Rev Colomb Psiquiatr (Engl Ed)
December 2022
Objective: To determine the working and non-working conditions related to depressive symptoms in informal workers in the centre of Medellín in 2015-2019.
Methods: Cross-sectional study with analytical intention and primary sources of information. Data collection with assisted survey in one of its union headquarters in 2016, after a pilot test and standardisation of pollsters.
Rev Colomb Psiquiatr (Engl Ed)
January 2021
Objective: To determine the working and non-working conditions related to depressive symptoms in informal workers in the centre of Medellín in 2015-2019.
Methods: Cross-sectional study with analytical intention and primary sources of information. Data collection with assisted survey in one of its union headquarters in 2016, after a pilot test and standardisation of pollsters.