Background: Physiologically relevant cell line-based models of human airway mucosa are needed to assess nanoparticle-mediated pulmonary toxicity for any xenbiotics expsoure study. Palladium nanoparticles (Pd-NP) originating from catalytic converters in vehicles pose health risks. We aimed to develop airway models to assess the toxic potential of Pd-NP in normal (Non-CB) and chronic bronchitis-like (CB-like) mucosa models.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTraditionally, developing inhaled drug formulations relied on trial and error, yet recent technological advancements have deepened the understanding of 'inhalation biopharmaceutics' i.e. the processes that occur to influence the rate and extent of drug exposure in the lungs.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: In development of inhaled drugs- and formulations the measured concentration in the systemic circulation is often used as a surrogate for local dosimetry in the lungs. To further elucidate regional differences in the fate of drugs in the lungs, different aerodynamic sizes of aerosols have been used to target major airway regions. An alternative approach to achieve regional targeting of aerosols, is to use a defined aerosol bolus together with a bolus breath hold strategy.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThere is mounting evidence that shows the association between chronic exposure to air pollutants (particulate matter and gaseous) and onset of various respiratory impairments. However, the corresponding toxicological mechanisms of mixed exposure are poorly understood. Therefore, in this study, we aimed to establish a repeated exposure setting for evaluating the pulmonary toxicological effects of diesel exhaust particles (DEP), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and sulfur dioxide (SO2) as representative criterial air pollutants.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEnviron Sci Pollut Res Int
November 2022
Thermostable dry powder inhaler (DPI) formulations with high aerosol performance are attractive inhalable solid dosage forms for local treatment of inflammatory lung diseases. We recently demonstrated that lipidoid-polymer hybrid nanoparticles (LPNs) loaded with small interfering RNA (siRNA) directed against tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) mediate efficient intracellular siRNA delivery and reduce inflammation in vivo. Here, we show that mixtures of the stabilizing excipients trehalose (Tre) and dextran (Dex), in combination with the shell-forming dispersion enhancer leucine (Leu), stabilize TNF-α siRNA-loaded LPNs during spray drying into nanocomposite microparticles, and result in DPI formulations with high aerosol performance.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe composition, morphology and dissolution profile of particles and micro-sized agglomerates delivered upon inhalation may have a significant impact on the product clinical effect. However, although several efforts are ongoing, a methodology that considers deposition structures and dissolution performance evaluation in a biorelevant set-up is not yet standardized. The goal of this work is to apply a collection and dissolution methodology able to discriminate dry powder inhaler (DPI) formulations in terms of deposition structures and dissolution profile in vitro.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe lower respiratory tract of the landrace pig has close anatomical and physiological similarities with that of the human, and hence, for inhalation studies this species is well suited for biopharmaceutical research. The objective of this study was to evaluate pharmacokinetics in pigs following one dose of Diskus™ Seretide™ forte device, labeled 500/50 fluticasone propionate (FP) and salmeterol xinafoate (SX), respectively. The PreciseInhale™ (PI) instrument was used to actuate the inhaler for testing and aerosol dosing to pigs.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFNanomaterials (Basel)
March 2020
Relevant in vitro assays that can simulate exposure to nanoparticles (NPs) via inhalation are urgently needed. Presently, the most common method employed is to expose lung cells under submerged conditions, but the cellular responses to NPs under such conditions might differ from those observed at the more physiological air-liquid interface (ALI). The aim of this study was to investigate the cytotoxic and inflammatory potential of CeO NPs (NM-212) in a co-culture of A549 lung epithelial cells and differentiated THP-1 cells in both ALI and submerged conditions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Aerosol Med Pulm Drug Deliv
April 2020
Many substances used in inhalation research are water soluble and can be administered as nebulized solutions. Typical examples are therapeutic, small-molecular agents, or macromolecules. Another category is a number of water-soluble agents used for airway diagnostics or disease modeling.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCarbon nanoparticles (CNP) are generated by incomplete combustion of diesel engines. Several epidemiological studies associated higher susceptibility to particulate matter related adverse respiratory outcomes with preexisting conditions like chronic bronchitis (CB). Therefore, we compared the effect of CNP exposure on primary bronchial epithelial cells (PBEC) developed in air-liquid interface (ALI) models of normal versus CB-like-mucosa.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe surface area of the air/liquid interface in the lungs is substantial, so deposited doses of aerosol medicines per interface surface area when administered via the inhalation route is always quite low. However, in most in vitro systems used for dissolution testing of dry powder inhalables, the dose per surface area is generally much higher. The aim of this study was to investigate in one in vitro lung dissolution system, the DissolvIt, the manner in which the deposited dose per test surface area of drug particles influences the simulated dissolution- and absorption rate.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe dissolution of inhaled drug particles in the lungs is a challenge to model using biorelevant methods in terms of (i) collecting a respirable emitted aerosol fraction and dose, (ii) presenting this to a small volume of medium that is representative of lung lining fluid, and (iii) measuring the low concentrations of drug released. We report developments in methodology for each of these steps and utilize mechanistic in silico modeling to evaluate the in vitro dissolution profiles in the context of plasma concentration-time profiles. The PreciseInhale aerosol delivery system was used to deliver Flixotide aerosol particles to Dissolv It apparatus for measurement of dissolution.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPhthalate esters, suspected endocrine disrupting chemicals, are used in a wide range of applications. Because phthalate esters are not covalently bound, they can easily leach into the indoor environment and associate to dust particles. Thus, exposure may occur through inhalation, ingestion, or contact with the skin.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Diesel exhaust particles (DEP) are a major component of outdoor air pollution. DEP mediated pulmonary effects are plausibly linked to inflammatory and oxidative stress response in which macrophages (MQ), epithelial cells and their cell-cell interaction plays a crucial role. Therefore, in this study we aimed at studying the cellular crosstalk between airway epithelial cells with MQ and MQ polarization following exposure to aerosolized DEP by assessing inflammation, oxidative stress, and MQ polarization response markers.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: Acute exposure to organic dust (OD) in pig barns induces intense airway inflammation with neutrophilia and hyperresponsiveness. This reaction is likely associated with increased cholinergic activity. Therefore, the involvement of cholinergic mechanisms in the reaction to acute exposure of OD was investigated in mice using the long-acting muscarinic antagonist tiotropium.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIndoor air pollution has caused increasing concern in recent years. As we spend most of our lives indoors, it is crucial to understand the health effects caused by indoor air pollution. Household dust serve as good proxy for accessing indoor air pollution, especially smaller dust particles that can pass into the lungs are of interest.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Preclinical evaluation of new chemical entities (NCEs) designed to be administered by inhalation route requires lung administration to rodents, especially in the discovery phase. Different administration methods have been used until now, but more efforts are required to obtain controlled and reproducible lung deposition when only small amounts of neat powder material are available.
Methods: The PreciseInhale platform used in the present study enables well-controlled powder aerosol exposures with only small amounts of micronized neat material, providing data on inhalation pharmacokinetic (PK) of NCEs at a very early stage.
The main purpose of this work was to develop an in vitro method for simulating the dissolution and absorption of inhaled dry powder drugs that also mimics systemic pharmacokinetic data. A second purpose was to evaluate this method. DissolvIt was developed as a simulation of the air-blood barrier of the upper airways, constituting: "airborne" particles deposited on a glass cover slip, a mucus simulant, a polycarbonate (basal) membrane, and a pumped albumin buffer simulating the pulmonary blood flow.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Exposure to agents via inhalation is of great concerns both in workplace environment and in the daily contact with particles in the ambient air. Reliable human airway exposure systems will most likely replace animal experiment in future toxicity assessment studies of inhaled agents.
Methods: In this study, we successfully established a combination of an exposure system (XposeALI) with 3D models mimicking both healthy and chronic bronchitis-like mucosa by co-culturing human primary bronchial epithelial cells (PBEC) and fibroblast at air-liquid interface (ALI).
Background: The isolated perfused rat lung (IPL) is a suitable model for studying lung-specific pharmacokinetics (PK) of inhaled drugs. So far, little has been known, however, whether the PK measured in the ex vivo organ corresponds to the PK measured in similarly exposed animals in vivo, in particular the endotracheally intubated rat (EIR). The purpose of the current research was to compare the PK of inhaled corticosteroid fluticasone furoate (FF) in the IPL and the EIR.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPalladium (Pd) nanoparticles are recognized as components of airborne automotive pollution produced by abrasion of catalyst materials in the car exhaust system. Here we produced dispersions of hydrophilic spherical Pd nanoparticles (Pd-NP) of uniform shape and size (10.4 ± 2.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDosimetry, safety and the efficacy of drugs in the lungs are critical factors in the development of inhaled medicines. This article considers the challenges in each of these areas with reference to current industry practices for developing inhaled products, and suggests collaborative scientific approaches to address these challenges. The portfolio of molecules requiring delivery by inhalation has expanded rapidly to include novel drugs for lung disease, combination therapies, biopharmaceuticals and candidates for systemic delivery via the lung.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Our aim was to investigate the potential of the DustGun aerosol technology integrated with the isolated, perfused, and ventilated lung of the rat (IPL) to study the pulmonary disposition of an inhaled model biopharmaceutical, the 40-kDa protein horseradish peroxidase (HRP).
Method: The DustGun aerosol technology was used to deliver respirable powder aerosols of HRP (the mass median aerodynamic diameter: 1.7 μm) as an 80-sec bolus to the IPL perfused in a single-pass mode.
Introduction: Clinical studies have shown that inhaled corticosteroids can induce rapid vasoconstriction in the airways, leading to decreased mucosal blood flow. The aim of this study was to investigate whether vasoconstriction of the pulmonary circulation after short inhalation of a corticosteroid can be detected in the isolated and perfused rat lung (IPL) - a model which could serve as a substitute or a complement to clinical models.
Methods: IPLs were briefly exposed to dry powder aerosol of budesonide.