Publications by authors named "Pamela Souza"

Listeners often find themselves in scenarios where speech is disrupted, misperceived, or otherwise difficult to recognise. In these situations, many individuals report exerting additional effort to understand speech, even when repairing speech may be difficult or impossible. This investigation aimed to characterise cognitive efforts across time during both sentence listening and a post-sentence retention interval by observing the pupillary response of participants with normal to borderline-normal hearing in response to two interrupted speech conditions: sentences interrupted by gaps of silence or bursts of noise.

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Objectives: Previous research has shown that speech recognition with different wide dynamic range compression (WDRC) time-constants (fast-acting or Fast and slow-acting or Slow) is associated with individual working memory ability, especially in adverse listening conditions. Until recently, much of this research has been limited to omnidirectional hearing aid settings and colocated speech and noise, whereas most hearing aids are fit with directional processing that may improve the listening environment in spatially separated conditions and interact with WDRC processing. The primary objective of this study was to determine whether there is an association between individual working memory ability and speech recognition in noise with different WDRC time-constants, with and without microphone directionality (binaural beamformer or Beam versus omnidirectional or Omni) in a spatial condition ideal for the beamformer (speech at 0 , noise at 180 ).

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Objectives: Over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids are a treatment option for adults with mild-to-moderate hearing loss. Previous investigations demonstrated the benefits of OTC hearing aids, primarily self-fit OTCs (i.e.

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Purslane () and spinach () are species with elevated levels of oxalic acid, an antinutrient that interferes in the bioaccessibility of minerals such as calcium and iron. Evaluating methods to determine oxalic acid content with reduced matrix interference, such as employing Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (FAAS), can enhance the specificity of determinations. The different matrices of purslane (whole plant, leaves, and juice) and spinach (whole plant) were tested using three extraction methods (M1, M2, and M3).

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High-frequency speech information is susceptible to inaccurate perception in even mild to moderate forms of hearing loss. Some hearing aids employ frequency-lowering methods such as nonlinear frequency compression (NFC) to help hearing-impaired individuals access high-frequency speech information in more accessible lower-frequency regions. As such techniques cause significant spectral distortion, tests such as the S-Sh Confusion Test help optimize NFC settings to provide high-frequency audibility with the least distortion.

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Objectives: Hearing aid processing in realistic listening environments is difficult to study effectively. Often the environment is unpredictable or unknown, such as in wearable aid trials with subjective report by the wearer. Some laboratory experiments create listening environments to exert tight experimental control, but those environments are often limited by physical space, a small number of sound sources, or room absorptive properties.

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Purpose: The contributions from the central auditory and cognitive systems play a major role in communication. Understanding the relationship between auditory and cognitive abilities has implications for auditory rehabilitation for clinical patients. The purpose of this systematic review is to address the question, "In adults, what is the relationship between central auditory processing abilities and cognitive abilities?"

Method: Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines were followed to identify, screen, and determine eligibility for articles that addressed the research question of interest.

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When speech is clear, speech understanding is a relatively simple and automatic process. However, when the acoustic signal is degraded, top-down cognitive and linguistic abilities, such as working memory capacity, lexical knowledge (i.e.

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Objective: Working memory refers to a cognitive system that holds a limited amount of information in a temporarily heightened state of availability, for use in ongoing cognitive tasks. Research suggests a link between working memory and speech recognition. In this study, we investigated this relationship using two working memory tests that differed in regard to the operationalisation of the link between working memory and attention: the (AVDAT) and the widely used reading span test.

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Linn. ( L.) has recently gained attention as a functional food due to the chemical composition of this plant regarding bioactive compounds.

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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the feasibility of a tablet-based remote data collection method for measuring preference for hearing aid signal processing features.

Method: Participants were nine individuals with bilateral mild to moderately severe sensorineural hearing loss. Stimuli were spatialized low-context sentences mixed with six-talker babble at two realistic signal-to-noise ratios (3 and 8 dB) and processed through a hearing aid simulator.

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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine how types of signal processing activated influence listeners' preferences.

Method: Participants were adults with mild to moderately severe sensorineural hearing loss. Stimuli were spatialized low-context sentences mixed with six-talker babble at 3 and 8 dB signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs).

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The original Spectral Correlation Index ( ) is a measure of amplitude envelope distortion that has been used in several studies to predict behavioral results. Because the original did not account for the differential contribution of particular frequency bands to speech intelligibility (i.e.

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Purpose: Hearing aids are the primary method to manage hearing loss. However, there are limited recommendations for when and how to set advanced hearing aid features. The purpose of this study is to describe how hearing aid features are utilized in clinically fit devices and to evaluate the relationship between the fitted hearing aid feature and the Quick Speech-in-Noise Test (QuickSIN).

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Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, there was mounting interest in remote testing solutions for audiology. The ultimate goal of such work was to improve access to hearing healthcare for individuals that might be unable or reluctant to seek audiological help in a clinic. In 2015, Diane Van Tasell patented a method for measuring an audiogram when the precise signal level was unknown (patent US 8,968,209 B2).

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Purpose A broad area of interest to our group is to understand the consequences of the "cue profile" (a measure of how well a listener can utilize audible temporal and/or spectral cues for listening scenarios in which a subset of cues is distorted. The study goal was to determine if listeners whose cue profile indicated that they primarily used temporal cues for recognition would respond differently to speech-envelope distortion than listeners who utilized both spectral and temporal cues. Method Twenty-five adults with sensorineural hearing loss participated in the study.

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Objective: This study characterised the relationship between speech intelligibility and quality in listeners with hearing loss for a range of hearing-aid processing settings and acoustic conditions.

Design: Binaural speech intelligibility scores and quality ratings were measured for sentences presented in babble noise and processed through a hearing-aid simulation. The intelligibility-quality relationship was investigated by (1) assessing the effects of experimental conditions on each task; (2) directly comparing intelligibility scores and quality ratings for each participant across the range of conditions; and (3) comparing the association between signal envelope fidelity (represented by a cepstral correlation metric) and intelligibility and quality.

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Individuals with severe to profound hearing loss are likely to present with complex listening needs that require evidence-based solutions. This document is intended to inform the practice of hearing care professionals who are involved in the audiological management of adults with a severe to profound degree of hearing loss and will highlight the special considerations and practices required to optimize outcomes for these individuals.

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Auditory feedback may provide the nervous system with valuable temporal (e. g., footstep sounds) and spatial (e.

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Objectives: Previous research has shown that the association between hearing aid-processed speech recognition and individual working memory ability becomes stronger in more challenging conditions (e.g., higher background noise levels) and with stronger hearing aid processing (e.

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Background: Clinics are increasingly turning toward using virtual environments to demonstrate and validate hearing aid fittings in "realistic" listening situations before the patient leaves the clinic. One of the most cost-effective and straightforward ways to create such an environment is through the use of a small speaker array and amplitude panning. Amplitude panning is a signal playback method used to change the perceived location of a source by changing the level of two or more loudspeakers.

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Objective: The goal of this study was to assess recognition of foreign-accented speech of varying intelligibility and linguistic complexity in older adults. It is important to understand the factors that influence the recognition of this commonly encountered type of speech, in a population that remains understudied in this regard.

Design: A repeated measures design was used.

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Foreign-accented speech recognition is typically tested with linguistically simple materials, which offer a limited window into realistic speech processing. The present study examined the relationship between linguistic structure and talker intelligibility in several sentence-in-noise recognition experiments. Listeners transcribed simple/short and more complex/longer sentences embedded in noise.

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Masked sentence perception by hearing-aid users is strongly correlated with three variables: (1) the ability to hear phonetic details as estimated by the identification of syllable constituents in quiet or in noise; (2) the ability to use situational context that is extrinsic to the speech signal; and (3) the ability to use inherent context provided by the speech signal itself. This approach is called "the syllable-constituent, contextual theory of speech perception" and is supported by the performance of 57 hearing-aid users in the identification of 109 syllable constituents presented in a background of 12-talker babble and the identification of words in naturally spoken sentences presented in the same babble. A simple mathematical model, inspired in large part by Boothroyd and Nittrouer [(1988).

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Purpose In a previous paper (Souza, Wright, Blackburn, Tatman, & Gallun, 2015), we explored the extent to which individuals with sensorineural hearing loss used different cues for speech identification when multiple cues were available. Specifically, some listeners placed the greatest weight on spectral cues (spectral shape and/or formant transition), whereas others relied on the temporal envelope. In the current study, we aimed to determine whether listeners who relied on temporal envelope did so because they were unable to discriminate the formant information at a level sufficient to use it for identification and the extent to which a brief discrimination test could predict cue weighting patterns.

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