Background/objectives: Septic Surgery Center (SSC) patients are at a particularly high risk of protein-energy malnutrition (PEM), with a prevalence of 35-85% found in various studies. Previous collaboration between our hospital's SSC and its Clinical Nutrition Team (CNT) only focussed on patients with severe PEM. This study aimed to determine whether it was possible to improve the quality of nutritional care in septic surgery patients with help of a nutritional policy using the Nutritional Risk Score (NRS).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFNutrition is central in pediatric care : essential for growth and development, it plays also a role in the prevention of many diseases.Even if breastfeeding is highly recommended, its implementation may be difficult in particular for premature and ill newborns. The creation of a specific unit for breastfeeding support in neonatology allows to help mothers willing to nurse and to improve the rate of breastfeeding for these vulnerable infants.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground & Aims: Undernutrition is associated with increased hospital costs. Whether these increased costs are totally compensated by third payer systems has not been assessed. We aimed to assess the differences between actual and reimbursed hospital costs according to presence/absence of nutritional risk, defined by a Nutritional risk screening-2002 (NRS-2002) score ≥3.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground/aims: The aim of the current study was to assess the postoperative evolution of nutritional status and to relate it with postoperative outcomes.
Methods: Demographic, surgical and nutritional parameters were assessed 10 days preoperatively (d-10) and 30 days postoperatively (d30) in 146 patients. Risk factors responsible for perioperative (>5% between d-10 and d30) weight loss were identified.
Objective: Despite the high prevalence of malnutrition in the general inpatient population, there is a lack of knowledge in regard to detecting disease-related malnutrition and implementing nutritional support. Our aim was to suggest practical procedures for screening and treating malnourished or at-risk patients hospitalized in medical wards, thereby fostering a straightforward implementation of nutritional therapy independent of the underlying disease and comorbidities.
Methods: A working group of experts in clinical nutrition selected and analyzed published disease-specific European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism (ESPEN) guidelines relevant for our aim.
Background. Surgical stress during major surgery may be related to adverse clinical outcomes and early quantification of stress response would be useful to allow prompt interventions. The aim of this study was to evaluate the acute phase protein albumin in the context of the postoperative stress response.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: To study the 'metabolic profile' of different surgical procedures and correlate it with pertinent surgical details and postoperative complications.
Methods: We conducted a prospective pilot study of 70 patients, ten for each of the seven following groups: (1) laparoscopic cholecystectomy, (2) incisional hernia repair, (3) laparoscopic and (4) open colon surgery, (5) upper gastrointestinal, (6) hepatic, and (7) pancreatic resections. Biochemical assessment included white blood cell count (WBC), C-reactive protein (CRP), glucose, triglycerides (TG), albumin (Alb), and pre-albumin (Pre-Alb), from the day before surgery until 5 days thereafter.
Background: The aim of the current study was to assess whether widely used nutritional parameters are correlated with the nutritional risk score (NRS-2002) to identify postoperative morbidity and to evaluate the role of nutritionists in nutritional assessment.
Methods: A randomized trial on preoperative nutritional interventions (NCT00512213) provided the study cohort of 152 patients at nutritional risk (NRS-2002 ≥3) with a comprehensive phenotyping including diverse nutritional parameters (n=17), elaborated by nutritional specialists, and potential demographic and surgical (n=5) confounders. Risk factors for overall, severe (Dindo-Clavien 3-5) and infectious complications were identified by univariate analysis; parameters with P<0.
Background: The Nutritional Risk Score (NRS) is a validated tool to identify patients who should benefit of nutritional interventions. Nutritional screening however has not yet been widely adopted by surgeons. Furthermore, the question about reliability of nutritional assessment performed by surgeons is still unanswered.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Fat redistribution, increased inflammation and insulin resistance are prevalent in non-diabetic subjects treated with maintenance dialysis. The aim of this study was to test whether pioglitazone, a powerful insulin sensitizer, alters body fat distribution and adipokine secretion in these subjects and whether it is associated with improved insulin sensitivity.
Trial Design: This was a double blind cross-over study with 16 weeks of pioglitazone 45 mg vs placebo involving 12 subjects.
Background: Protein-energy malnutrition is highly prevalent in aged populations. Associated clinical, economic, and social burden is important. A valid screening method that would be robust and precise, but also easy, simple, and rapid to apply, is essential for adequate therapeutic management.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAlthough physical activity is recommended in patients on maintenance hemodialysis (MHD), randomized controlled trials testing the effects of exercise in this population have given conflicting results. In general, aerobic exercises mostly failed to produce improvements in physical function, whereas resistance exercises, although less studied, appeared to be more promising. The use of sophisticated materials such as leg press and free weights may preclude widespread application of resistance training in patients on MHD.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDocosahexaenoic acid [22:6(n-3)] is enriched in brain membrane phospholipids and essential for brain function. Neurogenesis during embryonic and fetal development requires synthesis of large amounts of membrane phospholipid. We determined whether dietary (n-3) fatty acid deficiency during gestation alters neurogenesis in the embryonic rat brain.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAnorexia is a frequent and complex symptom occurring physiologically in older persons and during acute or chronic pathology. It's an adaptable physiological response to stress. It must be respected as such, as long as it's quickly reversible.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPurpose Of Review: Preoperative nutritional support in severely malnourished patients decreases complications after major surgery. This review summarizes previous studies on head and neck cancer patients undergoing surgery, and offers recommendations on preoperative nutritional support based on the literature and our experience.
Recent Findings: Head and neck cancer has a large impact on the patient's quality of life and a high mortality rate.