Publications by authors named "Penny A"

Background: Current research focused on clinical outcomes suggests that lateral extra-articular procedures (LEAPs) can reduce rotational instability and graft failure rates in primary anterior cruciate ligament reconstructions (ACLRs). Limited studies have investigated the functional outcomes after LEAPs, including patient-reported outcome measures, sports participation, and physical performance.

Purpose: To conduct a systematic literature review and meta-analysis to determine whether the addition of a LEAP to an ACLR results in superior functional and clinical outcomes as compared with an isolated ACLR.

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Pterosaurs were the first vertebrates to evolve active flight. The lack of many well-preserved pterosaur fossils limits our understanding of the functional anatomy and behavior of these flight pioneers, particularly from their early history (Triassic to Middle Jurassic). Here we describe in detail the osteology of an exceptionally preserved Middle Jurassic pterosaur, the holotype of Dearc sgiathanach from the Isle of Skye, Scotland.

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Background: Efforts to minimise inequity in palliative and end-of-life care (PEoLC) are well-researched. This is frequently explained by differences related to singular factors. The concept of intersectionality recognises that the combination of variables exacerbates disparities.

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We assessed severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 seroprevalence on residual blood samples for pediatric COVID-19 surveillance: 2263 samples were collected during routine outpatient visits (<18 years, April 2020-August 2021). Seroprevalence increased over time, coinciding with or preceding virus circulation in the community and with or preceding pediatric severe COVID-19 hospitalization peaks. Residual blood sample seroprevalence may be a useful surveillance tool in future outbreaks.

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Surgical planning and custom prosthesis design for pelvic cancer patients are challenging due to the unique clinical characteristics of each patient and the significant amount of pelvic bone and hip musculature often removed. Limb-sparing internal hemipelvectomy surgery with custom prosthesis reconstruction has become a viable option for this patient population. However, little is known about how post-surgery walking function and neural control change from pre-surgery conditions.

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People whose family member(s) friend(s) have died from COVID-19 or other causes have been deeply affected by the physical and social restrictions imposed during the pandemic. These limitations have affected end-of-life care and support for the bereaved. The purpose of this review is to identify: the published studies of evaluated programs about interventions for people who have experienced bereavement during the COVID-19 pandemic, and to develop recommendations for researchers and policy makers.

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Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has been a devastating and enduring mass-bereavement event, with uniquely difficult sets of circumstances experienced by people bereaved at this time. However, little is known about the long-term consequences of these experiences, including the prevalence of Prolonged Grief Disorder (PGD) and other conditions in pandemic-bereaved populations.

Methods: A longitudinal survey of people bereaved in the UK between 16 March 2020 and 2 January 2021, with data collected at baseline ( = 711), c.

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The composition of ecological assemblages has changed rapidly over the past century. Compositional reorganization rates are high relative to rates of alpha diversity change, creating an urgent need to understand how this compositional reorganization is progressing. We developed a quantitative framework for comparing temporal trajectories of compositional reorganization and applied it to two long-term bird and marine fish datasets.

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Internal hemipelvectomy without reconstruction of the pelvis is a viable treatment for pelvic sarcoma; however, the time it takes to return to excellent function is quite variable. Some patients require greater time and rehabilitation than others. To determine if psoas muscle recovery is associated with changes in ambulatory function, we retrospectively evaluated psoas muscle size and limb-length discrepancy (LLD) before and after treatment and their correlation with objective functional outcomes.

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Oxygenation during the Cambrian Radiation progressed via a series of short-lived pulses. However, the metazoan biotic response to this episodic oxygenation has not been quantified, nor have the causal evolutionary processes been constrained. Here we present ecological analyses of Cambrian archaeocyath sponge reef communities on the Siberian Platform (525-514 Ma).

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Background: Voluntary and community sector bereavement services are central to bereavement support in the UK.

Aim: To determine service providers' perspectives on access to their support before and during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Design: Mixed methods study using an explanatory sequential design: (1) Cross-sectional online survey of UK bereavement services; (2) Qualitative interviews with staff and volunteers at selected services.

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Background: During the COVID-19 pandemic, many children and young people have experienced the death of close family members, whilst also facing unprecedented disruption to their lives. This study aimed to investigate the experiences and support needs of bereaved children and young people from the perspective of their parents and guardians.

Methods: We analysed cross-sectional qualitative free-text data from a survey of adults bereaved in the UK during the pandemic.

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» Pelvic sarcomas are a rare and diverse group of tumors in terms of size and histology.» Pelvic sarcomas present a treatment challenge to the orthopaedic oncologist.» The size and location of these tumors require a varied approach to resection and reconstruction, but the tumor's proximity to other internal structures within the pelvis (e.

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Pterosaurs were the first vertebrates to evolve flight and include the largest flying animals in Earth history. While some of the last-surviving species were the size of airplanes, pterosaurs were long thought to be restricted to small body sizes (wingspans ca. <1.

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Enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) protocols are standardized perioperative treatment plans aimed at improving recovery time in patients following surgery using a multidisciplinary team approach. These protocols have been shown to optimize pain control, improve mobility, and decrease postoperative ileus and other surgical complications, thereby leading to a reduction in length of stay and readmission rates. To date, no ERAS-based protocols have been developed specifically for pediatric patients undergoing oncologic surgery.

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Background: The COVID-19 pandemic is a mass bereavement event which has profoundly disrupted grief experiences. Understanding support needs and access to support among people bereaved at this time is crucial to ensuring appropriate bereavement support infrastructure.

Aim: To investigate grief experiences, support needs and use of formal and informal bereavement support among people bereaved during the pandemic.

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The species composition of plant and animal assemblages across the globe has changed substantially over the past century. How do the dynamics of individual species cause this change? We classified species into seven unique categories of temporal dynamics based on the ordered sequence of presences and absences that each species contributes to an assemblage time series. We applied this framework to 14,434 species trajectories comprising 280 assemblages of temperate marine fishes surveyed annually for 20 or more years.

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It is critical that health service evaluation frameworks include Aboriginal people and their cultural worldviews from design to implementation. During a large participatory action research study, Elders, service leaders and Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal researchers co-designed evaluation tools to test the efficacy of a previously co-designed engagement framework. Through a series of co-design workshops, tools were built using innovative collaborative processes that foregrounded Aboriginal worldviews.

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With the number of aesthetic soft tissue filler treatments rapidly increasing, we have witnessed an increase in complications associated with such treatments. While rare, abscesses can arise as a result of these treatments, and current detailed guidelines do not exist detailing exactly how to manage them. Our aim was to develop evidence-based and experience-based guidelines on how to, specifically, manage abscesses secondary to hyaluronic acid dermal fillers.

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The clade dynamics of marine animals have changed markedly over the Phanerozoic. Long-term diversification is associated with decreasing origination and extinction rates, and with increasing taxon longevity. Here we use the diversification trajectories of skeletal non-colonial marine families to infer the mechanisms that generated these trends.

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Background: Tear trough (TT) treatment with hyaluronic acid soft tissue fillers is an increasingly popular aesthetic procedure. The traditional needle technique is cited many times in the literature with no studies looking at the results, complications and satisfaction rate with the use of the cannula device instead. The aims of this study are to describe the experience of 4 aesthetic doctors in the treatment of TT deformity and assess complications and side effects, overall satisfaction and improvement.

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The late Ediacaran witnessed an increase in metazoan diversity and ecological complexity, marking the inception of the Cambrian Explosion. To constrain the drivers of this diversification, we combine redox and nutrient data for two shelf transects, with an inventory of biotic diversity and distribution from the Nama Group, Namibia (~550 to ~538 Million years ago; Ma). Unstable marine redox conditions characterised all water depths in inner to outer ramp settings from ~550 to 547 Ma, when the first skeletal metazoans appeared.

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The unprecedented diversifications in the fossil record of the early Palaeozoic (541-419 million years ago) increased both within-sample (α) and global (γ) diversity, generating considerable ecological complexity. Faunal difference (β diversity), including spatial heterogeneity, is thought to have played a major role in early Palaeozoic marine diversification, although α diversity is the major determinant of γ diversity through the Phanerozoic. Drivers for this Phanerozoic shift from β to α diversity are not yet resolved.

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