Publications by authors named "Pelagia Kyriakidou"

Isobaric labeling has the promise of combining high sample multiplexing with precise quantification. However, normalization issues and the missing value problem of complete -plexes hamper quantification across more than one -plex. Here, we introduce two novel algorithms implemented in MaxQuant that substantially improve the data analysis with multiple -plexes.

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Despite the widespread adoption of organoids as biomimetic tissue models, methods to comprehensively analyze cell-type-specific post-translational modification (PTM) signaling networks in organoids are absent. Here, we report multivariate single-cell analysis of such networks in organoids and organoid cocultures. Simultaneous analysis by mass cytometry of 28 PTMs in >1 million single cells derived from small intestinal organoids reveals cell-type- and cell-state-specific signaling networks in stem, Paneth, enteroendocrine, tuft and goblet cells, as well as enterocytes.

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Background: Phosphorylation is the most frequent post-translational modification made to proteins and may regulate protein activity as either a molecular digital switch or a rheostat. Despite the cornucopia of high-throughput (HTP) phosphoproteomic data in the last decade, it remains unclear how many proteins are phosphorylated and how many phosphorylation sites (p-sites) can exist in total within a eukaryotic proteome. We present the first reliable estimates of the total number of phosphoproteins and p-sites for four eukaryotes (human, mouse, Arabidopsis, and yeast).

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