Publications by authors named "Pavel Demo"

Presented paper deals with a novel application of the (nonlinear) logistic equation to model an elimination of microscopic filaments types of fungi-molds from affected materials via different external inactivation techniques. It is shown that if the inactivation rate of the external source is greater than the maximum natural growth rate of mycelium, the mold colony becomes destroyed after a finite time. Otherwise, the mycelium may survive the external attack only at a sufficiently large initial concentration of the inoculum.

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Aim: The main objective of the study was to develop and validate a model for the growth of Aspergillus brasiliensis on surfaces, specifically on agar culture medium. An additional aim was to determine conditions for complete growth inhibition of this micromycete using two different nonthermal plasma (NTP) sources.

Methods And Results: The developed model uses two key parameters, namely the growth rate and growth delay, which depend on the cultivation temperature and the amount of inoculum.

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This study describes an integrated NH3 sensor based on a hydrogenated nanocrystalline diamond (NCD)-sensitive layer coated on an interdigitated electrode structure. The gas sensing properties of the sensor structure were examined using a reducing gas (NH3) at room temperature and were found to be dependent on the electrode arrangement. A pronounced response of the sensor, which was comprised of dense electrode arrays (of 50 µm separation distance), was observed.

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Kinetic equations describing nucleation on active centers are solved numerically to determine the number of supercritical nuclei, nucleation rate, and the number density of nuclei for formation both of droplets from vapor and also crystalline phase from vapor, solution, and melt. Our approach follows standard nucleation model, when the exhaustion of active centers is taken into account via the boundary condition, and thus no additional equation (expressing exhaustion of active centers) is needed. Moreover, we have included into our model lowering of supersaturation of a mother phase as a consequence of the phase transition process within a confined volume.

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Kinetic equations describing temporal evolution of the size distribution of crystalline nuclei of folded chain polyethylene on active centers are solved numerically. Basic characteristics of nucleation processes (the total number of supercritical nuclei and the size distribution of nuclei) are determined and compared with the experimental data. It is shown that even though the total number of supercritical nuclei coincides with the experimental data, the size distribution prediction fails.

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This work deals with the nucleation of crystals in confined systems in response to the recent high interest in research on crystallization in emulsion and microemulsion droplets. In these confined systems, crystallization often occurs at high supercooling; thus, nucleation determines the overall crystallization process. A decrease in the volume of the confined mother phase leads to the higher supercooling needed for the phase transition.

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The formation of nuclei of a new phase from the supersaturated mother phase in a closed system is studied. The depletion of the mother phase due to phase transition is taken into account. Basic kinetic equations describing such process are solved numerically to determine the number density of nuclei of newly forming phase and nucleation rate.

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Kinetic equations describing homogeneous nucleation kinetics within standard model are solved numerically under the condition of a constant number of molecules in the considered system. It has consequences to decrease the supersaturation of the supersaturated vapor during the process of the formation of small droplets of a new phase. The decrease of supersaturation occurs in a short time and reaches some value which remains unchanged for a relatively long time (quasistationary regime), especially at lower initial supersaturations.

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Kinetic equations describing formation of nuclei of a new phase on active centers from supercooled melt taking into account exhaustion of active centers are solved numerically. Basic characteristics of nucleation process (total number of nuclei and nucleation rate) of folded chain crystals of polyethylene at low supercooling are determined and compared with measured data. Our model gives good coincidence with experimental measurements of the total number density of nuclei.

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