Publications by authors named "Pei-zeng Yang"

Aim: To explore the association of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the gene region with the susceptibility to Behcet's disease (BD) in a Chinese Han population.

Methods: A total of eight SNPs in the candidate gene region (rs11792633, rs7025417, rs10975519 and rs1048274 in ; rs2310220, rs12712142, rs13424006 and rs3821204 in ) were genotyped in783 BD patients and 701 healthy controls by the Sequenom Mass Array iPLEX platform.

Results: A statistically significant association was observed between rs12712142 and BD patients.

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Uveitis is a group of common eye disease and is one of the major causes of blindness worldwide. Corticosteroids and immunosuppressive agents are commonly used for the treatment of uveitis. However, long-term application of these drugs frequently lead to numerous side effects.

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Diagnosis of uveitis based on etiologies and entities is essential for the treatment of the uveitis patients. A careful and meticulous inquiry about history may provide important clue to the diagnosis. Careful and detailed clinical ocular examinations allow us to make a correct diagnosis in most uveitis patients.

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Great achievements have been obtained in the studies on the pathogenesis of uveitis during recent years. However, the cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in the anterior chamber associated immune deviation, the development of autoimmune response and uveitis following infections are still not completely understood. The reason as to why there is a big difference concerning the clinical process between human uveitis and its counterpart, uveitis induced in animal, is expected to be investigated.

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Aim: To investigate whether CD4(+)CD25(+) regulatory T (Treg) cells play a role in the development of anterior chamber-associated immune deviation (ACAID).

Methods: The dynamic changes in the frequency of CD4(+)CD25(+) T cells, CD4(+)CD25(+) FoxP3(+) T cells and CD4(+)CD25(+) PD-1(+) T cells from spleens of mice with ACAID were analyzed by flow cytometry. Foxp3 mRNA expression in purified CD4(+)CD25(+) T cells was analyzed using real-time PCR.

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Uveitis has become an intensive study area and great achievements have been obtained during recent years. Uveitis study team in China has become one of the most productive uveitis study groups in the world. Ophthalmologists in China have addressed the clinical patterns and characteristics of uveitis in China.

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The present paper addresses the changes of clinical pattern and etiological factors in uveitis in China. Behçet's disease and Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome have been shown to be the two most common and the most severe sight-threatening uveitis entities in China. Uveitis or endophthalmitis caused by tuberculosis, syphilis, fungi and acquired immune deficiency syndrome has increased in frequency during recent years.

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Objective: To study the expression and possible implication of programmed death 1 (PD-1) and its ligands in the iris-ciliary body from mice with anterior chamber-associated immune deviation (ACAID).

Methods: This was an experimental study. Twenty-four BALB/c mice were divided into ACAID group, negative controls, positive controls and phosphate-buffer saline controls.

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It has been proposed that a few kinds of autoantigens imitate the development of autoimmune uveitis while the immunodominant epitopes of these antigens have not been identified. Researches on retinal S-antigen and interphotoreceptor retinoid-binding protein as well as tyrosinase-related protein epitopes mapping have shown that each autoantigen contains several immunopathogenic epitopes and immunogenic epitopes and that the immunopathogenic sites are not coincident with the immunogenic epitopes. The reactivity of peripheral blood mononuclear cells from uveitis patients against each autoantigenic epitopes displays high heterogeneity.

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Background: T-cell receptor (TCR) plays an important role in the development of autoimmune diseases. Recently, it was reported that immunization of animals with TCR peptide derived from the pathogenic cells could prevent autoimmune diseases. The aim of this study was to investigate whether vaccination with a synthetic peptide from the hypervariable region of TCR V(beta) 8.

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Aim: To explore the effect of cyclosporine A (CsA) on the production of IFN-gamma by murine splenocytes after stimulation with different reagents.

Methods: Mouse splenocytes were prepared and cultured with anti-CD3 mAb alone, anti-CD3 mAb plus anti-CD28 mAb or anti-CD3 mAb plus IL-12, in the presence or absence of different concentrations of CsA. After stimulating for 3 days, the content of INF-gamma in the culture supernatant was assayed by ELISA.

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[Advances in uveitis study].

Zhonghua Yan Ke Za Zhi

December 2005

Uveitis is one of the important causes of blindness in the world. Uveitis has been generally defined as the inflammation occurring in the intraocular tissues. The causes and entities of uveitis have changed over time.

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Background: Anterior chamber associated immune deviation (ACAID) is characterized by a Th2 cell response. GATA-3 has been shown to be necessary for the activation of Th2 cells. This study was designed to examine the expression of GATA-3 in the development of ACAID.

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Objective: To address the problems present in the treatment of uveitis.

Methods: A retrospective analysis was made on 154 patients (268 eyes) with different entities of uveitis, coming from all over China and referring to Zhongshan ophthalmic center from April to October of 2000. The data of these patients, especially with respect to the usage of corticosteroids and antibiotics in the referred hospitals, were analyzed.

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Uveitis is one of the most important causes of blindness throughout the world. Its etiology and pathogenesis are rather complicated and have not been well understood. Chinese ophthalmologists have paid much attention to the studies on the pathogenesis, treatment and prevention of uveitis and great achievement has been obtained during recent years.

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Objective: To investigate the clinical features, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of uveitis associated with ankylosing spondylitis (AS).

Methods: A history about low back pain was carefully reviewed in patients with uveitis and X-ray examination was performed if necessary. Forty-four patients were diagnosed as AS from January 1996 to June 2001 in Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center according to the modified New York criteria for AS.

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Objective: To investigate the clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of uveitis associated with juvenile chronic arthritis (JCA).

Methods: A retrospective study was performed on the clinical data of 26 patients with uveitis associated with JCA, referred to Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center from 1996 to 2002. Taking of history, examination with slit-lamp microscope and ophthalmoscope were carefully performed in all of these patients.

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Objective: To determine the effect of anterior chamber associated immune deviation (ACAID) on endotoxin-induced uveitis (EIU) and the possible mechanism.

Methods: ACAID animal model was induced by injection of 5 microl IRBP (10 microg/microl) into the anterior chamber (AC) of Spar-Dawley (SD) rats. Then 200 microg LPS was injected into hind footpads at different time points after AC inoculation.

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Objective: To quantify aqueous flare and cells in the eyes of patients with inflammation of anterior uvea by FC-2000 laser flare cell meter (LFCM), and to compare these results with those obtained with slit lamp microscopy.

Methods: Aqueous flare and cells of 194 eyes of 110 patients with inflammation of anterior uvea and 52 eyes of 52 healthy subjects were graded into 0, 1+, 2+, 3+ and 4 + scale based on a previously described system using slit lamp microscopy. LFCM was also used for evaluation of aqueous flare and cells.

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Objective: To evaluate the expression of Fas and FasL messenger RNA (mRNA) in peripheral blood lymphocytes and its possible role in the pathogenesis of Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome.

Methods: Blood samples were obtained from 16 patients with Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome and 19 healthy individuals from January to June, 2000. Total RNA was extracted from peripheral blood lymphocytes.

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Objective: To investigate the changes of the GATA-3 expression and development of anterior chamber associated immune deviation (ACAID) after anterior chamber (AC) injection of interphotoreceptor retinoid binding protein (IRBP) under ocular inflammation.

Methods: ACAID was induced by injection of IRBP into the AC of 30 Spar-Dawley (SD) rats. Then the animals were divided into -4 days group, -24 hours group, 0 hour group, 3 days group, and 7 days group according to the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) injection 4 days and 24 hours before, or 0 hour, 3 days and 7 days after IRBP inoculation respectively.

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