Unlabelled: A 44-year-old male presented with sudden onset of severe left arm burning dysesthesia and bilateral leg numbness and weakness for several hours. He denied any recent illnesses or trauma and was previously healthy. His exam showed decreased strength to his left upper extremity, decreased light touch sensation to bilateral lower extremities, and urinary retention.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAlthough the majority of U.S. medical students predominantly apply to only one specialty, some apply to more than one.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWest J Emerg Med
January 2018
Introduction: The emergency medicine (EM) clerkship curriculum at Los Angeles County + University of Southern California Medical Center includes monthly lectures on pediatric fever and shortness of breath (SOB). This educational innovation evaluated if learning could be enhanced by "priming" the students with educational online videos prior to an in-class session. Factors that impacted completion rates were also evaluated (planned specialty and time given for video viewing).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: The flipped classroom model for didactic education has recently gained popularity in medical education; however, there is a paucity of performance data showing its effectiveness for knowledge gain in graduate medical education.
Objective: We assessed whether a flipped classroom module improves knowledge gain compared with a standard lecture.
Methods: We conducted a randomized crossover study in 3 emergency medicine residency programs.
Objectives: Early aggressive intravenous hydration is recommended for acute pancreatitis treatment although randomized trials have not documented benefit. We performed a randomized trial of aggressive vs. standard hydration in the initial management of mild acute pancreatitis.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: Current residency didactic schedules that are built upon hour-long, lecture-based presentations are incongruous with adult learning theory and the needs of millennial generation residents. An alternative to the traditional lecture, the flipped classroom involves viewing a short video lecture at home, followed by an active discussion during class time. This module was developed for emergency medicine residents and rotating medical students without previous training on the subject.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Utilizing the flipped classroom is an opportunity for a more engaged classroom session. This educational approach is theorized to improve learner engagement and retention and allows for more complex learning during class. No studies to date have been conducted in the postgraduate medical education setting investigating the effects of interactive, interpolated questions in preclassroom online video material.
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