Publications by authors named "Peretz E"

In recent years, extensive research has focused on cannabidiol (CBD), a well-studied non-psychoactive component of the plant-derived cannabinoids. CBD has shown significant therapeutic potential for treating various diseases and disorders, including antioxidants and anti-inflammatory effects. Due to the promising therapeutic effect of CBD in a wide variety of diseases, synthetic derivatization of this compound has attracted the attention of drug discovery in both industry and academia.

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Super-enhancers are unique gene expression regulators widely involved in cancer development. Spread over large DNA segments, they tend to be found next to oncogenes. The super-enhancer c-MYC locus forms long-range chromatin looping with nearby genes, which brings the enhancer and the genes into proximity, to promote gene activation.

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The tumor microenvironment hosts antibody-secreting cells (ASCs) associated with a favorable prognosis in several types of cancer. Patient-derived antibodies have diagnostic and therapeutic potential; yet, it remains unclear how antibodies gain autoreactivity and target tumors. Here, we found that somatic hypermutations (SHMs) promote antibody antitumor reactivity against surface autoantigens in high-grade serous ovarian carcinoma (HGSOC).

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SARS-CoV-2 surface spike protein mediates the viral entry into the host cell and represents the primary immunological target of COVID-19 vaccines as well as post-exposure immunotherapy. Establishment of the highly immunogenic B-cell epitope profile of SARS-CoV-2 proteins in general, and that of the spike protein in particular, may contribute to the development of sensitive diagnostic tools and identification of vaccine` candidate targets. In the current study, the anti-viral antibody response in transgenic K18-hACE-2 mice was examined by implementing an immunodominant epitope mapping approach of the SARS-CoV-2 spike.

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This protocol describes the use of a biolayer interferometry platform for assessing antibody-antigen interactions. The protocol focuses on affinity determination and epitope binning, although the system can be utilized for measuring any protein-protein interaction. Readings are collected in real time, allowing the use of unlabeled molecules, and data can thus be obtained in a fast and easy manner.

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A wide range of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) neutralizing monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) have been reported, most of which target the spike glycoprotein. Therapeutic implementation of these antibodies has been challenged by emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants harboring mutated spike versions. Consequently, re-assessment of previously identified mAbs is of high priority.

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Background: Serological tests provide an important tool to diagnose previous exposure to the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Herein we describe the relationship between the demographics, clinical characteristics, and molecular investigations and the presence of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) antibodies.

Methods: Three hundred and four participants, living in Gauteng, South Africa, were screened for COVID-19 antibodies between September 12, and December 12, 2020.

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Monoclonal antibodies represent an important avenue for COVID-19 therapy and are routinely used for rapid and accessible diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection. The recent emergence of SARS-CoV-2 genetic variants emphasized the need to enlarge the repertoire of antibodies that target diverse epitopes, the combination of which may improve immune-diagnostics, augment the efficiency of the immunotherapy and prevent selection of escape-mutants. Antigen-specific controlled immunization of experimental animals may elicit antibody repertoires that significantly differ from those generated in the context of the immune response mounted in the course of disease.

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The novel highly transmissible human coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 is the causative agent of the COVID-19 pandemic. Thus far, there is no approved therapeutic drug specifically targeting this emerging virus. Here we report the isolation and characterization of a panel of human neutralizing monoclonal antibodies targeting the SARS-CoV-2 receptor binding domain (RBD).

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The realization of the surface code for topological error correction is an essential step towards a universal quantum computer. For single-atom qubits in silicon, the need to control and read out qubits synchronously and in parallel requires the formation of a two-dimensional array of qubits with control electrodes patterned above and below this qubit layer. This vertical three-dimensional device architecture requires the ability to pattern dopants in multiple, vertically separated planes of the silicon crystal with nanometre precision interlayer alignment.

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Fast and reliable incision closure is critical in any surgical intervention. Common solutions are sutures and clips or adhesives, but they all present difficulties. These difficulties are especially pronounced in classical and robot-assisted minimally-invasive interventions.

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The bacterial chemosensory arrays are a notable model for studying the basic principles of receptor clustering and cellular organization. Here, we provide a new perspective regarding the long-term dynamics of these clusters in growing E. coli cells.

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Phosphorus donor impurities in silicon are a promising candidate for solid-state quantum computing due to their exceptionally long coherence times and high fidelities. However, individual addressability of exchange coupled donors with separations ~15 nm is challenging. We show that by using atomic precision lithography, we can place a single P donor next to a 2P molecule 16 ± 1 nm apart and use their distinctive hyperfine coupling strengths to address qubits at vastly different resonance frequencies.

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The exceptionally long quantum coherence times of phosphorus donor nuclear spin qubits in silicon, coupled with the proven scalability of silicon-based nano-electronics, make them attractive candidates for large-scale quantum computing. However, the high threshold of topological quantum error correction can only be captured in a two-dimensional array of qubits operating synchronously and in parallel-posing formidable fabrication and control challenges. We present an architecture that addresses these problems through a novel shared-control paradigm that is particularly suited to the natural uniformity of the phosphorus donor nuclear spin qubit states and electronic confinement.

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Background: Learning effect has been studied in the literature, but the learning done in short-term training has not been studied. Also, to date, the learning effect of different psychoacoustic measures has not been compared. In the current study, we compared the perceptual learning effect caused by performing four different auditory temporal processing (ATP) tasks in a short-term training design including two training sessions.

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This article describes one of the lesser known social surveys of the first half of the twentieth century in Britain and looks at its origins and its outcomes. Funded by the Rockefeller grant to Oxford University to enhance social studies there, the Oxford Survey published in two volumes in 1938 and 1940 engaged Oxford academics from agricultural economics, economics, statistics, and government, as well as Barnett House members involved in voluntary organizations, adult education, settlements, citizenship, and social work. It was a far-reaching study that aimed to analyse all aspects of public services, in the context of a thorough-going description of the geography, industry, and population statistics of the local area.

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Many of the surface phenomena are driven by elastic energy and elastic interactions. Despite the fact that there are many microscopic techniques with nm and atomic resolution, an established technique to study the distribution of strain on the surface is still lacking. We present a study on the Gd(0001)/W(110) system, in which undulations in the Gd layer are detected by STM.

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A 60-year-old woman presented with a 3-week history of a pruritic papulo-nodular eruption on the face and trunk after a bee sting. Histological examination showed a predominantly lymphocytic infiltrate with follicular centres and tingible body macrophages. Immunohistochemically, positive staining for both kappa and lambda light chains was noted.

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A 42-year-old woman developed a purplish, tender nodule on her wrist of 6 months duration. Histological examination showed a well-circumscribed lesion situated in the dermis and subcutis characterized by numerous, dilated thin-walled vascular spaces surrounded by sheets of glomus cells. The histological findings are characteristic of the diagnosis of an uncommon type of glomus tumour, known as glomangioma.

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Occurrence of skin lesions during long-term therapy with hydroxyurea are well described, but there have been only a few case reports of longitudinal melanonychia associated with hydroxyurea treatment. We report herein longitudinal melanonychia associated with hydroxyurea therapy in a subject with essential thrombocytosis. The prolonged time lapse (1 year) between initiation of hydroxyurea therapy and the onset of the longitudinal melanonychia should be noted.

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