Publications by authors named "Paul Abram"

Some species of insects harbour strains of the endosymbiotic bacteria Wolbachia that do not cause obvious reproductive manipulations, and so it is unclear why they persist in host populations. There is some evidence that some of these endosymbionts may provide their hosts with protection against viruses, which would help to explain their persistence, but few studies have explored associations between Wolbachia and naturally occurring, common viruses in natural populations. Here, we asked whether individuals of the invasive vinegar fly Drosophila suzukii infected with the wSuz strain of Wolbachia were less likely to be infected by naturally occurring viruses in its invaded range, in western North America and in Europe.

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The strawberry blossom weevil, Anthonomus rubi (Herbst) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), is native to Europe, Asia, and parts of North Africa, and has recently established in British Columbia, Canada and Washington State, USA. To determine whether any parasitoids in British Columbia parasitize this recently-established pest, A. rubi-infested buds of Rosaceous host plants were collected and reared for parasitoid emergence.

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The release of biological control agents has been an important means of controlling invasive species for over 150 years. While these releases have led to the sustainable control of over 250 invasive pest and weed species worldwide, a minority have caused environmental harm. A growing recognition of the risks of biological control led to a focus on risk assessment beginning in the 1990s along with a precipitous decline in releases.

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Article Synopsis
  • The spotted wing drosophila (Drosophila suzukii) has rapidly spread globally and poses a threat to various fruits due to its unique reproductive methods.
  • Research focuses on the Ganaspis near brasiliensis parasitoids, particularly a lineage called G1, which is more host-specific to D. suzukii compared to others, highlighting the importance of differentiating cryptic species for pest management.
  • Study findings reveal significant genomic and reproductive differences between G1 and another lineage (G3), supporting the decision to introduce only the more effective G1 lineage for controlling the pest in North America and Europe.
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Methods to measure the diversity and biological control impact of parasitoids for the control of spotted-wing drosophila, Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura) (Diptera: Drosophilidae) are being developed in support of biological control programs around the world. Existing methods to determine parasitism levels and parasitoid species composition focus on sampling D. suzukii within fresh and rotting fruit.

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bacteria are maternally inherited symbionts that commonly infect terrestrial arthropods. Many reach high frequencies in their hosts by manipulating their reproduction, for example by causing reproductive incompatibilities between infected male and uninfected female hosts. However, not all strains manipulate reproduction, and a key unresolved question is how these non-manipulative persist in their hosts, often at intermediate to high frequencies.

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AbstractMany animals lay their eggs in clusters. Eggs on the periphery of clusters can be at higher risk of mortality. We asked whether the most commonly occurring clutch sizes in pentatomid bugs could result from geometrical arrangements that maximize the proportion of eggs in the cluster's interior.

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Identifying traits that are associated with success of introduced natural enemies in establishing and controlling pest insects has occupied researchers and biological control practitioners for decades. Unfortunately, consistent general relationships have been difficult to detect, preventing a priori ranking of candidate biological control agents based on their traits. We summarise previous efforts and propose a series of potential explanations for the lack of clear patterns.

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Predicting how much of a host or prey population may be attacked by their natural enemies is fundamental to several subfields of applied ecology, particularly biological control of pest organisms. Hosts or prey can occupy refuges that prevent them from being killed by natural enemies, but habitat or ecological refuges are challenging or impossible to predict in a laboratory setting-which is often where efficacy and specificity testing of candidate biological control agents is done. Here we explore how intraspecific variation in continuous traits of individuals or groups that confer some protection from natural enemy attack-even after the natural enemy has encountered the prey-could provide partial refuges.

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Metabarcoding is revolutionizing fundamental research in ecology by enabling large-scale detection of species and producing data that are rich with community context. However, the benefits of metabarcoding have yet to be fully realized in fields of applied ecology, especially those such as classical biological control (CBC) research that involve hyperdiverse taxa. Here, we discuss some of the opportunities that metabarcoding provides CBC and solutions to the main methodological challenges that have limited the integration of metabarcoding in existing CBC workflows.

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In the face of severe environmental crises that threaten insect biodiversity, new technologies are imperative to monitor both the identity and ecology of insect species. Traditionally, insect surveys rely on manual collection of traps, which provide abundance data but mask the large intra- and interday variations in insect activity, an important facet of their ecology. Although laboratory studies have shown that circadian processes are central to insects' biological functions, from feeding to reproduction, we lack the high-frequency monitoring tools to study insect circadian biology in the field.

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Two species of larval parasitoids of the globally invasive fruit pest, Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae), Leptopilina japonica, and Ganaspis brasiliensis (both Hymenoptera: Figitidae), were detected in British Columbia, Canada in 2016 and 2019, respectively. Both are presumed to have been unintentionally introduced from Asia; however, the extent of their establishment across different habitats with diverse host plants used by D. suzukii was unclear.

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We provide recommendations for sampling and identification of introduced larval parasitoids of spotted-wing drosophila, Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura) (Diptera: Drosophilidae). These parasitoids are either under consideration for importation (aka classical) biological control introductions, or their adventive (presumed to have been accidentally introduced) populations have recently been discovered in North America and Europe. Within the context of the ecology of D.

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The polyphagous invasive brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys, reportedly discriminates among phenological stages of host plants. To determine whether olfaction is involved in host plant stage discrimination, we selected (dwarf) sunflower, Helianthus annuus, as a model host plant species. When adult females of a still-air laboratory experiment were offered a choice of four potted sunflowers at distinct phenological stages (vegetative, pre-bloom, bloom, seeding), most females settled onto blooming plants but oviposited evenly on plants of all four stages.

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Solar ultraviolet radiation (UV) can have a wide range of negative effects on animal fitness that take place not only during, but also after exposure (carryover effects). UV-induced carryover effects and potential adaptations to avoid or mitigate them are understudied in terrestrial animals, including arthropods and their potentially most vulnerable life stages. The spined soldier bug, Podisus maculiventris, increases the emergence of its eggs that are exposed to UV radiation by coating them in sunscreen-like pigmentation, but consequences of these conditions of embryonic development for nymphs and adults are unknown.

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Molecular identification is increasingly used to speed up biodiversity surveys and laboratory experiments. However, many groups of organisms cannot be reliably identified using standard databases such as GenBank or BOLD due to lack of sequenced voucher specimens identified by experts. Sometimes a large number of sequences are available, but with too many errors to allow identification.

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Interactions that shape parasitoid host ranges occur within the context of both host and parasitoid phylogenetic history. While host-associated speciation of parasitoids can lead to increased host specificity, it can also lead to a broadening of host range through radiation onto a new group of host species. In both cases, sister-species of parasitoids may have widely divergent host ranges.

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An effective stockpiling method for egg masses of the invasive brown marmorated stink bug (Halyomorpha halys [Stål]; Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) would be useful for rearing and field studies of its egg parasitoid Trissolcus japonicus (Ashmead) (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae). The current method of stockpiling H. halys egg masses at subzero temperatures has lethal and sublethal fitness consequences for T.

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Hidden trophic interactions are important in understanding food web ecology and evaluating the ecological risks and benefits associated with the introduction of exotic natural enemies in classical biological control programs. Although non-target risk is typically evaluated based on evidence of successful parasitism, parasitoid-induced host mortality not resulting in visible evidence of parasitism (i.e.

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Although the enemy release hypothesis forms the theoretical basis for classical (=importation) biological control of invasive pests, its core assumptions are not always examined. This could contribute to unrealistic expectations for some biological control programs. In this paper we examine the assumptions that: (i) enemy release has contributed to the invasive nature of four exotic pentatomids in North America; and (ii) classical biological control with egg parasitoids has been or will be successful in reducing populations of these pests below economically significant levels.

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The main modes of action of insect parasitoids are considered to be killing their hosts with egg laying followed by offspring development (reproductive mortality), and adults feeding on hosts directly (host feeding). However, parasitoids can also negatively affect their hosts in ways that do not contribute to current or future parasitoid reproduction (nonreproductive effects). Outcomes of nonreproductive effects for hosts can include death, altered behavior, altered reproduction, and altered development.

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Biological control of pests with their natural enemies essentially consists of planned invasions, with the opportunity to select both the invader and the invaded environment. Recent advances in invasion science link 'intrinsic invasion factors' (life history and behavioral traits) with invader success; connect 'extrinsic invasion factors' (abiotic and biotic aspects of the invaded environment) with environmental invasibility; and demonstrate that their interaction leads not only to ecologically driven variability but also to rapid evolutionary change in biocontrol systems. However, current theory and empirical evidence from invasion science have not yet been extensively adopted into biological control research and practice.

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As the rate of spread of invasive species increases, consumer-resource communities are often populated by a combination of exotic and native species at all trophic levels. In parasitoid-host communities, these novel associations may lead to disconnects between parasitoid preference and performance, and parasitoid oviposition may result in death of the parasitoid offspring, death of the host, or death of both. Despite their relevance for biological control risk and efficacy assessments, the direct and indirect population-level consequences of parasitoids attacking and killing their hosts without successfully reproducing (non-reproductive mortality) are poorly understood.

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Temperature imposes significant constraints on ectothermic animals, and these organisms have evolved numerous adaptations to respond to these constraints. While the impacts of temperature on the physiology of ectotherms have been extensively studied, there are currently no frameworks available that outline the multiple and often simultaneous pathways by which temperature can affect behaviour. Drawing from the literature on insects, we propose a unified framework that should apply to all ectothermic animals, generalizing temperature's behavioural effects into: (1) kinetic effects, resulting from temperature's bottom-up constraining influence on metabolism and neurophysiology over a range of timescales (from short to long term), and (2) integrated effects, where the top-down integration of thermal information intentionally initiates or modifies a behaviour (behavioural thermoregulation, thermal orientation, thermosensory behavioural adjustments).

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Despite its evolutionary importance and apparent ubiquity among animals, the ecological significance of sleep is largely unresolved. The ecology of sleep has been particularly neglected in invertebrates. In insects, recent neurobehavioral research convincingly demonstrates that resting behavior shares several common characteristics with sleep in vertebrates.

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