The robustness of the macroscopic quantum nature of a superconductor can be characterized by the superfluid stiffness, ρ, a quantity that describes the energy required to vary the phase of the macroscopic quantum wavefunction. In unconventional superconductors, such as cuprates, the low-temperature behaviour of ρ markedly differs from that of conventional superconductors owing to quasiparticle excitations from gapless points (nodes) in momentum space. Intensive research on the recently discovered magic-angle twisted graphene family has revealed, in addition to superconducting states, strongly correlated electronic states associated with spontaneously broken symmetries, inviting the study of ρ to uncover the potentially unconventional nature of its superconductivity.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe pursuit of exotic phases of matter outside of the extreme conditions of a quantizing magnetic field is a long-standing quest of solid state physics. Recent experiments have observed spontaneous valley polarization and fractional Chern insulators in zero magnetic field in twisted bilayers of MoTe_{2}, at partial filling of the topological valence band (ν=-2/3 and -3/5). We study the topological valence band at half filling, using exact diagonalization and density matrix renormalization group calculations.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMoiré systems have emerged in recent years as a rich platform to study strong correlations. Here, we will propose a simple, experimentally feasible setup based on periodically strained graphene that reproduces several key aspects of twisted moiré heterostructures-but without introducing a twist. We consider a monolayer graphene sheet subject to a C_{2}-breaking periodic strain-induced pseudomagnetic field with period L_{M}≫a, along with a scalar potential of the same period.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe propose magic-angle helical trilayer graphene (HTG), a helical structure featuring identical rotation angles between three consecutive layers of graphene, as a unique and experimentally accessible platform for realizing exotic correlated topological states of matter. While nominally forming a supermoiré (or moiré-of-moiré) structure, we show that HTG locally relaxes into large regions of a periodic single-moiré structure realizing flat topological bands carrying nontrivial valley Chern number. These bands feature near-ideal quantum geometry and are isolated from remote bands by a very large energy gap, making HTG a promising platform for experimental realization of correlated topological states such as integer and fractional quantum anomalous Hall states.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMagic-angle twisted trilayer graphene (MATTG) hosts flat electronic bands, and exhibits correlated quantum phases with electrical tunability. In this work, we demonstrate a spectroscopy technique that allows for dissociation of intertwined bands and quantification of the energy gaps and Chern numbers C of the correlated states in MATTG by driving band crossings between Dirac cone Landau levels and energy gaps in the flat bands. We uncover hard correlated gaps with C = 0 at integer moiré unit cell fillings of ν = 2 and 3 and reveal charge density wave states originating from van Hove singularities at fractional fillings ν = 5/3 and 11/3.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe consider a family of twisted graphene multilayers consisting of n-untwisted chirally stacked layers, e.g., AB, ABC, etc, with a single twist on top of m-untwisted chirally stacked layers.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFractional Chern insulators (FCIs) are lattice analogues of fractional quantum Hall states that may provide a new avenue towards manipulating non-Abelian excitations. Early theoretical studies have predicted their existence in systems with flat Chern bands and highlighted the critical role of a particular quantum geometry. However, FCI states have been observed only in Bernal-stacked bilayer graphene (BLG) aligned with hexagonal boron nitride (hBN), in which a very large magnetic field is responsible for the existence of the Chern bands, precluding the realization of FCIs at zero field.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEngineering moiré superlattices by twisting layers in van der Waals (vdW) heterostructures has uncovered a wide array of quantum phenomena. We constructed a vdW heterostructure that consists of three graphene layers stacked with alternating twist angles ±θ. At the average twist angle θ ~ 1.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPhys Rev Lett
September 2019
Fermi gases in two dimensions display collective dynamics originating from head-on collisions, a collinear carrier scattering process that dominates angular relaxation at not-too-high temperatures T≪T_{F}. In this regime, a large family of excitations emerges, with an odd-parity angular structure of momentum distribution and exceptionally long lifetimes. This leads to "tomographic" dynamics: fast 1D spatial diffusion along the unchanging velocity direction accompanied by a slow angular dynamics that gradually randomizes velocity orientation.
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