Organic field-effect transistors (OFETs) are gaining popularity for detecting volatile organic compounds (VOCs) due to their ability to provide versatile, multiparameter measurements and signal amplification.
However, false readings can undermine their effectiveness and lead to output errors during gas-sensing.
This study clarifies how VOC adsorption affects OFET performance, highlighting the source-drain current as the key parameter for high responsivity and establishing guidelines for improved measurements in gas-sensing applications.
A source-drain electrode using a MoO interfacial modification layer (IML) can improve organic thin-film transistors (OTFTs) but risks device instability due to MoO diffusion into organic materials.
To mitigate this issue, a multilayered interface contact (MIC) design is proposed that includes an organic buffer layer (OBL) to prevent MoO diffusion while maintaining low contact resistance.
The study analyzes the effects of various organic compounds as buffer layers and establishes key parameters, like the Fick coefficient, to guide future material selection for more stable OTFTs.