The observation of GW170817 and its electromagnetic counterpart implies that gravitational waves travel at the speed of light, with deviations smaller than a few×10^{-15}. We discuss the consequences of this experimental result for models of dark energy and modified gravity characterized by a single scalar degree of freedom. To avoid tuning, the speed of gravitational waves must be unaffected not only for our particular cosmological solution but also for nearby solutions obtained by slightly changing the matter abundance.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe show that the prediction for the primordial tensor power spectrum cannot be modified at leading order in derivatives. Indeed, one can always set to unity the speed of propagation of gravitational waves during inflation by a suitable disformal transformation of the metric, while a conformal one can make the Planck mass time independent. Therefore, the tensor amplitude unambiguously fixes the energy scale of inflation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe simplest inflationary model V=1/2m(2)ϕ(2) represents the benchmark for future constraints. For a quadratic potential, the quantity (n(s)-1)+r/4+11(n(s)-1)(2)/24 vanishes (up to corrections which are cubic in slow roll) and can be used to parametrize small deviations from the minimal scenario. Future constraints on this quantity will be able to distinguish a quadratic potential from a pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone boson with f≲30M(pl) and set limits on the deviation from unity of the speed of sound |c(s)-1|≲3×10(-2) (corresponding to an energy scale Λ≳2×10(16) GeV) and on the contribution of a second field to perturbations (≲6×10(-2)).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe present a new model of inflation in which the inflaton is the extra component of a gauge field in a 5D theory compactified on a circle. The chief merit of this model is that the potential comes only from nonlocal effects so that its flatness is not spoiled by higher-dimensional operators or quantum gravity corrections. The model predicts a red spectrum (n approximately 0.
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