Publications by authors named "Pere-Antoni Borras"

Background: Low back pain (LBP) is the leading cause of disability in the world that affects the population of all ages globally. The main aim of the present study was to analyze the cross-sectional association of postural education and postural hygiene habits with LBP, differentiating between frequency and intensity of pain.

Methods: This cross-sectional study assessed 849 students aged 10-12 years from primary schools.

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Background: A Mediterranean lifestyle with a Mediterranean diet and regular physical activity (PA) improves metabolic syndrome (MetS) characteristics and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). The COVID-19 pandemic stopped healthy habits and increased NAFLD progression.

Objectives: To assess how PA differences due to COVID-19 lockdown affected NAFLD parameters in adults with MetS.

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(1) Background: Physical inactivity has been linked to NAFLD, and exercise has been reported as useful to reduce intrahepatic fat content in NAFLD. (2) Objectives: To assess the physical activity (PA) and fitness status after a six-month lifestyle intervention (diet and PA) in adults with NAFLD and metabolic syndrome (MetS). (3) Design: Prospective cohort analysis of data obtained between baseline and six-year parallel-group randomized trial (n = 155, aged 40-60 years old, with MetS and NAFLD).

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Background: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is the most common liver disease. The best treatment now is a healthy lifestyle with a Mediterranean diet and physical activity (PA).

Objective: To assess the association between stages of hepatic steatosis and physical activity performance in adults with metabolic syndrome.

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Background: A lifestyle with regular PA (physical activity) and Mediterranean diet has benefits on NAFLD (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease) and MetS (metabolic syndrome). Objectives: To assess the association between physical activity and NAFLD in adults with MetS. Design: Cross-sectional study in 155 participants (40−60 years old) from Balearic Islands and Navarra (Spain) with diagnosis of NAFLD and MetS, and BMI (body mass index) between 27 and 40 Kg/m2.

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Since the 2012 Lancet Series on physical activity, progress regarding this topic has been negligible at global level. Thus, improving physical activity levels in specific populations through new methodologies is positioned as a priority. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of a physical activity intervention on body fatness composition, and measured and self-reported physical fitness components based on the use of a smartphone app.

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Physical inactivity is recognized as a determinant of low physical fitness and body composition in preschool children, which in turn, are important markers of health through the lifespan. Objective methods to assess physical activity, physical fitness and body composition in preschool children are preferable; however, they have some practical limitations in the school context. Therefore, the aim of this study was to test whether a single question regarding physical activity level of preschool children, reported by their parents, could be used as an alternative screening tool of physical fitness and body composition.

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The goal was to assess the relation between the acceptance of using gamesmanship and cheating in sports and the type of motivational climate created by coaches and parents. The sample consisted of 110 soccer, basketball, and handball players from the Balearic Islands competition (70 boys, 40 girls; M age = 14.7 yr.

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