Publications by authors named "Pape B"

Proteasome inhibitors (PIs) constitute the first line of therapy for multiple myeloma (MM). Despite the impressive clinical efficacy, MM remains fatal due to the development of drug resistance over time. During MM progression, stress responses to hypoxia and PIs suppress mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) activity by releasing tuberous sclerosis complex 2 (TSC2), which deactivates Ras homologue enriched in brain (Rheb), a crucial regulator of mTORC1.

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: In this study, we review the diagnostic accuracy of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in detecting orbital and intracranial invasion of sinonasal malignancies (SNMs) using histopathological and surgical evidence as the reference standard. : A systematic search of studies in English was conducted in MEDLINE and Embase, limited to articles published since 1990. We included studies using preoperative MRI to detect the intracranial and orbital invasion of SNMs, with histological or surgical confirmation as the reference standard, and reported patient numbers in each class as required to assess diagnostic accuracy.

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Background: Despite extensive vaccinations, pertussis remains endemic and epidemic in multiple countries. The persistence of cases can be partly attributed to the significant individual variation in vaccine responses. This study evaluated the association of baseline cytokines (before booster vaccination) on antibody concentrations to Tdap-vaccine antigens.

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Objective: The objective of this study was to develop and evaluate the feasibility and safety of a novel transaxial surgical approach for the delivery of human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived dopaminergic neuroprogenitor cells (DANPCs) into the putamen nucleus using nonhuman primates and surgical techniques and tools relevant to human clinical translation.

Methods: Nine immunosuppressed, unlesioned adult cynomolgus macaques (4 females, 5 males) received intraputaminal injections of vehicle or DANPCs (0.9 × 105 to 1.

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Aim: The associations between the aetiology of preterm birth and later neurodevelopmental outcomes are unclear. A systematic review and meta-analysis examined the existing evidence.

Methods: The PubMed and Embase databases were searched for papers published in English from inception to 16 December 2020.

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Article Synopsis
  • The study evaluated how accurately MRI detects perineural spreading (PNS) of head and neck tumors, using histopathological or surgical evidence as the reference.
  • Researchers analyzed 11 retrospective studies involving 245 patients, calculating metrics like sensitivity (85%) and specificity (85%) to assess MRI's diagnostic performance.
  • Although MRI showed high accuracy for detecting PNS, the findings were based on limited and variable study data, with common characteristics like nerve enlargement and enhancement noted in affected nerves.
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Although most patients are transparent regarding steroid use, rare patients use steroids surreptitiously, which can occasionally result in factitious Cushing syndrome or extensive diagnostic testing. We present 2 cases, 1 with factitious Cushing syndrome and the second with surreptitious steroid use resulting in abnormal laboratory results and a complicated clinical picture. Synthetic glucocorticoid urine testing was positive for triamcinolone acetonide and fluticasone propionate in case 1 and triamcinolone acetonide only in case 2, which clarified the diagnosis and minimized additional and potentially invasive testing.

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  • A study examined a 5-minute MRI protocol using T2-weighted and diffusion-weighted imaging to differentiate between tonsillar infections, peritonsillar abscesses, and more severe abscesses in patients suspected of having pharyngotonsillar infections.
  • The study involved 52 patients, with radiologists assessing diagnostic accuracy and confidence using a short protocol versus a longer, contrast-enhanced protocol, finding both provided similar accuracy for identifying abscesses.
  • Results indicated the short MRI protocol was effective for diagnosing abscesses and while the full protocol improved reader confidence, it didn’t significantly enhance diagnostic accuracy or agreement among observers.
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Etiologies and the whole picture in childhood mental, behavioral, and neurodevelopmental disorders related to gestational age are unclear. This study included all Finnish children (N = 341,632) born between January 1, 2001, and December 31, 2006, whose data including their mothers (N = 241,284) were collected from national registers. Children with unclear gestational age (GA) (N = 1245), severe congenital malformations (N = 11,746), and moderate/severe/undefined cognitive impairment (N = 1140), and those who died during the perinatal period (N = 599) were excluded.

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Background: 177Lu-PSMA-617 is a promising theragnostic treatment for metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC). However, both the optimal treatment dose and interval in mCRPC and the rate of identification of responders from non-responders among possible treatment candidates are unknown. Methods: 62 men with mCRPC who were treated with 177Lu-PSMA-617 during 1/2017−2/2019 were included in the study.

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Objectives: To review the diagnostic accuracy of contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT) in differentiating abscesses from cellulitis in patients with neck infections, using surgical findings as the reference standard.

Materials And Methods: Previous studies in the last 32 years were searched from PubMed and Embase. Because of partial verification bias (only positive abscess findings are usually verified surgically), sensitivity and specificity estimates are unreliable, and we focused on positive predictive value (PPV).

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Background: Preterm birth increases the risk for postpartum depression in both mothers and fathers, calling for strategies to alleviate and prevent depressive symptoms in parents of preterm infants. The aim of this study was to assess the association between early parent-infant closeness and later depressive symptoms among parents of preterm infants. We hypothesized that longer duration of closeness associate with fewer depressive symptoms in both parents.

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Aim: To test whether the implementation of the Close Collaboration with Parents intervention at a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) decreases depression symptoms of mothers up to two years after the delivery of preterm infants.

Methods: We used a non-equivalent two-group design, comparing mothers of very low birthweight infants in the same NICU before (2001-2006) and after (2011-215) the intervention. The unit carried out the educational intervention (2009-2012) that was targeted at its healthcare team and aimed to improve their skills to collaborate with parents.

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Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of a single family room architecture in a neonatal intensive care unit (SFR-NICU) on parents' presence, parent-infant skin-to-skin contact (SSC) and the quality of family centered care.

Study Design: Two cohorts of parents of preterm infants were compared: those in the unit before and after the move to SFR-NICU. The parents used daily diaries to report their presence and SSC, and they responded to daily text message questions about the quality of family centered care.

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Education is one of the central interventions to promote evidence-based practice (EBP) in service organizations. An educational intervention to promote EBP among health and social care professionals was implemented in a Finnish hospital. The aim of this study was to explore the outcomes of an educational intervention, focusing on the basics of EBP for health and social care professionals, using a quasi-experimental study design.

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Objectives: The aim of the present study was to explore and compare medical students' perceived learning outcomes when treating patients under supervision in two different learning settings: a uniprofessional or an interprofessional dyad.

Methods: The design of the study is a qualitative interview study. Data were collected from October 2016 to June 2017 via semi-structured group interviews performed at the end of the clinical placement in an orthopaedic outpatient clinic for medical students in the last semester of the curriculum.

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Study Design: A prospective study on the clinical, radiographic, and the health-related quality of life (HRQOL) outcomes in adolescents with spondylolisthesis undergoing instrumented circumferential spinal fusion compared with age and sex matched controls.

Objective: To determine the outcomes of pediatric spondylolisthesis patients minimum 2 years after surgery and to compare their HRQOL with age and sex matched controls.

Summary Of Background Data: There is limited evidence of the HRQOL of adolescent spondylolisthesis patients after surgery and no studies comparing it with healthy controls.

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Background: Objective gait evaluation in humans is used as a predictive disability outcome measure as well as an indicator for intervention effectiveness. Parallel methods of gait analysis in nonhuman primate models are essential for clinical translation. The goal of this study was to first assess whether marmosets' gait data could be reliably collected in a Noldus CatWalk XT10.

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Hepatitis A virus (HAV) is an RNA virus primarily transmitted via the fecal-oral route and, in rare cases, causes liver failure and death in infected persons. Although drinking water-associated hepatitis A outbreaks in the United States are rarely reported (1), HAV was the most commonly reported etiology for outbreaks associated with untreated ground water during 1971-2008 (2), and HAV can remain infectious in water for months (3). This report analyzes drinking water-associated hepatitis A outbreaks reported to the Waterborne Disease and Outbreak Surveillance System (WBDOSS) during 1971-2017.

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Unlabelled: Multicompartment particles, which are particles composed of smaller building units, have gained considerable interest during the past decade to facilitate simultaneous and differential delivery of several biomolecules in various applications. Supercritical carbon dioxide (CO) processing is an industrial technology widely used for large-scale synthesis and processing of materials. However, the application of this technology for production of multicompartment particles from colloidal particles has not yet been explored.

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Fast-track hip and knee surgery focuses on optimising pain management, achieving early mobilisation and shortening the length of stay in hospital. These factors make interprofessional collaboration imperative. With the aim of further diminishing the length of stay for patients admitted to an orthopaedic ward for hip or knee replacement and with inspiration from an interprofessional training unit, a daily interprofessional meeting was introduced.

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In order to test the efficacy ofa cold-region evapotranspiration (ET) landfill cover against a conventional compacted clay (CCL) landfill cover, two pilot scale covers were constructed in side-by-side basin lysimeters (20m x 10m x 2m) at a site in Anchorage, Alaska. The primary basis of comparison between the two lysimeters was the percolation of moisture from the bottom of each lysimeter. Between 30 April 2005 and 16 May 2006, 51.

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A study on emissions associated with oversnow travel in Yellowstone National Park (YNP) was conducted for the time period of February 13-16, 2002 and February 12-16, 2003. Whole air and exhaust samples were characterized for 85 volatile organic compounds using gas chromatography. The toxics including benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes (p-, m-, and o-xylene), and n-hexane, which are major components of two-stroke engine exhaust, show large enhancements during sampling periods resulting from increased snowmobile traffic.

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Snowmobile use in Yellowstone National Park has been shown to impact air quality, with implications for the safety and welfare of Park staff and other Park resource values. Localized impacts have been documented at several high-use sites in the Park, but the broader spatial variability of snowmobile emissions and air quality was not understood. Measurements of 87 volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were made for ambient air sampled across the Park and West Yellowstone, Montana, during 2 days of the 2002-2003 winter use season, 1 year before the implementation of a new snowmobile policy.

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We used laboratory experiments with ten Daphnia taxa to test for links between Daphnia P-content, growth rate and habitat preference. The taxa represent a wide range of body sizes and most show distinct preferences for one of three habitats: shallow lakes, deep, stratified lakes or fishless ponds. Previous studies show that taxa from shallow lakes and fishless ponds experience high predation risk and rich food resources, whereas taxa from deep lakes experience low predation risk, strong food limitation and potentially P-deficient resources.

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