Publications by authors named "Pam Fredman"

Background: Ganglioside biosynthesis occurs through a multi-enzymatic pathway which at the lactosylceramide step is branched into several biosynthetic series. Lc3 synthase utilizes a variety of galactose-terminated glycolipids as acceptors by establishing a glycosidic bond in the beta-1,3-linkage to GlcNaAc to extend the lacto- and neolacto-series gangliosides. In order to examine the lacto-series ganglioside functions in mice, we used gene knockout technology to generate Lc3 synthase gene B3gnt5-deficient mice by two different strategies and compared the phenotypes of the two null mouse groups with each other and with their wild-type counterparts.

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The lacto-series gangliosides 3'-isoLM1 and 3',6'-isoLD1 have been identified as tumor-associated antigens whose formation is initiated by the Lc3-synthase. Until now, high-affinity IgG monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against 3'-isoLM1 and 3',6'-isoLD1, which are highly expressed in gliomas, have not been developed, although mAbs against lacto-series gangliosides are powerful tools for functional studies. We previously produced the Lc3-synthase gene beta3Gn-T5 knockout mice.

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Background: The aim of this study was to explore biochemical changes in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) induced by shunt surgery and the relationship between these changes and clinical improvement.

Methods: We measured clinical symptoms and analysed lumbar CSF for protein content, neurodegeneration and neurotransmission markers in patients with secondary (SNPH, n = 17) and idiopathic NPH (INPH, n = 18) before and 3 months after shunt surgery. Patients were divided into groups according to whether or not there was improvement in clinical symptoms after surgery.

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Type 2 diabetes is associated with decreased levels of the glycosphingolipid sulfatide, as well as a state of low-grade inflammation. Sulfatide is reported to have anti-inflammatory properties in other cell-types. In the present study, the effects of sulfatide on adipokine (adiponectin, TNF-alpha, IL-6, and IL-8) production in human adipose tissue (AT) was investigated in vitro.

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Background: The glycosphingolipid sulfatide has previously been found in several mammalian tissues, but information on the uptake of exogenously administered sulfatide in different organs in vivo is limited. In pancreatic beta cells, sulfatide has been shown to be involved in insulin processing and secretion in vitro. In this study, we examined the uptake of exogenously administered sulfatide and its distribution to the pancreatic beta cells.

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Sulfatide (3'-sulfo-beta-galactosyl ceramide) is a glycosphingolipid present in mammalians in various fatty acid isoforms of which the saturated 16 carbon-atom length (C16:0) is more abundant in pancreatic islets than in neural tissue, where long-chain sulfatide isoforms dominate. We previously reported that sulfatide isolated from pig brain inhibits glucose-induced insulin secretion by activation of ATP-sensitive K+ channels (K(ATP) channels). Here, we show that C16:0 sulfatide is the active isoform.

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Clusterin is suggested to be involved in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease. Clusterin expression is increased in brain tissue in affected regions of Alzheimer patients, and intense clusterin staining is found in both senile plaques and in neuronal and glia cells. In contrast, the cerebrospinal fluid level of clusterin in Alzheimer patients has, thus far, been found unchanged.

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HIV establishes a latent infection in resting CD4(+) T-lymphocytes. A possible strategy to eliminate cellular reservoirs in long-lived, HIV-1-infected quiescent CD4(+) T-lymphocytes might be to add T-cell-activating agents to potent antiretroviral therapy. In this report we describe a patient with Guillain-Barré syndrome treated with high dose intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) in addition to antiretroviral therapy.

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Gangliosides play important biological roles and structural characterization of both the carbohydrate and the lipid moieties is important. The FT-ICR MS/MS techniques of electron capture dissociation (ECD), electron detachment dissociation (EDD), and infrared multiphoton dissociation (IRMPD) provide extensive fragmentation of the protonated and deprotonated GM1 ganglioside. ECD provides extensive structural information, including identification of both halves of the ceramide and cleavage of the acetyl moiety of the N-acetylated sugars.

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The formation of neurotoxic beta-amyloid fibrils in Alzheimer's disease (AD) is suggested to involve membrane rafts and to be promoted, in vitro, by enriched concentrations of gangliosides, particularly GM1, and the cholesterol therein. In our study, the presence of rafts and their content of the major membrane lipids and gangliosides in the temporal cortex, reflecting late stages of AD pathology, and the frontal cortex, presenting earlier stages, has been investigated. Whole tissue and isolated detergent-resistant membrane fractions (DRMs) were analysed from 10 AD and 10 age-matched control autopsy brains.

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Background: Sulfatide is present in the secretory granules of beta cells and has been shown, in vitro, to be involved in insulin processing and secretion. Of particular interest is one of the major sulfatide isoforms in the beta cells, the C16:0 fatty acid isoform, which has been shown to be involved in insulin crystal preservation in vitro. The aim of this study was to investigate the ability of C16:0 fatty acid isoform of sulfatide to affect insulin secretion and/or action and glycaemic control in the adipogenic 'prediabetic' Zucker rat.

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Arylsulfatase A (ASA) degrades sulfatide, seminolipid and lactosylceramide sulfate, glycolipids recognized by the Sulph I antibody although sulfatide is considered the main antigen. Sulfatide is myelin associated but studies have shown a minor distribution also in non-myelin forming cells. The aim of this work was to further study sulfatide in neurons and astrocytes by immunohistochemistry, facilitated by investigation of tissue from adult ASA deficient (ASA -/-) mice.

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Primary Objectives: To examine the diagnostic value of S100 in mild traumatic brain injury (MTBI).

Research Design: Prospective cohort study.

Methods And Procedures: S100B, S100A1B and S100BB concentrations were examined in sera from patients with MTBI with an arrival Glasgow Coma Scale score of 15 or 14, patients with orthopaedic injuries and non-injured subjects.

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We have made a comprehensive and quantitative analysis of the lipid composition of caveolae from primary rat fat cells and compared the composition of plasma membrane inside and outside caveolae. We isolated caveolae from purified plasma membranes using ultrasonication in carbonate buffer to disrupt the membrane, or extraction with nonionic detergent, followed by density gradient ultracentrifugation. The carbonate-isolated caveolae fraction was further immunopurified using caveolin antibodies.

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Previous studies using pancreas from various mammals and freshly isolated islets from rat pancreas have provided evidence supporting possible involvement of the glycosphingolipid sulfatide in insulin processing and secretion. In this study, sulfatide expression and metabolism in the beta cell line RINr1046-38 (RIN-38), commonly used as a model for beta cell functional studies, were investigated and compared with previous findings from freshly isolated islets. RIN-38 cells expressed similar amounts (2.

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Sulfatide (3'-sulfogalactosyl-ceramide) is a glycosphingolipid mainly located in the nervous system, but has also been found in the islets of Langerhans. Previous studies have suggested that sulfatide is involved in insulin processing and secretion. In this study, sulfatide expression and metabolism in pancreas and isolated islets of the type II diabetes models, ob/ob- and db/db mouse, was investigated using TLC-ELISA, metabolic labelling and electron microscopy.

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Gangliosides, sialic acid-containing glycosphingolipids, have engendered great interest for more than 20 years in the search for target molecules of relevance for tumour growth and formation of metastases and as potential targets for immunotherapy. These molecules show large quantitative and structural variability, which is related to cell type and developmental stage. Their potential role in the formation of tumour metastases was suggested from data supporting that they are involved in cell growth regulation and in cell-cell and cell-matrix adhesion.

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A group of neurologists and clinical neurochemists representing twelve countries worked towards a consensus on laboratory techniques to improve the quality of analysis and interpretation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) proteins. Consensus was approached via a virtual Lotus Notes-based TeamRoom. This new approach respecting multicultural differences, common views, and minority opinions, is available in http://www.

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Previous studies have shown that sulfatide is present and functionally involved in beta cells, and that anti-sulfatide antibodies (ASA) exist during development of type I diabetes mellitus. To further explore the possible role of sulfatide in type I diabetes, developmental expression was examined in human pancreas and in pancreas of the type I diabetes models BB rat and NOD mouse compared to Lewis rat and BALB/c mouse, respectively. Sulfatide was not only expressed in adult pancreas, but also in human fetal and rodent neonatal pancreas, i.

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Background: In sera from newly diagnosed insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus patients (IDDM type 1) autoantibodies occur against different antigen determinants often shared with neural tissues. The role of these autoantibodies in the disease process is not yet clarified but they can be used as a diagnostic tool in the detection of IDDM patients.

Methods: We have analysed the occurrence of sulfatide autoantibodies in serum from patients with type 1 diabetes (n = 20), individuals with pre-type 1 diabetes (n = 6), patients with type 2 diabetes (n = 32) and controls (n = 43).

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The glycosphingolipid sulfatide is present in secretory granules and at the surface of pancreatic beta-cells, and antisulfatide antibodies (ASA; IgG1) are found in serum from the majority of patients with newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes. Here we demonstrate that sulfatide produced a glucose- and concentration-dependent inhibition of insulin release from isolated rat pancreatic islets. This inhibition of insulin secretion was due to activation of ATP-sensitive K(+)-(K(ATP)) channels in single rat beta-cells.

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Sulfatide is a myelin component of the central (CNS) and peripheral nervous system (PNS) and is used extensively to identify oligodendrocyte progenitor cells. We have explored sulfatide expression in CNS gray matter (cerebellum, cerebral cortex, and hippocampus) and the PNS in adult rats using an anti-sulfatide antibody (Sulph I) and confocal microscopy. Biochemical analyses revealed two Sulph I antigens, sulfatide and seminolipid; sulfatide was present at about five times higher concentration, and the affinity of Sulph I for sulfatide was 2.

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Study Design: Serum antibody titers against 10 different glycosphingolipids were investigated by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in three groups of patients: patients with acute sciatica (Group IA, radicular pain for 32 +/- 36 days, n = 68), a subgroup of these patients 4 years later (Group IB, n = 23), and patients undergoing lumbar discectomy because of disc herniation (Group II, n = 37).

Objectives: To investigate the immunologic response in sciatica patients by analyzing circulating autoantibodies against glycosphingolipids, molecules highly expressed in cells from the nervous system, and the possible correlation of such antibodies to clinical and imaging findings as well as to subjective symptoms.

Summary Of Background Data: The titers of glycosphingolipid antibodies are elevated in neurologic diseases with autoimmune stimulation such as Guillain-Barré syndrome and chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy.

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Cholesterol-sphingolipid rich plasma membrane domains, known as rafts, have emerged as important regulators of signal transduction. The adipocyte insulin receptor (IR) is localized to and signals via caveolae that are formed by polymerization of caveolins. Caveolin binds to IR and stimulates signalling.

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