Publications by authors named "Palaoro L"

The internalization of apoptotic cells by non-phagocytic cells has been observed in different tissues and could be an important mechanism for the elimination of dying cells. Here, we describe a probable event of phagocytosis of apoptotic cells mediated by urothelial cells in urinary sediment. A 90-years-old male patient was admitted unconscious to the hospital, visible signs included: pale skin and dry mucous membranes, presumptively diagnosed as dehydration.

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Activation of the receptor for epidermal growth factor (EGFR) in some testicular tumors activates several signaling pathways. Some components of these pathways are phosphorylated or mutated in testicular germ tumors (TCGT), including EGFR, Kirstein ras oncogen (KRAS) and cell surface protein of the germ cell (KIT). The latter two activate RAF ⁄MEK⁄ERK and PI3 K⁄AKT, and interconnect with the EGFR/pI3 k/Akt pathway.

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Background: Malakoplakia is characterized by the presence of plaques with macrophages containing inclusion bodies. The diagnosis of this disease is carried out by biopsy of the lesion. The objective of this paper was to assess the value of fresh urine sediment in the diagnosis of malakoplakia.

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Introduction: Cellular morphology does not allow, in many cases, to safely establish a diagnosis of malignancy or benignity. Sialic acid is found in the membranes of well-differentiated mature cells, normally located in the alpha-2,3 position. During tumor progression, changes occur in glycosylation of proteins and lipids, including alterations in the sialylation patterns of tumor cells.

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Cervical and vaginal cytology, Papanicolaou test (PAP), is the most effective test for screening of preneoplastic lesions, and cervical cancer prevention. Its sensitivity goes from 50 to 98%, according to different statistics, and this variation is related to the sampling procedure. A satisfactory smear should be taken from the transformation zone, the junction between endocervix and exocervix.

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Background: In the cases of ascitis, it is essential to determine their origin using the parameters obtained by the cytological and biochemical examinations. The aim of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of different biochemical markers and the number of cells in the differential diagnosis of ascitic fluid (AF).

Methods: One hundred ninety-one cases of AF were studied, who were admitted to the hospital from January 01, 2009 to December 31, 2014.

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Continuous production of the E7 protein from different types of high risk human papilloma virus (HPV) is required for progression of malignancy. We developed antibodies against HPV type 16 E7 and E2 proteins to evaluate their utility as markers for diagnosis during early stages of cervical cancer. Forty biopsies from uterine cervices were diagnosed as low grade intraepithelial lesion (LSIL), high grade intraepithelial lesion (HSIL), squamous carcinoma (SC), in situ adenocarcinoma (ISA) and invasive adenocarcinoma (AC), all of which were infected with HPV 16.

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Background: Urine excreted by the body has a variable composition in different physiological and pathological conditions. The cells that come from the renal pelvis, ureters, bladder, and urethra are carried by the urine, and therefore, they can be observed in fresh samples and in smears with Giemsa and Papanicolaou stain.

Aim: The aim of this study was to show that high correlation that exists between the cytological examination of fresh urine samples and smears stained with Papanicolaou and Giemsa methods.

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Aim: p16INK4a and argentophilic nucleolus organizer region (AgNOR) can be used as markers for progression of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 1 (CIN1) of the uterine cervix. Our objective was to study the predictive value of the AgNOR technique as a progression marker of CIN1 and its correlation with p16INK4A.

Material And Methods: One uterine cervix biopsy from each of 75 patients with diagnosis of CIN1 was selected.

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The study of nasal ciliary beat frequency (CBF) and ultrastructure may contribute to the understanding of pathognomonic cases of male infertility associated with defects in sperm motility. This study was designed to report a particular case of male infertility, characterized by the association of two respiratory autosomal recessive genetic diseases (alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency [AAT-D] and primary ciliary dyskinesia [PCD]). A 39-year-old patient with complete sperm immotility, AAT-D, and bronchiectasis was studied in the Laboratory of Male Fertility, the Department of Urology, the Respiratory Center of a Pediatric Hospital, and in the Department of Clinical Medicine of a Rehabilitation Respiratory Hospital.

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Hypothyroid rats show alterations in the mobility of sperm recovered from their epididymides. The AgNOR technique, immunohistochemistry and transmission electron microscopy were used to investigate changes in epithelial cells from epididymides of rats treated with (131)I. Counting of NORs did not permit detection of changes in the proliferative capacity of epididymides of hypothyroid animals.

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This report describes the case of a 39-year-old male patient who presented to the emergency room with complaints of impaired balance, diplopia, and nasal voice. The patient had a history of upper respiratory tract infection. The initial physical examination revealed ataxia, ophthalmoplegia, and areflexia, which are consistent with the classic triad of Miller Fisher syndrome, considered a benign variant of Guillain-Barré syndrome.

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Cellular analysis of sputum either spontaneous or by induced sputum technique, has become a widespread tool for the evaluation and guidance of treatment of inflammatory diseases of the airway, primarily asthma, COPD and eosinophilic bronchitis. Induced sputum method is a validated, standardized and non-invasive technique, useful in patients with difficulties to expectorate. Its implementation is simple and cost effective.

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The present study was carried out to investigate the genotoxicity as well as possible protective activity against damage induced by cyclophosphamide (CP) of the aqueous juice of watercress (Nasturtium officinale, W.T. Aiton) in vivo.

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Objectives: To establish the cytological criteria to identify the urothelial cells in cervical smears in order to avoid mistakes in the cytological diagnosis.

Materials And Methods: Cervical smears from 34 post menopausal women with vesicovaginal fistulas, advanced bladder prolapse and genital erosive lichen planes (vulvar kraurosis) (Group 1) and transitional cell metaplasia of the cervix (TCM, Group 2) were stained with Papanicolaou technique. The cervical samples were taken during the routine annual examination for prevention of the uterine cancer.

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It has been shown that infection with high-risk human papillomaviruses (HR-HPV) is related to the development of cervical cancer. The persistence of the virus in intra-epithelial lesions of cervix uteri (SILs) is the basis for the application of HPV testing for screening and management of patients. Most infections by HR-HPVs resolve spontaneously, however, and do not progress to dysplasia or cancer.

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We evaluated sperm quality after a 3-month smoking cessation programme by sperm analysis, objective sperm motility analysis, protein tyrosine phosphorylation in capacitating conditions and DNA fragmentation (TUNEL). Sperm analysis after smoking cessation revealed a distinctive improvement in sperm concentration, fast spermatozoa (≥35 μm/s), sperm vitality, percentage of spermatozoa recuperated after an enrichment technique and protein tyrosine phosphorylation. However, no changes were observed in the number of germinal cells in the ejaculate, sperm morphology and sperm DNA fragmentation.

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The main purpose for studying cytological body fluids is confirmation of a benign or malignant effusion. Our cytology laboratory analyzes body fluids and results are requested urgently. The samples are stained by the Giemsa and Papanicolaou methods to give a preliminary report, then they are examined by other complementary techniques.

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The first approach to assessing male fertility is to study a spermiogram, where special attention is given to sperm count, motility and morphology, while less attention is given to other cells in the ejaculate. Normal spermatogenesis requires a balance between cell death and proliferation; therefore, the number of germ cells (GC) in the ejaculate is less than the number of sperm. We propose a new index for altered spermatogenesis, i.

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We propose that evaluation of protein tyrosine phosphorylation (TP) status in ejaculated spermatozoa under capacitating conditions in an experiment that mimics "in vitro" the physiology of sperm from ejaculation through the female genital tract could potentially be used as a prognostic test for functional competence of sperm in fertilization. Our purpose was to elucidate whether there is a relation between conventional sperm parameters, occurrence of TP and pregnancy outcome obtained from intrauterine insemination (IUI). Semen samples were analyzed according to WHO criteria.

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