Publications by authors named "Perez-Flores D"

The inner ear is the hub where hair cells (HCs) transduce sound, gravity, and head acceleration stimuli to the brain. Hearing and balance rely on mechanosensation, the fastest sensory signals transmitted to the brain. The mechanoelectrical transducer (MET) channel is the entryway for the sound-balance-brain interface, but the channel-complex composition is not entirely known.

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The inner ear is the hub where hair cells transduce sound, gravity, and head acceleration stimuli carried by neural codes to the brain. Of all the senses, hearing and balance, which rely on mechanosensation, are the fastest sensory signals transmitted to the central nervous system. The mechanoelectrical transducer (MET) channel in hair cells is the entryway for the sound-balance-brain interface, but the channel's composition has eluded biologists due to its complexity.

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Background: Laparoscopic liver resection of tumors located in segments 7 and 8 are considered a complex resection. The aim of this study was to compare the intraoperative and early postoperative outcomes of patients operated by pure laparoscopic (PLS) vs hand-assisted laparoscopic surgery (HALS).

Methods: From January 2003 to January 2021, we included patients with minimally invasive surgery for lesions located in segments 7 and 8.

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Introduction: the relationship between laparoscopic vertical gastrectomy (LVG) and gastroesophageal reflux (GER) is still controversial. Therefore, its study is of great interest in order to obtain definitive conclusions. The goal of the study was to establish whether LVG modifies pH-metric GER in obese patients and to analyze the associated factors.

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Objective: There is currently no conclusive scientific evidence available regarding the role of the F-FDG PET/CT for detecting pulmonary metastases from colorectal cancer (PMCRC) in patients operated on for colorectal liver metastases (CRLM). In the follow up of patients who underwent surgery for CRLM, we compare CT-scan and F-FDG PET/CT in patients with PMCRC.

Methods: We designed the study prospectively performing an F-FDG PET/CT on all patients operated on for CRLM where the CT-scan detected PMCRC during the follow up.

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Objective: To compare the self-perceived health, use of health services and unmet need for health care (UNHC) among immigrants and native populations of Southeast Spain.

Materials And Methods: Cross-sectional study of two representative samples of 1150 immigrants, and 1303 native participants from the National Health Survey. A single database was created with specific weights for each sample, and prevalence ratios (PR) were estimated by multivariate regression.

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Objectives: Despite the great impact the migration has had in economic, social and health-related fields, and the repercussions of alcohol consumption on them, few data exist concerning the extent of alcohol consumption in migrant workers. The aims of this study were to identify workers with a hazardous drinking problem by means of a self-reported questionnaire (Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test-AUDIT) and a biomarker (carbohydrate-deficient transferrin-CDT) and to ascertain associated risk factors.

Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted using a random sample of 385 migrant workers, undergoing a routine health examination as part of occupational health services.

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Introduction: Childhood obesity is a problem of high magnitude with serious repercussions on health, which justifies estimating its prevalence at local level to identify conditioning factors and to take preventive actions. The main objective of the present work is to estimate the prevalence of overweight and obesity in the children in the general population of the Murcia Region, using the body mass index (BMI) and applying the International Obesity Task Force (IOTF) criteria, and to compare these results with the ones obtained from other frequently used references in Spain.

Material And Methods: The BMI of 178,894 children aged from 2 to 14 years was determined.

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Aim: In patients with two-stage hepatectomy (TSH) for multiple bilobar liver metastases from colorectal cancer, few clinical series compare functional remnant hypertrophy of the liver volume between right portal vein ligation (PVL) and embolisation (PVE). Our objective is to analyse the effectiveness of portal vein ligation to achieve hypertrophy of the functional remnant volume (FRV) of the liver and to compare the results with portal vein embolisation in a series of patients with multiple bilobar liver metastases from colorectal carcinoma.

Patients And Methods: Between September 2001 and September 2011 we performed a TSH in 41 patients with multiple bilobar colorectal liver metastases.

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Introduction: In medullary thyroid carcinoma, there is currently no consensus about the prognostic value of histological and immunohistochemical parameters. This study was designed to analyze the value of various histological and immunohistochemical characteristics for predicting the recurrence of medullary carcinoma.

Methods: A total of 55 cases of medullary thyroid carcinoma have been reviewed.

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Introduction: There are no established indications for Liver transplant (LT) in patients with a Klatskin tumour (KT) due to the differences in the published results.

Objective: To report on our patients who have non-disseminated unresectable KT and who were given a LT, and to compare results with those of patients who have had tumour resection and those who have not.

Patients And Method: We have treated 75 patients diagnosed with KT.

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Introduction: There are many studies that analyse preoperative factors with a poor prognosis in patients undergoing surgery for colorectal carcinoma liver metastases, in order to avoid unnecessary surgery. However, there are few studies that evaluate the intraand postoperative prognostic factors. The aim of this study is to analyse pre-, intra- and postoperative prognostic factors in a series of 210 patients undergoing surgery for colorectal carcinoma liver metastases, with special emphasis on the postoperative factors that can give us information on the aggressiveness of the tumour and the curative effectiveness of the surgery.

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Chronic opiate exposure induces neurochemical adaptations in the noradrenergic system. Enhanced responsiveness of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis after morphine withdrawal has been associated with hyperactivity of ascending noradrenergic input from the nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS-A(2)) cell group to the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN). This study addressed the role of morphine withdrawal-induced corticosterone (CORT) release in regulation of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), the rate-limiting enzyme of catecholamine biosynthesis in adrenalectomized (ADX) rats supplemented with low CORT pellet (ADX plus CORT).

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Elder abuse is recognized internationally as a growing problem. Recent years have seen an increase in the number of authors recommending that the MDs systematically question old people concerning possible abuse. The aim of our study was to ascertain the extent of suspicion of elder abuse and the different types of abuse.

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Objectives: To examine the attitudes of family doctors to patients' rights and to ascertain the social and professional variables that influence these views.

Design: Descriptive, cross-sectional study based on a questionnaire.

Setting: Primary care, Murcia, Spain.

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Introduction: This study aims to assess the validity of self reported diagnoses of cancer by persons recruited for the Spanish EPIC (European prospective investigation into cancer and nutrition) cohort study and to identify variables associated with correctly reporting a diagnosis of cancer.

Methods: 41 440 members of EPIC were asked at the time of recruitment whether they had been diagnosed with cancer and the year of diagnosis and site. The process of validating self reported diagnoses of cancer included comparison of the cohort database with the data from the population based cancer registries.

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Background: By providing healthcare to adolescents, a major opportunity is created to help them cope with the challenges in their lives, develop healthy behaviour and become responsible healthcare consumers. Confidentiality is a major issue in adolescent healthcare, and its perceived absence may be the main barrier to an adolescent seeking medical care. Little is known, however, about confidentiality for adolescents in primary care practices in Spain.

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The aim of this cross-sectional study was to describe the prevalence of total, known and unknown diabetes mellitus and impaired fasting glucose (IFG) in the population of Murcia (SE Spain), a Mediterranean area with a high prevalence of obesity. Therefore, 2562 subjects (>or=20 years) were selected by stratified random sampling and a survey was carried out by telephone, together with a physical examination and biochemical determinations. The ADA-1997 diagnostic criteria were used.

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Cocaine use during pregnancy results in an increase in different maternal and perinatal complications. The fetal effects of cocaine could be mainly related to the disturbances in the brain development, microcephaly being the most common brain abnormality. The aim of this study was to analyze maternal outcome and fetal somatic effects of cocaine and to evaluate the hypothesis that maternal cocaine exposure would specifically impair fetal global brain development.

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Objective: The objective of this study was to compare the diagnostic value of panoramic and conventional radiography in the detection of fractures of the carpal scaphoid bone.

Materials And Methods: Panoramic (orthopantomographic) and conventional radiographs of 90 patients with acute or chronic wrist trauma were reviewed retrospectively. Images were analyzed and reviewed independently by four observers: two radiologists and two traumatologists.

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Background: The growth and nutrition of premature infants should be accurately assessed. To do this, reference values of normality, obtained from population to be studied, are required.

Objectives: To study the postnatal growth of premature infants in our environment and to compare their growth with intrauterine growth (Lubchenco et al).

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Objective: To estimate the prevalence of intense physical activity according to age and sex in the region of Murcia, Spain, and to analyze its association with major demographic and socioeconomic determinants and other cardiovascular risk factors.

Methods: Survey of a representative sample of the population aged between 18 and 65 years from Murcia was performed using multistage random sampling with definition of the sample quotas. A total of 3091 individuals were surveyed.

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Objective: Because of the availability of a conjugate pneumococcal vaccine, the incidence and characteristics of invasive pneumococcal disease in children in the region of Murcia should be determined. This would provide information that could be useful for properly establishing the indications for vaccination.

Methods: A retrospective search was conducted for cases of invasive Streptococcus pneumoniae in children aged less 15 years old treated in hospitals in Murcia from 1991-2000.

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Background: This study aimed to evaluate a program of training in laparoscopic surgery based on clinical practice in the emergency room, in which laparoscopic appendectomy is the first technique that residents perform as surgeons.

Methods: A prospective nonrandomized study was conducted involving all the laparoscopies performed in emergencies with a diagnosis of acute abdomen, appendicular in origin, during the period between June 1991 and December 1997.

Results: There were no statistically significant differences between residents and assistants in terms of conversion rates (22/242 vs 15/158), mean hospital stay for each type of surgeon (5.

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Antibiotic prophylaxis in clean surgery with implantation of prosthetic material is widely accepted, although there are no studies on its use in abdominal incisional hernia repair. The objective was to evaluate antibiotic chemoprophylaxis in incisional herniorrhaphy with the implantation of prosthetic material. A prospective non-randomized study (1990-1998) was conducted to analyse 216 patients undergoing surgery for abdominal incisional hernia who required a prosthesis (polypropylene) in the reconstruction and who met the criteria for clean surgery.

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