Publications by authors named "Patrick Kor"

Background: Self-regulated learning (SRL) and life-long learning motivation have increasingly been introduced in tertiary education in recent years. Few relevant mixedmethods studies have been conducted on nursing students, particularly in the Chinese education context.

Aim: To examine the effectiveness of adaptive strategies on improving nursing students' motivation and self-regulated learning.

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Background: Horticultural therapy (HT) has been proposed to be an effective intervention for improving the psychosocial well-being of people with dementia and their caregivers. However, constraints such as limited land space in high-density cities, unstable weather, and lack of gardening experience may hamper the delivery of HT to people with dementia and their caregivers.

Objective: This pilot study aimed to examine the feasibility and preliminary effects of a technology-enhanced home-based HT for people with dementia and their caregivers using a hydroponic indoor growing system.

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Background: Caregiver stress can pose serious health and psychological concerns, highlighting the importance of timely interventions for family caregivers of people with dementia. Single-session mindfulness-based interventions could be a promising yet under-researched approach to enhancing their mental well-being within their unpredictable, time-constrained contexts. This trial will evaluate the effectiveness and feasibility of a blended mindfulness-based intervention consisting of a single session and app-based follow-up in reducing caregiver stress.

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Background: Immersive virtual reality (IVR) is a niche technology rising in popularity in nursing education. Although there is an abundance of evidence to demonstrate the effect of virtual reality (VR) on desired learning outcomes, this evidence is limited to technical or procedural skills or managing a single patient with clinical problems. Nontechnical skills (NTS), such as communication, decision-making, teamwork, situation awareness, and managerial skills, have not been explored using IVR technology.

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Background: Family caregivers (FCs) encounter a variety of health problems in older people with chronic illness, necessitating a certain level of health literacy to access, understand, appraise and apply health information and services. This study aimed to develop and validate a scale for measuring health literacy among FCs of older people with chronic illness.

Methods: Concept mapping was first employed to develop a conceptual model of health literacy of FCs.

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Objective: To evaluate the feasibility, acceptability, and efficacy of a mindfulness and motivational interviewing-oriented physical-psychological integrated intervention in community-dwelling spinal cord injury (SCI) survivors.

Design: A mixed-methods randomized controlled trial.

Setting: Local organizations for handicapped in Hong Kong.

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Introduction: Physical exercise (PE) is essential for alleviating the symptoms of sarcopenia. Low motivation is a major barrier to PE. Mindfulness-based intervention (MBI) has the potential to improve motivation.

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Background: Immersive virtual reality (IVR)-assisted experiential learning has the potential to foster empathy among undergraduate health care students toward older adults with cognitive impairment by facilitating a sense of embodiment. However, the extent of its effectiveness, including enhancing students' learning experiences and achieving intended learning outcomes, remains underexplored.

Objective: This study aims to evaluate the impacts of IVR-assisted experiential learning on the empathy of undergraduate health care students toward older people with cognitive impairment as the primary outcome (objective 1) and on their learning experience (objective 2) and their attainment of learning outcomes as the secondary outcomes (objective 3).

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Article Synopsis
  • Dementia affects not just the person who has it but also the people taking care of them, which can lead to problems in those relationships.
  • VR simulations can help caregivers understand what it's like to live with dementia, making them more empathetic and improving their care.
  • A review of several studies found that while the results on improving empathy were mixed, caregivers did learn more about dementia and began to change their attitudes towards those they care for.
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Objectives: Family caregivers of people with dementia (FC-of-PWD) suffer from a high level of stress and depressive symptoms, which usually require different interventions at different stages. Although some standalone interventions such as behavioural activation (BA) and mindfulness practice (MP) have been shown to be potentially effective at reducing depressive symptoms, the best sequence and combination of these interventions for caregivers are unknown. This study aims to develop and identify a two-stage adaptive intervention with prespecified rules guiding whether, how or when to offer different interventions initially/over time to reduce depressive symptoms in FG-of-PWD.

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Article Synopsis
  • A study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of a personalized exercise program, with and without behavioral change education (BCE), on reducing fatigue in older adults, as ageing-related fatigue lacks current interventions.
  • In a randomized controlled trial involving 184 participants aged around 79, those in the COMB group, which received both exercise training and BCE, showed significant reductions in fatigue compared to control and exercise-only groups.
  • Results indicated that the COMB intervention led to better immediate and long-term improvements in fatigue levels, lasting up to 12 months, compared to other methods tested.
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Background And Objectives: Many community dementia services such as home-visiting services and center-based activities were suspended during the coronavirus 2019 pandemic. This study investigated the efficacy of a caregiver-delivered cognitive stimulation therapy (CDCST) on people with dementia during the pandemic.

Research Design And Methods: This was a 2-arm randomized controlled trial involving 241 patient-caregiver dyads assigned to a 15-week CDCST or control group (usual care).

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Introduction: There is a considerably large group of community-dwelling spinal cord injury (SCI) survivors living with low quality of life. Physical inactivity, depression, and chronic pain are major problems faced by SCI survivors discharged from the acute phase of treatment or inpatient rehabilitation. This study aims to evaluate the feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary effects of a Physical-Psychological Integrative (PPI) online group intervention on community-dwelling SCI survivors' physical activity, depression, and chronic pain.

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Background: Immersive virtual reality (IVR) applications are gaining popularity in health care education. They provide an uninterrupted, scaled environment capable of simulating the full magnitude of sensory stimuli present in busy health care settings and increase students' competence and confidence by providing them with accessible and repeatable learning opportunities in a fail-safe environment.

Objective: This systematic review aimed to evaluate the effects of IVR teaching on the learning outcomes and experiences of undergraduate health care students compared with other teaching methods.

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Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has greatly impacted people's lifestyles and changed the delivery of health interventions, especially interventions for community-dwelling older people with sarcopenia.

Objective: To summarize the components and explore the effectiveness of home-based interventions for improving sarcopenia and other health-related outcomes among community-dwelling older people with sarcopenia.

Design: Systematic review and meta-analysis.

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Background: Family caregivers of frail older adults experience high levels of stress. Mind-body interventions (MBIs) focused on caregiver stress are often limited in teaching approaches, difficult to practice, and costly. A social media-based MBI embedded with mindfulness meditation (MM) and self-administered acupressure (SA) may be effective for family caregivers, offer greater usability, and lead to greater adherence.

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Aims: Despite the well-documented short-to-medium-term effectiveness of e-Health (electronic health) secondary prevention interventions on patients with cardiovascular disease (CVD), there is limited empirical evidence regarding long-term effectiveness. This review aims to evaluate the long-term effects of e-Health secondary prevention interventions on the health outcomes of patients with CVD.

Methods And Results: This systematic review and meta-analysis followed Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions.

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Aim: Cognitive assessment services were found to be beneficial to older people with cognitive complaints but information is limited on adherence to the recommendations provided. This study aimed to identify predictors of clients' adherence to nursing recommendations after attending a community-based nurse-led cognitive assessment service in Hong Kong.

Methods: A cross-sectional design was adopted.

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Background: Mindfulness-based intervention (MBI), an emotion-focused approach, has been shown promising and sustainable effects on enhancing the well-being of caregivers of patients with dementia (PWD). However, the conventional MBI was quite demanding, had high rates of attrition and inconsistent long-term effect. The social distancing measures introduced during the COVID-19 pandemic also restricted face-to-face psychosocial intervention.

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Background And Objectives: Integrating mental activities with physical exercises (e.g., dual-tasking) may potentially improve cognition in older adults and people with mild cognitive impairment (MCI).

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Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has severely impacted the learning experience of students by limiting their opportunities for face-to-face intercultural exchanges. Given the importance of cultural competence in medical education, there is a need to develop a programme that promotes cultural awareness, but that offers more flexibility in terms of outbound mobility. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of an internationalization at home programme and to explore the learning experiences of medical and nursing students from Hong Kong and Indonesia.

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Introduction: The oldest-old are highly vulnerable to sarcopenia. Physical distancing remains a common and effective infection-control policy to minimize the risk of COVID-19 transmission during the pandemic. Sarcopenia is known to be associated with impaired immunity.

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Background: Hearing and vision impairments and the use of audio-visual aids are associated with cognitive decline in community-dwelling older people, but effects in long-term care facilities (LFCF) are unclear. We hypothesize that visual and hearing impairment are associated with cognitive decline and these relationships are mediated by using visual and hearing aids.

Methods: Secondary data analysis of a longitudinal study was conducted in the 7 government-subsidized LTCF operated by one of the largest non-governmental organizations in Hong Kong using data between 2005 and 2016.

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