Background: To complement voluntary adverse event reporting, which may detect only specific categories of harms and may represent merely a fraction of actual adverse events, the Adventist Health System (AHS) began using the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) Global Trigger Tool (GTT) to more accurately gauge the number, types, and severity levels of adverse events and developed a centralized process to do so uniformly.
Methods: AHS began using the GTT in 2009 in 25 of its 42 hospitals that used a common electronic medical record (EMR). The common EMR and centralized record review enables AHS to apply the GTT uniformly and provides consistency of data collected.
Objective: To evaluate the safety and efficacy of replacing a paper-based protocol with a computer-guided glucose management system (CGMS) for the treatment of postoperative hyperglycemia in the cardiovascular intensive care unit (CVICU).
Methods: With use of a before-and-after analysis, adult patients (≥18 years) discharged from the CVICU and treated with the paper protocol were compared with patients discharged from the CVICU and treated with the CGMS. Of the 1,648 patients analyzed, 991 were in the CGMS group.