Background: The dual task for forensic mental health care is community protection and treatment of mental disorders. The Short-Term Assessment of Risk and Treatability (START) has become an established tool for risk assessment and care planning in forensic psychiatry. When using the START, items judged as critical factors are chosen to be addressed in the care plan.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjectives: Compulsory mental health care includes compulsory hospitalisation and outpatient commitment with medication treatment without consent. Uncertain evidence of the effects of compulsory care contributes to large geographical variations and a controversy on its use. Some argue that compulsion can rarely be justified and should be reduced to an absolute minimum, while others claim compulsion can more frequently be justified.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAims: Because of the COVID-19 lockdown, an internet-based adaption of a nurse-led cognitive behavioural group therapy (CGBT) was provided for perpetrators of domestic violence. The aim of this study was to describe the development of the therapy, examine the initial feasibility and impact on patient satisfaction of the programme and evaluate the associated patient-reported experiences.
Design: Programme development as well as testing its feasibility and acceptability using cross-sectional survey data.
Background: There has been a call for a framework to guide recovery-oriented practices in forensic mental health services.
Aims: This study aims to examine personal recovery and its challenges in forensic mental health settings in relation to the established framework for personal recovery in mental illness: connectedness, hope, identity, meaning and empowerment (CHIME).
Method: This study is an updated and expanded systematic review and thematic synthesis of the qualitative literature.
Background: In March 2020, the Norwegian government announced a COVID-19 lockdown in order to reduce the spread of the coronavirus. In Norway, lockdown measures included restricting people's ability to leave their home and the closing of social institutions, thus reducing the capacity for victims of intimate partner violence to alert someone outside of their home about violent incidents that occurred during lockdown. At the same time, the restrictive measures forced the victim and the perpetrator to stay together for prolonged periods within the home, and reduced the possibility for them to escape or leave the perpetrator.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Intimate partner violence constitutes a serious health problem worldwide. To date the evidence is sparse on whether intimate partner violence group interventions could improve mental health outcomes among perpetrators and their partners.
Objectives: To compare the effectiveness of nurse-led cognitive-behavioural group therapy vs.
Background: Contextual variables such as staff characteristics, treatment programs, assessment routines and administrative structures are found to influence patient violence rates in psychiatric forensic wards. The possible effects of current developments in treatment philosophy emphasizing patients' perspective and treatment involvement upon violence rate have not yet been examined. The aim of this paper is to analyse associations between such developments and the occurrence of violent incidents among patients in a high security forensic psychiatric ward.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Workplace violence in emergency primary health care is prevalent, but longitudinal studies using validated assessment scales to describe the characteristics of workplace violence in these settings are lacking. The aim of the present study was to determine the characteristics of aggressive incidents in emergency primary health care clinics in Norway.
Methods: Incidents of workplace violence were reported with the Staff Observation Aggression Scale - Revised Emergency (SOAS-RE).
The psychometric instruments developed for short-term prediction of violence in psychiatric inpatients do not include variables assessing sleep. Disturbances in sleep may precede aggression in this setting. We investigated whether adding information on sleep improved the predictive properties of the Brøset Violence Checklist (BVC).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Violence against intimate partners is a worldwide public health problem. Cognitive behavioural therapy delivered in a group format is widely used for the treatment of men's violent behaviour towards their female partners. A Cochrane review about the effectiveness of this therapy from 2011 revealed a lack of controlled studies.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSelf-injurious behavior (SIB) is one of the most detrimental behaviors for the person showing it, as well as for their environment. Nevertheless, structured clinical assessments of SIB are scarce. Staff completed a Self-Harm Scale (SHS) every time they witnessed SIB in clients with an intellectual disability (ID) and co-occurring psychopathology ( = 33).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: Forensic psychiatry has the dual task of focusing on the prevention of reoffending as well as maintaining psychiatric rehabilitation. No previous studies addressing the patients' own views on reducing their risk of serious reoffending were found.
Aim: This study describes forensic psychiatric inpatients' own views on what aspects of care and personal recovery are important in reducing their risk of serious reoffending.
Background: Many emergency primary health care workers experience aggressive behaviour from patients or visitors. Simple incident-reporting procedures exist for inpatient, psychiatric care, but a similar and simple incident-report for other health care settings is lacking. The aim was to adjust a pre-existing form for reporting aggressive incidents in a psychiatric inpatient setting to the emergency primary health care settings.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEvaluations of associations between sleep at night and aggressive behaviour in Psychiatric Intensive Care Units (PICU) are lacking. The aims were to explore if sleep duration or night-to-night variations in sleep duration correlated with aggressive behaviour and aggressive incidents the next day and through the whole admission. Fifty consecutive patients admitted to a PICU were included (521 nights) and the nurses registered the time patients were sleeping, aggressive behaviour with The Brøset Violence Checklist (BVC) and aggressive incidents with The Staff Observation Aggression Scale-Revised (SOAS-R).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPolice officers are often the first responders to intimate partner violence. The aim of the study was to examine the association between structured police assessments on-site in cases of intimate partner violence, and decisions about immediate arrest of the perpetrator and/or relocation of the victim. Data were extracted from police reports on 124 emergency visits in cases of intimate partner violence perpetrated by men toward women.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPersonality disorders, violence and criminal behaviour The importance of personality disorders for violent and criminal behaviour is illustrated by their high prevalence in prison populations. Especially antisocial personality disorder and antisocial personality traits are linked to violence. During diagnostic assessment of personality disorders, violence risk screening is recommended.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: We evaluated prevalence of aggressive behaviour and coercive measures on an acute Indian psychiatric ward where relatives are always present at the ward.
Method: Non-interacting, independent observers (specifically trained mental health clinicians) on an Indian acute, 20-bedded psychiatric ward gave structured reports on all violent episodes and coercive measures during a 30-day period. They used the Staff Observation Aggression Scale -Revised, Indian (SOAS-RI).
We explore whether we can reduce paternalism by increasing patient autonomy. We argue that autonomy should not have any automatic priority over other ethical values. Thus, balancing autonomy v.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSubstance abuse is related to offending and substance abuse treatment has been associated with reductions in criminal behavior. This cohort study aimed to explore the relationship between participation in substance abuse interventions and general criminal recidivism among offenders with a combination of mental health problems and substance use problems. In total, 150 Swedish offenders with self-reported mental health and substance use problems were followed for approximately three years with regard to participation in substance abuse interventions and criminal recidivism.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: The evidence for central stimulant (CS) treatment in ADHD is strong in some respects but not with respect to unselected clinical material and long-term effects over the life course cycle. The objective of this study was to explore differences in vocational, psychiatric, and social impairment, including crime and substance abuse, among adults with ADHD, treated or not, with CS drugs before age 18.
Method: A clinical population of men ( N = 343) and women ( N = 129) seeking CS treatment as adults was assessed within a specific program for such treatment.
Issues Ment Health Nurs
August 2014
The aim of the present study is to describe and understand the meaning of living with alcohol dependency (AD) as a man. Studies point out a high prevalence of AD in men and the reasons for, and consequences of, that are complex. However, today there is a lack of knowledge about men's lived experiences of having AD.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Recent studies have suggested that functional classifications of aggression should be used to improve the understanding of the heterogeneity of aggression and its management, among inpatients in psychiatric hospitals.
Aims: Our aim was to examine a theoretically derived three-factor model for conceptualising aggressive incidents by inpatients as irritable, instrumental or defensive.
Methods: As part of the routine assessments in a forensic psychiatric high security ward, staff filled out a questionnaire on motives for aggression after all violent incidents.