Objective: Elevated serum uric acid is commonly observed in women with preeclampsia, but its utility in predicting adverse outcomes has recently been disputed. Our goal was to analyze data from a large cohort of women with preeclampsia to determine the utility of serum uric acid in predicting adverse maternal and perinatal outcomes.
Methods: Data were obtained from an ongoing international prospective study of women admitted to hospital with preeclampsia (Pre-eclampsia Integrated Estimate of RiSk).
JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr
November 2014
Background: Drug shortages, including parenteral nutrition (PN) product shortages, continue to increase and have a significant impact on healthcare. The extent to which product shortages affect bowel recovery and outcomes in patients receiving PN is unknown. The objective of this study is to examine the impact of extensive PN product shortages on patients receiving PN after laparotomy for bowel obstruction.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci
March 2016
Objectives: We examined the degree to which online sentence processing and offline sentence memory differed among older adults who showed risk for amnestic and nonamnestic varieties of mild cognitive impairment (MCI), based on psychometric classification.
Method: Participants (N = 439) read a series of sentences in a self-paced word-by-word reading paradigm for subsequent recall and completed a standardized cognitive test battery. Participants were classified into 3 groups: unimpaired controls (N = 281), amnestic MCI (N = 94), or nonamnestic MCI (N = 64).
Mice deficient in TMEM218 (Tmem218(-/-) ) were generated as part of an effort to identify and validate pharmaceutically tractable targets for drug development through large-scale phenotypic screening of knockout mice. Routine diagnostics, expression analysis, histopathology, and electroretinogram analyses completed on Tmem218(-/-) mice identified a previously unknown role for TMEM218 in the development and function of the kidney and eye. The major observed phenotypes in Tmem218(-/-) mice were progressive cystic kidney disease and retinal degeneration.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: Recent research indicates that subjective socioeconomic status (SES) – the perception of one's own SES compared with other people – is an important predictor of cancer-related health outcomes. Subjective SES may function as a psychosocial mechanism by which objective SES affects health, well-being, and, more broadly, quality of life among cancer survivors. This study tested whether the association between objective SES and indicators of quality of life was mediated by subjective SES in a sample of cancer survivors who had undergone hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations cause neurological and multisystem disease. Somatic (acquired) mtDNA mutations are also associated with degenerative diseases and with normal human ageing. It is well established that certain nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NRTI) antiretroviral drugs cause inhibition of the mtDNA polymerase, pol γ, leading to a reduction in mtDNA content (depletion).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe objective of this study was to identify intra-farm risk factors that affected the colonization with Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae at weaning age. Three farrow-to-wean farms were visited at least 5 times each. An average of 54 piglets were sampled at each visit and assayed by means of real-time PCR in nasal swabs.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol
August 2014
Objective: The internally validated fullPIERS model predicts adverse maternal outcomes in women with pre-eclampsia within 48h after eligibility. Our objective was to assess generalizability of this prediction model.
Study Design: External validation study using prospectively collected data from two tertiary care obstetric centers.
We report a secondary data analysis investigating age differences in the effects of clause and sentence wrap-up on reading time distributions during sentence comprehension. Residual word-by-word self-paced reading times were fit to the ex-Gaussian distribution to examine age differences in the effects of clause and sentence wrap-up on both the location and shape of participants' reaction time (RT) distributions. The ex-Gaussian distribution showed good fit to the data in both younger and older adults.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMassively parallel resequencing of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) has led to significant advances in the study of heteroplasmic mtDNA variants in health and disease, but confident resolution of very low-level variants (<2% heteroplasmy) remains challenging due to the difficulty in distinguishing signal from noise at this depth. However, it is likely that such variants are precisely those of greatest interest in the study of somatic (acquired) mtDNA mutations. Previous approaches to this issue have included the use of controls such as phage DNA and mtDNA clones, both of which may not accurately recapitulate natural mtDNA.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: Polymerase gamma (POLG) mutations are a common cause of mitochondrial disease and have also been linked to neurodegeneration and aging. We studied the molecular mechanisms underlying POLG-related neurodegeneration using postmortem tissue from a large number of patients.
Methods: Clinical information was available from all subjects.
Background: Pregnant and postpartum women with severe hypertension are at increased risk of stroke and require blood pressure (BP) reduction. Parenteral antihypertensives have been most commonly studied, but oral agents would be ideal for use in busy and resource-constrained settings.
Objectives: To review systematically, the effectiveness of oral antihypertensive agents for treatment of severe pregnancy/postpartum hypertension.
While there is evidence that knowledge influences understanding of health information, less is known about the processing mechanisms underlying this effect and its impact on memory. We used the moving window paradigm to examine how older adults varying in domain-general crystallised ability (verbal ability) and health knowledge allocate attention to understand health and domain-general texts. Participants (n = 107, age: 60-88 years) read and recalled single sentences about hypertension and about non-health topics.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDespite being a canonical presenting feature of mitochondrial disease, the genetic basis of progressive external ophthalmoplegia remains unknown in a large proportion of patients. Here we show that mutations in SPG7 are a novel cause of progressive external ophthalmoplegia associated with multiple mitochondrial DNA deletions. After excluding known causes, whole exome sequencing, targeted Sanger sequencing and multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification analysis were used to study 68 adult patients with progressive external ophthalmoplegia either with or without multiple mitochondrial DNA deletions in skeletal muscle.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: To review systematically the magnesium sulphate (MgSO4) dosing regimens tested in low and middle income countries (LMICs) for women with preeclampsia (prevention) and/or eclampsia (treatment).
Data Sources: We searched Medline, EMBASE, IPA, CINAHL, CDSR, and CENTRAL databases for relevant English language publications.
Study Selection: Our search yielded 753 publications, of which 26 (10 randomized controlled trials and 16 observational studies) evaluated MgSO4 for preeclampsia and/or eclampsia in World Bank-classified LMICs.
Implicit attitudes have been suggested as a key to unlock the hidden preferences of undecided voters. Past research, however, offered mixed support for this hypothesis. The present research used a large nationally representative sample and a longitudinal design to examine the predictive utility of implicit and explicit attitude measures in the 2008 U.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe present direct experimental evidence for position-dependent diffusion in open random media. The interference of light in time-reversed paths results in renormalization of the diffusion coefficient, which varies spatially. To probe the wave transport inside the system, we fabricate two-dimensional disordered waveguides and monitor the light intensity from the third dimension.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFModern anti-retroviral therapy is highly effective at suppressing viral replication and restoring immune function in HIV-infected persons. However, such individuals show reduced physiological performance and increased frailty compared with age-matched uninfected persons. Contemporary anti-retroviral therapy is thought to be largely free from neuromuscular complications, whereas several anti-retroviral drugs previously in common usage have been associated with mitochondrial toxicity.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInt J Offender Ther Comp Criminol
June 2015
The use of community corrections continues to grow across the globe as alternatives to incarceration are sought. Little research attention, however, has been directed at correctional alternatives from a global orientation. The purpose of this research study is to compare the way that a sample of criminal justice students from the United States (n = 118) and Bosnia and Herzegovina (n = 133) perceive electronic monitoring.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDiscriminatory experiences are not only momentarily distressing, but can also increase risk for lasting physical and psychological problems. Specifically, significantly higher rates of depression and depressive symptoms are reported among people who are frequently the target of prejudice. Given the gravity of this problem, this research focuses on an individual difference, trait mindfulness, as a protective factor in the association between discrimination and depressive symptoms.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFElder abuse is a multifaceted problemthat requires interdisciplinary prevention and intervention strategies. An important question that arises is whether professionals are adequately prepared to address elder abuse in this collaborative network. Unfortunately, no studies have been conducted to assess the varying levels of knowledge that preprofessionals enrolled in university courses possess with regard to elder abuse.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEpisodic memory shows substantial declines with advancing age, but research on longitudinal trajectories of spoken discourse memory (SDM) in older adulthood is limited. Using parallel process latent growth curve models, we examined 10 years of longitudinal data from the no-contact control group (N = 698) of the Advanced Cognitive Training for Independent and Vital Elderly (ACTIVE) randomised controlled trial in order to test (1) the degree to which SDM declines with advancing age, (2) the predictors of these age-related declines and (3) the within-person relationship between longitudinal changes in SDM and longitudinal changes in fluid reasoning and verbal ability over 10 years, independent of age. Individuals who were younger, were White, had more years of formal education, were male and had better global cognitive function and episodic memory performance at baseline demonstrated greater levels of SDM on average.
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