The Criança Feliz (Happy Child) parenting program is a home visiting intervention serving over a million low-income Brazilian families. The current study assessed its longitudinal associations with maternal and child speech and gestures in a subsample (n = 145) from the program's impact evaluation research. We performed a between-participants pragmatic randomized trial.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjectives: This study aims to establish cut-off points for lipid accumulation product and tri-ponderal mass index to identify insulin resistance (IR) in Brazilian postpubertal adolescents.
Methods: We conducted an analysis of postpubertal adolescents enrolled in the national school-based cross-sectional study of cardiovascular risks in adolescents (ERICA-BRAZIL) from February 2013 to November 2014. IR was defined by homeostatic model assessment index for IR values ≥2.
Background: The present study aimed to describe the dietary patterns of a population from Brazil and another from Colombia with respect to understanding their determinants, similarities and differences.
Methods: An analytical cross-sectional study was conducted based on secondary data. The dietary patterns of the adult population of Pernambuco, Brazil, as well as those of the adult population of Antioquia, Colombia, were analysed using principal component analysis method with orthogonal varimax rotation, and a Poisson regression with robust variance was used to verify the association between eating patterns and socio-economic variables.
J Pediatr (Rio J)
November 2023
Objective: To verify the influence of low birth weight and rapid postnatal weight gain and associated factors on blood pressure in adolescence in a population of low socioeconomic status, considering that injuries occur in the perinatal period can be predictors of future metabolic changes and are still poorly explored.
Methods: A cohort study was carried out with 208 adolescents, 78 born with low weight and 130 born with appropriate weight. The infants were followed up during the first six postnatal months and reassessed at 8 and 18 years of age.
Background: Young children residing in rural areas of low-and-middle income countries (LMICs) such as Brazil are at greater risk of obesity and related chronic health conditions. Yet, the extent to which rural preschool children from Brazil aged 3- to 6-years meet the World Health Organisation (WHO) 24-hour movement guidelines is unknown. Parents play a central role in the development of children's movement behaviors with logistic support, co-participation, modelling, and setting rules and limits recognized as influential parenting practices.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHealth Place
September 2022
Children from low-middle income countries (LMIC) are disproportionately affected by obesity, and low physical activity (PA) and high screen time (ST) are major contributors. Parents are key influencers on children's PA and ST, yet, no study has investigated relationships between parenting practices and children's PA and ST in LMIC families. This study examined parental influences on PA and ST among preschool-aged children from low-income families in Brazil.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPLoS One
April 2022
The aim of the present study was to determine associations between biological and behavioral factors in early life and food consumption in Brazilian adolescents. The sample was composed of 36,956 adolescents (12-17 years of age) who participated in the "Study of Cardiovascular Risk in Adolescents". Sociodemographic, biological, and behavioral variables were collected using questionnaires self-administered by the adolescents.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Childhood obesity has increased remarkably in low and middle-income (LMIC) countries. Movement behaviors (physical activity, screen time, and sleep) are crucial in the development of overweight and obesity in young children. Yet, few studies have investigated the relationship between children's movement behaviors and parenting practices because validated measures for use among families from LMIC are lacking.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Living in a shelter is an adverse experience that generates toxic stress. This situation can cause the dysregulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and exert a negative impact on health.The aim of the present study was to determine the association between toxic stress and social, clinical and nutritional characteristics in children at welfare institutions in a city of northeastern of Brazil.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBMC Public Health
July 2020
Background: Globally, childhood immunization saves the lives of 2-3 million children annually by protecting them against vaccine-preventable diseases. In 2017, 116.2 million children were vaccinated worldwide according to the World Health Organization.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: To investigate whether pre-gestational obesity interferes with the duration of breast-feeding.
Design: A cross-sectional study was carried out with a population-based probabilistic sample. The dependent variables were exclusive breast-feeding (EBF) and breast-feeding (BF), as defined by the WHO.
Objective: The present review aimed to examine the association of eating frequency with body weight or body composition in adults of both sexes.
Design: PubMed, EMBASE and Scopus databases were searched. PRISMA and MOOSE protocols were followed.
Matern Child Nutr
October 2017
Home fortification with multiple micronutrient powder (MNP) is effective in the prevention of anemia in young children. However, the impact on their vitamin A status remains controversial. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of MNP on vitamin A status in young Brazilian children.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFOBJECTIVE To analyze if the nutritional status of children aged less than five years is related to the biological conditions of their mothers, environmental and socioeconomic factors, and access to health services and social programs.METHODS This cross-sectional population-based study analyzed 664 mothers and 790 children using canonical correlation analysis. Dependent variables were characteristics of the children (weight/age, height/age, BMI/age, hemoglobin, and retinol serum levels).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCien Saude Colet
September 2015
In order to assess the incompleteness in filling out death certificates (DC) in the regional health offices of the State of Pernambuco a descriptive study was conducted on data for infant mortality information on deaths of children under one year of age in the municipalities of Pernambuco in the 1999-2001 and 2009-2011 threeyear periods. The percentage of incompleteness was based on the blank/unknown responses in the DCs per regional health office and the proportional variation rate of incompleteness between the two periods. It was observed that the filling out of information did not show a well-defined pattern per office, with a reduction in incompleteness occurring for most variables, though the sex, age and place of occurrence of death variables alone revealed ≤ 5% incompleteness in the second term of study, which was considered excellent in terms of the Romero and Cunha scores.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCien Saude Colet
August 2015
The scope of this paper was to evaluate the influence of breastfeeding and other factors on the incidence of hospitalization and the frequency and main causes of hospitalization in children under two years of age in the State of Pernambuco. It is a cross-sectional, descriptive-analytical study using secondary data obtained from the II and III State Health and Nutrition Surveys (PESN) carried out in 1997 and 2006, respectively. A sample of 1503 infants under two years of age was studied.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective:: To present the conceptual foundations that explain how events occurring during intrauterine life may influence body development, emphasizing the interrelation between low birth weight and risk of obesity throughout life.
Data Sources:: Google Scholar, Library Scientific Electronic Online (SciELO), EBSCO, Scopus, and PubMed were the databases. “Catch-up growth”, “life course health”, “disease”, “child”, “development”, “early life”, “perinatal programming”, “epigenetics”, “breastfeeding”, “small baby syndrome”, “phenotype”, “micronutrients”, “maternal nutrition”, “obesity”, and “adolescence” were isolated or associated keywords for locating reviews and epidemiological, intervention and experimental studies published between 1934 and 2014, with complete texts in Portuguese and English.
Rev Bras Epidemiol
December 2016
Introduction: Despite the scientific consensus on the benefits that breastfeeding provides for the mother, the baby, the family and the environment, and also the recommendation to breastfeed exclusively for six months, this practice is far from being achieved.
Objective: To analyze the factors associated with exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) for at least six month, as opposed to weaning up to the second month of life in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil.
Methods: A case-control study of 124 cases (EBF for at least six months) matched for age and sex with 248 controls (weaning up to the second month of life).
Cien Saude Colet
July 2014
The scope of this paper was to describe and analyze the practice of breastfeeding in children under five years of age in the state of Pernambuco, in 2006 in accordance with birth weight. It involved a cross-sectional study with a sample of 1,595 children. The chi square test was used to examine bivariate associations and Poisson regression was applied for multivariate adjustment of conditioning factors to exclusive breastfeeding > 4 months, according to birth weight.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: This study assessed the influence of breastfeeding and nutritional status of full-term infants on blood pressure at school age.
Subjects And Methods: This was a cross-sectional study nested in a cohort of 375 infants recruited at birth between 1993 and 1994 in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil. A sample of 213 8-year-old children had their blood pressure measured.
The prevalence and risk factors associated with vitamin A deficiency (VAD) were analyzed in 664 mothers and their 790 children under the age of five in Pernambuco in 2006. A population-based cross-sectional study, with a representative sample in urban and rural areas was conducted. VAD was defined as serum retinol levels < 20 mg/dL for both groups (mothers and children).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: To investigate the prevalence of overweight and its association with socioeconomic, biological, and maternal factors in children under 5 years of age in the semiarid region of the state of Alagoas.
Methods: This was a cross-sectional study with a representative sample. We evaluated child variables (excess weight, sex, birth weight, prematurity, duration of breastfeeding, and origin) and mother variables (excess weight, central obesity, income, education, and smoking during pregnancy).
Objective: To analyse the trends and factors associated with anaemia in 6- to 59-month-old children in Northeast Brazil.
Design: Cross-sectional study assessed information from the second and third Pernambuco State Health and Nutrition Surveys carried out in 1997 and 2006. A multiple regression analysis was performed from a conceptual model addressing biological and socio-economic factors, housing and sanitation conditions, maternal factors, health care and nutrition, consumption, morbidity and nutritional status.