Importance: Neonatal short bowel syndrome with intestinal failure is rare, and observational studies are limited to small cohorts. Health disparities exist in long-term management with little known about the initial hospitalization.
Objective: To identify children with neonatal short bowel syndrome with intestinal failure and to determine whether race, ethnicity, and neighborhood opportunity are associated with length of stay during their initial hospitalizations.
Background: Enhanced B-cell presentation of donor alloantigen relative to presentation of HLA-mismatched reference alloantigen is associated with acute cellular rejection (ACR), when expressed as a ratio called the antigen presenting index (API) in an exploratory cohort of liver and intestine transplant (LT and IT) recipients.
Methods: To test clinical performance, we measured the API using the previously described 6-h assay in 84 LT and 54 IT recipients with median age 3.3 y (0.