVMs. In the study group, 14 (35%) patients underwent microsurgical resection without preliminary embolization (1st group), and 26 (65%) patients underwent combined treatment (endovascular embolization and microsurgical intervention, 2nd group). The first group included patients with S&M grade I-III AVMs, and the second group included patients with S&M grade II-V AVMs.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Poor outcomes of surgical treatment for complex cerebral aneurysms due to the development of cerebral ischemia were the cause to use cerebral revascularization surgery for this pathology.
Objective: the study objective was to master a high-flow extracranial-intracranial (EC-IC) artery bypass technique and evaluate its application in surgical treatment of complex and giant cerebral aneurysms as well as complex lesions of the brachiocephalic arteries.
Material And Methods: Fifty two patients underwent high-flow IC-EC bypass surgery; of these, 34 patients had complex cerebral aneurysms, and 18 patients had complex stenotic occlusive lesions of the brachiocephalic arteries.
During the Great Patriotic War edical supply experts to solve complex problems for the "smooth and full achievement of medical supplies of the army, the development of official documents, creation of new samples of complete- standard-issue equipment, ambulance and medical equipment. The experience gained on the battlefield and during the post-war period, allowed progressively improving the functioning of. the medical supply troops (forces), successfully and consistently carried out in the framework of its organizational planning and other activities.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFZh Nevrol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova
November 2015
Aim: To compare parameters of attention in healthy people and patients with neoplasms in different regions of the cerebral cortex and to evaluate quality of life (QoL) indices with regard to impairment of different attention systems.
Material And Methods: Twenty patients with oncological lesions of the brain (mean age 56.5±8.
Pharmacists and pharmacy assistants made a significant contribution to the successful solution of problems for protection of life and health of soldiers of the Russian Army during the War of 1812. During this period Russia's military pharmacy received a new boost. The first legislatively authorized procedure for medical supplies was established, improved the regulatory framework and the system of training of pharmaceutical personnel, organizational principles of accumulation and the maintenance of a medical emergency reserve property, etc.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFVestn Rentgenol Radiol
November 2014
The paper describes clinical cases of concomitant lung and intrathoracic lymph node involvements as evidenced by conventional radiography and computed tomography (CT). It shows difficulties in the differential diagnosis of different nosological entities in pulmonary tuberculosis. The x-ray semiotics of concomitant lung injuries is also depicted.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe Military Medical Academy has been solving theoretical and practical issues, concerning development of military medical supply, for 215 years. At different time periods and according to needs of military medicine and pharmacy researches and employees of the Academy aimed efforts to: development of the theory and practice of medical supply organization, regulatory basis of the system of medical supply, development of new samples of medical equipment, development of medicine manufacturing technologies and methods of quality control, researches in the area of medicine radiochemistry, forensic chemistry and toxicology, herbal and mineral water analysis and etc. At the present time there are the following education programs at the Academy: "Pharmacy", magister program "Management of medical supply", program for resident physicians "Management and economics of pharmacy".
View Article and Find Full Text PDFZh Nevrol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova
May 2014
Personality traits and cognitive functions were studied depending on a tumor localization in the brain in 21 neurosurgical patients and the results were compared with a control group. In patients with brain damage, mostly affected were personality traits associated with emotion regulation and social interaction (neuroticism, psychoticism and social conformity). Increases in psychoticism and decreases in neuroticism were more expressed in patients with a left-hemisphere localization of tumors.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFZh Vyssh Nerv Deiat Im I P Pavlova
August 2013
Creativity and intelligence changes depending on tumor localization in frontal or parietal cortex before surgical procedure in 24 patients in comparison with control group are studied. Brain damage-induced intelligence impairment and a decrease of fluency, flexibility of figural divergent thinking, and originality of verbal one without specificity of tumor localization were found. Intelligence decrease was more presented while performing of figural tasks and least of all in verbal ones.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFProbl Tuberk Bolezn Legk
September 2009
Routine X-ray examination indicated that the rate of cavernous and fibrocavernous tuberculosis was 21.4 and 25.9%, respectively.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDigital versus analogue X-ray studies in identifying different X-ray symptoms are analyzed; their accuracy, sensitivity, and radiation load on a patient were established. The costs of consumables used at digital and analogue X-ray studies have been calculated. An algorithm for monitoring artificial pneumothorax and pneumoperitoneum has been proposed for patients with destructive pulmonary tuberculosis.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe authors present their experience in applying a differential approach to treating mild forms of tuberculosis in children. They analyzed 40 case histories of tuberculosis risk-group children in whom computed tomography revealed changes in the lung or intrathoracic lymph nodes. Twenty-one children who had been diagnosed as having active tuberculosis on the first examination were treated by the 2 HRZ/4 HZ regimen.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe authors studied the activity of a pathological process in the lymph nodes of the mediastinum, by using 67Ga citrate and 99mTc, and pulmonary circulation with MAA-99mTc. Radionuclide studies have established that in new cases of respiratory tuberculosis, the function of lymph nodes recovers by 1.5 times higher than that in pretreated patients.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe efficiency of treatment was compared in 2 groups of patients with destructive pulmonary tuberculosis and isolation of multidrug resistant Mycobacteria. In 43 patients of a study group, artificial pneumothorax (AP) was used during chemotherapy with reserve drugs while 43 patients of a control group received chemotherapy alone. AP was shown to be highly effective in treating patients with destructive pulmonary tuberculosis who isolated multidrug resistant Mycobacteria.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFStudies of the time course of changes in regional blood flow and regional ventilation of the lung in patients with destructive pulmonary tuberculosis (DPT) suggest that there may be different shifts in radionuclide indices after antibacterial therapy. Full recovery of regional blood flow and regional ventilation of the lung sometimes is accounted for by the resolution of inflammatory changes, by the healing of destruction frequently attended by a significant improvement, but there is a more regular change in the areas of the underlying process in particular, through evolving pneumosclerosis. A comprehensive radionuclide study in patients with destructive pulmonary tuberculosis in combination with clinical and X-ray studies allows clinicians to investigate the extent and site of a pathological process and thereby to define the functional status of capillary blood flow and pulmonary alveoles.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFVestn Rentgenol Radiol
April 2002
Vestn Rentgenol Radiol
November 2000
The authors studied the pattern of X-ray changes detectable in the lungs of 41 patients with LCH. The results of classical X-ray study were supplemented by the data of computed tomography, ultrasonography, and 99mTc and 67Ga citrate radioisotopic studies. The diagnostic values of these techniques were compared.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFComplex radionuclide study was conducted in 134 patients with infiltrative tuberculosis. According to the extent and severity of a specific process in the lung, all the patients were divided into two groups. Group 1 comprised 43 patients and group 2 included 91.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPrior to and following surgery, 70 patients were examined for pulmonary tuberculosis who were divided into 2 groups: 1) 27 patients with limited processes (tuberculomas, infiltrating, cavernous tuberculosis in 1-2 segments) and 2) 43 patients with disseminated tuberculosis in 4 lobes or more. A comprehensive examination including studies of pulmonary circulation by radiotracer techniques (scanning, scintigraphy) and an original contactless study of pulmonary circulation (CSPC). There was a correlation between the results obtained by the two methods.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFVopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult
July 1978