Reconstructions of ocean oxygenation are critical for understanding the role of respired carbon storage in regulating atmospheric CO. Independent sediment redox proxies are essential to assess such reconstructions. Here, we present a long magnetofossil record from the eastern Indian Ocean in which we observe coeval magnetic hardening and enrichment of larger, more elongated, and less oxidized magnetofossils during glacials compared to interglacials over the last ~900 ka.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPb and Cs dating of bulk sediments obtained from the alpine Blue Lake, located in the Snowy Mountains of southeastern Australia, was applied here to date recent lacustrine sediments. In addition, the presence of pollen (a taxon introduced in Australia about 150 years ago) down to a sediment depth of 56 cm in the core is used to obtain a chronology for the upper part of the core. Accelerated Mass Spectrometry radiocarbon dates obtained from organic muds from the same core do not agree with the chronology constructed using the three other dating techniques.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFArc-continent collision in Southeast Asia during the Neogene may have driven global cooling through chemical weathering of freshly exposed ophiolites resulting in atmospheric CO removal. Yet, little is known about the cause-and-effect relationships between erosion and the long-term evolution of tectonics and climate in this region. Here, we present an 8-million-year record of seawater chemistry and sediment provenance from the eastern Indian Ocean, near the outflow of Indonesian Throughflow waters.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDetails of the post-embryonic development of two Notodromadidae species, Notodromas trulla Smith Kamiya, 2014 and Newnhamia fenestrata King, 1855, (subfamily Notodromadinae) are provided, and compared with previous ontogenetic studies on other podocopid families and superfamilies. The ontogenetic development is generally similar to other families, consisting of eight free-living juvenile stages and one adult stage, but the first instar, with a leg-like mandible, resembles that of the Cyprididae, rather than other families. From the A-7 instar onwards, the ventral margin of the carapace is a flattened ovoid, and the dorsolateral eye cups are separated, resembling those of the adults, suggesting that a neustonic lifestyle, similar to that of the adults, is embraced from a very early age.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe dawn of animals remains one of the most mysterious milestones in the evolution of life. The fossil lipids 24-isopropylcholestane and 26-methylstigmastane are considered diagnostic for demosponges-arguably the oldest group of living animals. The widespread occurrence and high relative abundance of these biomarkers in Ediacaran sediments from 635-541 million years (Myr) ago have been viewed as evidence for the rise of animals to ecological importance approximately 100 Myr before their rapid Cambrian radiation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMillennial-scale cooling events termed Heinrich Stadials punctuated Northern Hemisphere climate during the last glacial period. Latitudinal shifts of the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) are thought to have rapidly propagated these abrupt climatic signals southward, influencing the evolution of Southern Hemisphere climates and contributing to major reorganisation of the global ocean-atmosphere system. Here, we use neodymium isotopes from a marine sediment core to reconstruct the hydroclimatic evolution of subtropical Australia between 90 to 20 thousand years ago.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe evolution of the Australian monsoon in relation to high-latitude temperature fluctuations over the last termination remains highly enigmatic. Here we integrate high-resolution riverine runoff and dust proxy data from X-ray fluorescence scanner measurements in four well-dated sediment cores, forming a NE-SW transect across the Timor Sea. Our records reveal that the development of the Australian monsoon closely followed the deglacial warming history of Antarctica.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDust storms are a major source of aerosolized bacteria, especially in the drought conditions experienced in Australia in the decade to 2009. The major aims of this project were to identify the culturable bacteria in environmental samples and to genetically fingerprint all isolates using repetitive element PCR (Rep-PCR) to investigate the possibility of tracking isolates from their source into the atmosphere. Four field trips were conducted to a dry lake in western Victoria, Australia to sample aerosols and sediments.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWhile microbial communities of aerosols have been examined, little is known about their sources. Nutrient composition and microbial communities of potential dust sources, saline lake sediments (SLS) and adjacent biological soil crusts (BSC), from Southern Australia were determined and compared with a previously analyzed dust sample. Multivariate analyses of fingerprinting profiles indicated that the bacterial communities of SLS and BSC were different, and these differences were mainly explained by salinity.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDust is an important source of bioaerosols including bacteria. In this study, the microbiology and meteorology of specific dust storms in Australia were investigated. The samples were collected from two dust events in April 2009 that were characterised by intense cold fronts that entrained dust from the highly erodible and drought-stricken Mallee and Riverina regions of Victoria and central NSW.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAs the climate warmed at the end of the last glacial period, a rapid reversal in temperature, the Younger Dryas (YD) event, briefly returned much of the North Atlantic region to near full-glacial conditions. The event was associated with climate reversals in many other areas of the Northern Hemisphere and also with warming over and near Antarctica. However, the expression of the YD in the mid- to low latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere (and the southwest Pacific region in particular) is much more controversial.
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