Thin, hair-like lichens (Alectoria, Bryoria, Usnea) form conspicuous epiphyte communities across the boreal biome. These poikilohydric organisms provide important ecosystem functions and are useful indicators of global change. We analyse how environmental drivers influence changes in occurrence and length of these lichens on Norway spruce (Picea abies) over 10 years in managed forests in Sweden using data from >6000 trees.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFor externally fertilising organisms in the aquatic environment, the abiotic fertilisation medium can be a strong selecting force. Among bony fishes, sperm are adapted to function in a narrow salinity range. A notable exception is the family Gobiidae, where several species reproduce across a wide salinity range.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThere is evidence that anthropogenic nitrogen (N) deposition enhances carbon (C) sequestration in boreal forest soils. However, it is unclear how free-living saprotrophs (bacteria and fungi, SAP) and ectomycorrhizal (EM) fungi responses to N addition impact soil C dynamics. Our aim was to investigate how SAP and EM communities are impacted by N enrichment and to estimate whether these changes influence decay of litter and humus.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEvidence indicates that neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC) may promote antitumour immune responses by activating T cells. The tumour-draining sentinel node (SN) is a key site to study tumour-specific T cell activation, being the primary immunological barrier against the tumour. In this prospective study, we set out to elucidate the effects of NAC on T cell subsets in the SNs of patients with muscle-invasive urothelial bladder cancer.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTissue-resident memory T (T ) cells are CD8 T lymphocytes that reside in the tissues, including tumours. This T cell subset possesses a magnitude of cytotoxicity, but its epigenetic regulation has not been studied. Here, we investigate the impact of perforin DNA methylation in T cells and correlate it with their functional potential.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSymbioses such as lichens are potentially threatened by drastic environmental changes. We used the lichen -a symbiosis between a fungus (mycobiont), a green alga ( sp.), and N-fixing cyanobacteria ( sp.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn nitrogen (N) limited boreal forests, N enrichment can impact litter decomposition by affecting litter quality and by changing the soil environment where litter decomposes. We investigated the importance of litter quality and soil factors on litter decomposition using a 2-year reciprocal transplant experiment for Picea abies needle litter, derived from plots subjected to 17 years of N addition, including control, low and high N treatments (ambient, 12.5 and 50 kg N ha yr, respectively).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThere is evidence that anthropogenic nitrogen (N) deposition enhances carbon (C) sequestration in boreal soils. However, key underlying mechanisms explaining this increase have not been resolved. Two potentially important mechanisms are that aboveground litter production increases, or that litter quality changes in response to N enrichment.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIt is proposed that carbon (C) sequestration in response to reactive nitrogen (Nr ) deposition in boreal forests accounts for a large portion of the terrestrial sink for anthropogenic CO2 emissions. While studies have helped clarify the magnitude by which Nr deposition enhances C sequestration by forest vegetation, there remains a paucity of long-term experimental studies evaluating how soil C pools respond. We conducted a long-term experiment, maintained since 1996, consisting of three N addition levels (0, 12.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBoreal coniferous forests are characterized by fairly open canopies where understory vegetation is an important component of ecosystem C and N cycling. We used an ecophysiological approach to study the effects of N additions on uptake and partitioning of C and N in two dominant understory shrubs: deciduous Vaccinium myrtillus in a Picea abies stand and evergreen Vaccinium vitis-idaea in a Pinus sylvestris stand in northern Sweden. N was added to these stands for 16 and 8 years, respectively, at rates of 0, 12.
View Article and Find Full Text PDF• Responses to simulated nitrogen (N) deposition with or without added phosphorus (P) were investigated for three contrasting lichen species - the N-sensitive Alectoria sarmentosa, the more N-tolerant Platismatia glauca and the N(2) -fixing Lobaria pulmonaria- in a field experiment. • To examine whether nutrient limitation differed between the photobiont and the mycobiont within the lichen, the biomass responses of the respective bionts were estimated. • The lichenized algal cells were generally N-limited, because N-stimulated algal growth in all three species.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHere, we examined the responses of the epiphytic lichens Alectoria sarmentosa and Platismatia glauca to increased atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition in an old-growth boreal spruce forest, to assess the sensitivity of these species to N and define their critical N load. Nitrogen deposition was simulated by irrigating 15 trees over a 3 yr period with water and isotopically labeled NH(4)NO(3), providing N loads ranging from ambient to 50 kg N ha(-1) yr(-1) . Thallus N concentration increased in both species with increasing N load, and uptake rates of both NH(4)(+) and NO(3)(-) were similar.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA dynamic water and activity model was developed to assess how efficiently lichens can exploit in situ rain and humid air. The capacity to rehydrate and activate photosynthesis [i.e.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPhotosystem II (PSII) activation after hydration with water or humid air was measured in four hydrophilic and a generalist lichen to test the hypothesis that slow activation might explain habitat restriction in the former group. For the hydrophilic species, activation was after 4 h nearly completed in Lobaria amplissima and Platismatia norvegica, while only c. 50% for Bryoria bicolor and Usnea longissima.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRelationships between thallus size and growth variables were analysed for the foliose Lobaria pulmonaria and the pendulous Usnea longissima with the aim of elucidating their morphogenesis and the factors determining thallus area (A) versus biomass (dry weight (DW) gain. Size and growth data originated from a factorial transplantation experiment that included three boreal climate zones (Atlantic, suboceanic and continental), each with three successional forest stands (clear-cut, young and old). When A was replaced by the estimated photobiont layer area in an area-DW scatterplot including all thalli (n = 1080), the two separate species clusters merged into one, suggesting similar allocation patterns between photobionts and mycobionts across growth forms.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTwo models for predicting the hydration status of lichens were developed as a first step towards a mechanistic lichen productivity model. A biophysical model included the water potential of the air, derived from measurements of air temperature, relative humidity and species-specific rate constants for desiccation and rehydration. A reduced physical model, included only environmental parameters, assuming instantaneous equilibration between the lichen and the air.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFNitrogen (N) availability and light exposure were manipulated under field conditions to study responses to altered resource supply in the green algal lichen Platismatia glauca. The lichen was fertilized with different concentrations and frequencies of ammonium, nitrate or glutamine under different light regimes for 2-3 months. Responses were followed from the intact thallus to the cellular level.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe aim of this study was to compare the physiological responses to increased nitrogen (N) supply between the nitrophytic lichen Xanthoria parietina (L.) Th. Fr.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn order to learn more about nitrogen (N) acquisition in lichens, and to see whether different lichens differ in their affinity to various N sources, N uptake was measured in 14 various lichen associations ("species"). These species represented various morphologies (fruticose or foliose), contrasting microhabitat preferences (epiphytic or terricolous), and had green algal, cyanobacterial or both forms of photobionts. N was supplied under non-limiting conditions as an amino acid mixture, ammonium, or nitrate, using 15N to quantify uptake.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWith the aim of understanding how some lichens can survive intensive fertilization we investigated two green algal ( Trebouxia) lichens, Hypogymnia physodes (L.) Nyl. and Platismatia glauca (L.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAiming to investigate whether a carbon-to-nitrogen equilibrium model describes resource allocation in lichens, net photosynthesis (NP), respiration (R), concentrations of nitrogen (N), chlorophyll (Chl), chitin and ergosterol were investigated in 75 different lichen associations collected in Antarctica, Arctic Canada, boreal Sweden, and temperate/subtropical forests of Tenerife, South Africa and Japan. The lichens had various morphologies and represented seven photobiont and 41 mycobiont genera. Chl a, chitin and ergosterol were used as indirect markers of photobiont activity, fungal biomass and fungal respiration, respectively.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLichens are nutritionally specialized fungi (the mycobiont component) that derive carbon and in some cases nitrogen from algal or cyanobacterial photobionts. The mycobiont and photobiont live together in an integrated thallus, but they lack specific tissue for the transport of metabolites and resources between them. Carbon is acquired through photosynthesis in the photobiont, which is active when the lichen is wet and exposed to light.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAcclimation to elevated CO was investigated in Parmelia caperata originating from the vicinity of a natural CO spring, where the average daytime CO concentration was 729 ± 39 μmol mol dry air. Thalli showed no evidence of a down-regulation in photosynthetic capacity following long-term exposure to CO enrichment in the field; carboxylation efficiency, total Ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) content, apparent quantum yield of CO assimilation, and the light-saturated rate of CO assimilation (measured under ambient and saturating CO concentrations) were similar in thalli from the naturally CO enriched site and an adjacent control site where the average long-term CO concentration was about 355 μmol mol. Thalli from both CO environments exhibited low CO compensation points and early saturation of CO uptake kinetics in response to increasing external CO concentrations, suggesting the presence of an active carbon-concentrating mechanism.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPhotosynthetic and respiratory CO gas exchange was measured under controlled climate conditions in the laboratory in two epiphytic lichens, Lobaria pulmonaria and Platismatia glauca, with the aim of modelling their net productivity using field microclimate data. For both, the thallus water content (WC) and the light intensity had the greatest impact on photosynthesis. L.
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