We investigated second-messenger signalling components linked to the stimulation of G protein-coupled receptors (e.g. thromboxane A and bradykinin B2 receptors) on the sensory endings of thin fibre muscle afferents in the chronic mechanoreflex sensitization in rats with myocardial infarction-induced heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HF-rEF).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTo effectively diagnose and treat subjective cognitive symptoms in post-acute sequalae of COVID-19 (PASC), it is important to understand objective cognitive impairment across the range of acute COVID-19 severity. Despite the importance of this area of research, to our knowledge, there are no current meta-analyses of objective cognitive functioning following non-severe initial SARS-CoV-2 infection. The aim of this meta-analysis is to describe objective cognitive impairment in individuals with non-severe (mild or moderate) SARS-CoV-2 cases in the post-acute stage of infection.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMain Objective: Cognitive difficulties are some of the most frequently experienced symptoms following mild-to-moderate traumatic brain injuries (TBIs). There is meta-analytic evidence that cognitive rehabilitation improves cognitive functioning after TBI in nonveteran populations but not specifically within the veteran and service member (V/SM) population. The purpose of the current meta-analysis was to examine the effect of cognitive rehabilitation interventions for V/SMs with a history of mild-to-moderate TBI.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) is the second most common cancer chemotherapy associated with short- and long-term cardiotoxicity. Although the mechanisms mediating these toxicities are not well understood, patients often present with symptoms suggestive of microvascular dysfunction. We tested the hypotheses that patients undergoing cancer treatment with 5-FU based chemotherapy regimens would present with impaired microvascular reactivity and that these findings would be substantiated by decrements in endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) gene expression in 5-FU treated human coronary artery endothelial cells (HCAEC).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSecondary crashes or crashes that occur in the wake of a preceding or primary crash are among the most critical incidents occurring on highways, due to the exceptional danger they present to the first responders and victims of the primary crash. In this work, we developed a self-exciting temporal point process to analyze crash events data and classify it into primary and secondary crashes. Our model uses a self-exciting function to describe secondary crashes while primary crashes are modeled using a background rate function.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: Athletes are susceptible to acute respiratory tract infections, including SARS-CoV-2, which can affect cardiovascular function. We aimed to evaluate the impact of COVID-19 infection and quarantine on cardiac function in male and female collegiate athletes.
Methods: We conducted a single-center, prospective, case-control study and performed transthoracic echocardiography in a diverse group of convalescent SARS-CoV-2-positive athletes following a 10-14-day quarantine, matched to non-SARS-CoV-2 athletes.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of using conventional productivity-enhancing technologies (PETs) with or without other natural PETs on the growth performance, carcass traits, and environmental impacts of feedlot cattle. A total of 768 cross-bred yearling steers (499 ± 28.6 kg; = 384) and heifers (390 ± 34.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe continuous spread of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has highlighted the need for simple and reliable diagnostic technologies for point-of-care (POC) virus detection applications. Here, we report a COVID-19 diagnostic platform based on aerosol jet-printed antibody-functionalized organic electrochemical transistors (OECTs) for rapidly identifying severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) antigens. Selective sensing of SARS-CoV-2 spike S1 protein is achieved in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) with a detectable range of 1 fg mL to 1 μg mL.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn non-cancer populations, inorganic dietary nitrate (NO) supplementation is associated with enhanced cardiorespiratory function but remains untested in patients with a history of cancer. Therefore, this pilot study sought to determine if oral NO supplementation, as a supportive care strategy, increases left ventricular (LV) function and exercise performance in survivors of cancer treated with anticancer therapy while simultaneously evaluating the feasibility of the methods and procedures required for future large-scale randomized trials. Two cohorts of patients with a history of cancer treated with anticancer chemotherapy were recruited.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAim: To describe the strength of a cross-sector and multi-university collaboration in co-designing an extended nursing placement innovation in rural and remote Australia.
Context: Registered nurses are Australia's largest health workforce. Short-duration placements can limit nursing student exposure to rural and remote practice, impacting student capacity to tailor and contextualise their practice, navigate complex inequities, establish a sense of belonging and consider rural practice post-registration.
Objective: We describe the Clickbusters initiative implemented at Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC), which was designed to improve safety and quality and reduce burnout through the optimization of clinical decision support (CDS) alerts.
Materials And Methods: We developed a 10-step Clickbusting process and implemented a program that included a curriculum, CDS alert inventory, oversight process, and gamification. We carried out two 3-month rounds of the Clickbusters program at VUMC.
Outdoor air pollution is a complex system that is responsible for the deaths of millions of people annually, yet the integration of interdisciplinary data necessary to assess air quality's multiple metrics is still lacking. This case study integrates atmospheric indicators (concentrations of criteria pollutants including particulate matter and gaseous pollutants), traffic indicators (permanent traffic monitoring station data), and social indicators (community responses in Twitter archives) representing the interplay of the three critical pillars of the United Nations' Triple Bottom Line: environment, economy, and society. During the watershed moment of the COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns in Florida, urban centers demonstrated the gaps and opportunities for understanding the relationships, through correlations rather than causations, between urban air quality, traffic emissions, and public perceptions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Despite its high prevalence and clinical impact, research on peripheral artery disease (PAD) remains limited due to poor accuracy of billing codes. Ankle-brachial index (ABI) and toe-brachial index can be used to identify PAD patients with high accuracy within electronic health records.
Methods: We developed a novel natural language processing (NLP) algorithm for extracting ABI and toe-brachial index values and laterality (right or left) from ABI reports.
Objectives: The objective is to investigate the primary factors that created experiences leading to moral injury in family medicine residents during the COVID-19 pandemic and also to identify any barriers keeping these residents from seeking or receiving help when they experienced moral injury.
Method: A DELPHI model study utilizing three rounds of surveys was conducted at four family medicine residency programs in the United States. Resident responses to Survey 1 generated factors perceived to be causing them moral injury or constituting barriers to their seeking help.
Mechanical and metabolic signals associated with skeletal muscle contraction stimulate the sensory endings of thin fiber muscle afferents and produce reflex increases in sympathetic nerve activity and blood pressure during exercise (i.e., the exercise pressor reflex; EPR).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRespir Physiol Neurobiol
December 2021
Introduction: Concerns have been raised that COVID-19 face coverings compromise lung function and pulmonary gas exchange to the extent that they produce arterial hypoxemia and hypercapnia during high intensity exercise resulting in exercise intolerance in recreational exercisers. This study therefore aimed to investigate the effects of a surgical, flannel or vertical-fold N95 masks on cardiorespiratory responses to incremental exercise.
Methods: This investigation studied 11 adult males and females at rest and while performing progressive cycle exercise to exhaustion.
We tested the hypothesis that limb vascular conductance (LVC) would increase during the immediate recovery phase of dynamic exercise above, but not below, critical power (CP) indicating a threshold for muscular contraction-induced impedance of limb blood flow (LBF). CP (115 ± 26 W) was determined in 7 men and 7 women who subsequently performed ∼5 min of near-supine cycling exercise both below and above CP. LVC demonstrated a greater increase during immediate recovery and remained significantly higher following exercise above, compared to below, CP (all p < 0.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAcute kidney injury is a common complication in patients hospitalized with SARSCoV-2 (COVID-19), with prior studies implicating multiple potential mechanisms of injury. Although COVID-19 is often compared to other respiratory viral illnesses, few formal comparisons of these viruses on kidney health exist. In this retrospective cohort study, we compared the incidence, features, and outcomes of acute kidney injury among Veterans hospitalized with COVID-19 or influenza and adjusted for baseline conditions using weighted comparisons.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Cancer survivors are at greater risk for cardiovascular disease (CVD) than second malignancy, resulting in a decreased quality of life and increased cost of care. Additional knowledge of CVD prevention by identifying possible risk factors has clinical relevance. Our main objective was to determine the relevance of a clinical index of arterial stiffness, pulse pressure, in predicting CVD mortality in cancer patients, with a second objective to examine its relationship with cancer mortality.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFUS ports and container/intermodal terminals are critical links in the marine transportation system. Disruption at a port can have a crippling economic effect in the coastal zone as well as the rest of the nation. Port stakeholders have a vested interest in the long-term function and viability of ports, but no standardized measures for performance or resilience exist for ports.
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