The return of Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber) to large areas of Europe represents a conservation success with the current population estimated to be around 1.2 million individuals. Their reintroduction to many areas, including Great Britain, has in some cases been controversial.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTo mitigate the morphological and ecological impacts of direct (e.g. dredging) and indirect (e.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMultiple anthropogenic forces have pushed river ecosystems into undesirable states with no clear understanding of how they should be best managed. The advancement of riverine fish habitat models intended to provide management insights has slowed. Investigations into theoretical and empirical gaps to define habitat more comprehensively across different scales and ecological organizations are crucial in managing the freshwater biodiversity crisis.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAging and many age-related health conditions are associated with skeletal muscle loss. Furthermore, older adults are more susceptible to severe respiratory infections, which can in turn lead to muscle wasting. The mechanisms by which respiratory viral infection can impact skeletal muscle in older adults are not well understood.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTo develop effective technology that employs electric fields to simultaneously guide valued freshwater fish whilst limiting the range expansion of undesirable invasive species, there is a need to quantify the electrosensitivity of multiple families. This experimental study quantified the electrosensitivity of two carp species that, in UK, are invasive (grass carp, , and common carp, ) and compared the values with those previously obtained for adult European eel (), a species of conservation concern in Europe. Electric field strengths (V/cm) required to elicit physiological responses (, and ) were identified across four pulsed direct current (PDC) electric waveforms (single pulse-2 Hz, double pulse-2 Hz, single pulse-3 Hz and double pulse-3 Hz).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: Understanding genetic contributors to sarcopenia (age-related loss of muscle strength and mass) is key to finding effective therapies. Variants of the bradykinin receptor 2 (BDKRB2) have been linked to athletic and muscle performance. The rs1799722-9 and rs5810761 T alleles have been shown to be overrepresented in endurance athletes, possibly due to increased transcriptional rates of the receptor.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis study investigated the influence of group size (individual, groups of five, and 20) on the response of common minnow to visual cues created by vertical black and white stripes over time. The stripes were displayed on a monitor either at one end of an experimental tank, while the other was uniform white, or both ends simultaneously. Reponses were compared with a control (stripes absent).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Imperial College School of Medicine, London UK, introduced a new curriculum in 2019, with a focus on the GMC outcomes for graduates, and pedagogy best practice. The new curriculum included formative assessments, named engagement and feedback assessments (EFAs), to support learning, and attainment in the summative examinations. The aims of this study were to assess the validity of EFAs and to determine whether they have utility as a modified form of programmatic assessment to inform decision-making regarding possible interventions by measuring and analysing attendance at and performance in these formative events.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Ageing is associated with changes in body composition including an overall reduction in muscle mass and a proportionate increase in fat mass. Sarcopenia is characterised by losses in both muscle mass and strength. Body composition and muscle strength are at least in part genetically determined, consequently polymorphisms in pathways important in muscle biology (e.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Angiotensin II (AII), has been suggested to promote muscle loss. Reducing AII synthesis, by inhibiting angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) activity has been proposed as a method to inhibit muscle loss. The LACE clinical trial was designed to determine whether ACE inhibition would reduce further muscle loss in individuals with sarcopenia but suffered from low recruitment and returned a negative result.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEuropean rivers are disconnected by more than one million man-made barriers that physically limit aquatic species migration and contribute to modification of freshwater habitats. Here, a Conceptual Habitat Alteration Model for Ponding is developed to aid in evaluating the effects of impoundments on fish habitats. Fish communities present in rivers with low human impact and their broad environmental settings enable classification of European rivers into 15 macrohabitat types.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe strong association with visual cues exhibited by fish that prefer to inhabit flowing water (rheophilic species) may help reduce the energetic costs of maintaining position due to the provision of spatial points of reference. If this "Station Holding Hypothesis" is true, a positive relationship between the association with visual cues and flow velocity is expected. This hypothesis was tested experimentally by quantifying the response of common minnow (Phoxinus phoxinus) and brown trout (Salmo trutta) to visual cues under three flow velocities.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSarcopenia is an increasingly recognised condition of loss of muscle mass and function. The European Working Group on Sarcopenia in Older People 2 (EWSOP2) updated their definition in 2018, emphasising the importance of low muscle strength in diagnosis. Acute sarcopenia has been arbitrarily defined as sarcopenia lasting less than 6 months.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe decline in European eel (Anguilla anguilla) recruitment over the past half-century is partly due to river infrastructure that delays or blocks upstream migration to rearing habitat. Stimuli, such as electricity, can be used to modify the behaviour of downstream moving fish and guide them to preferred routes of passage at river infrastructure; but research on upstream migrating juvenile eel remains limited. The response of upstream migrating juvenile eel exposed to pulsed direct current (PDC) electric fields was investigated using a recirculatory flume.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Cachexia Sarcopenia Muscle
April 2022
Background: This trial aimed to determine the efficacy of leucine and/or perindopril in improving physical function in older people with sarcopenia.
Methods: Placebo-controlled, parallel group, double-blind, randomized two-by-two factorial trial. We recruited adults aged ≥ 70 years with sarcopenia, defined as low gait speed (<0.
Acoustic bubble curtains have been marketed as relatively low cost and easily maintained behavioural deterrents for fisheries management. Their energy efficiency can be improved by reducing air flow and exploiting bubble resonance. In a series of three flume experiments, we: (1) investigated the reactions of carp to a low air flow bubble curtain, (2) compared the effectiveness of resonant versus non-resonant insonified bubble curtains (for the same volume flux of gas injected through the nozzles) to deter passage, and determined the stimuli responsible for eliciting deterrence, and (3) included the effect of visual cues generated by the bubble curtain.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBisphenol A (BPA) a synthetic, high production volume chemical identified as endocrine disruptor and toxic to reproduction is mainly used in the production of polycarbonate plastics, in epoxy resins, polyvinylchloride, thermal papers as color developer, and is present in a wide range of consumer goods such as food packaging materials, storage containers, and cash receipts. Due to its effects on health and legal restrictions, BPA is increasingly replaced by other bisphenols. In this study, BPA and 13 alternatives including BPS, Bisphenol F (BPF), Bisphenol B (BPB), Bisphenol C (BPC), Bisphenol Z (BPZ), Bisphenol M (BPM), Bisphenol P (BPP), Bisphenol AF (BPAF), Bisphenol FL (BPFL), Bisphenol C12 (BPC12), Tetramethylbisphenol A (tmBPA), 4,4-bisphenol (BP-4,4), and p,p-oxybisphenol were analyzed in thermal paper cash receipts (content) and migration studies were carried out in BPA-free labelled reusable plastic drinking bottles using a sensitive UHPLC-MS/MS method.
View Article and Find Full Text PDF: Despite growing support for the distinction between posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and complex PTSD (CPTSD) as separate diagnoses within the ICD-11 psychiatric taxonomy, the prevalence and treatment implications of CPTSD among current and ex-serving military members have not been established. : The study aims were to a) establish the prevalence of provisional ICD-11 CPTSD diagnosis relative to PTSD in an Australian sample of treatment-seeking current and ex-serving military members, and b) examine the implications of CPTSD diagnosis for intake profile and treatment response. : The study analysed data collected routinely from Australian-accredited treatment programmes for military-related PTSD.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCollective behaviour, such as shoaling in fish, benefits individuals through a variety of activities such as social information exchange and anti-predator defence. Human driven disturbance (e.g.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFArtificial light at night (ALAN) is considered one of the most pervasive forms of environmental pollution. It is an emerging threat to freshwater biodiversity and can influence ecologically important behaviours of fish. The European eel (Anguilla anguilla) is a critically endangered catadromous species that migrates downstream to the ocean to spawn in the Sargasso Sea.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRivers support some of Earth's richest biodiversity and provide essential ecosystem services to society, but they are often fragmented by barriers to free flow. In Europe, attempts to quantify river connectivity have been hampered by the absence of a harmonized barrier database. Here we show that there are at least 1.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Cell replacement therapy (CRT) for Huntington disease (HD) requires a source of striatal (STR) progenitors capable of restoring the function lost due to STR degeneration. Authentic STR progenitors can be collected from the fetal putative striatum, or whole ganglionic eminence (WGE), but these tissues remain impractical for widespread clinical application, and alternative donor sources are required. Here we begin exploring the possibility that induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) derived from WGE may retain an epigenetic memory of their tissue of origin, which could enhance their ability to differentiate into STR cells.
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