A pot culture experiment with nine treatments and three separate replications was established in a completely randomized design (CRD). It was evaluated at Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya (Agricultural University) in Mohanpur, WB, India, for 2 years in a row from January to June in 2021 and 2022. The experiment comprising nine bioformulation treatments, namely, T: recommended dose of fertilizer (RDF, 20 t FYM + 75:75:50 kg NPK ha), T: farmyard manure (FYM) @ 20 t ha, T: T + 3% panchagavya, T: T + 6% panchagavya, T: T + 9% panchagavya, T: T + 5% jeevamrutha, T: T + 7.
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