The following research used a paper and pencil survey to assess programming for mental health and wellness in 7742 law enforcement agencies throughout the United States. A total of 465 respondents provided data to two open-ended questions to share several types of programs and services that would be beneficial for agencies to support officers who experience job challenges or stress. The qualitative data was analyzed via constant-comparison method by two independent coders who engaged in several techniques to aid in trustworthiness.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: While plain packaging of tobacco products has emerged as a policy intervention to reduce smoking, regulators in the US have limited ability to implement plain packaging. We sought to identify the impact of subtle changes to cigarette packaging (Study 1) and how packaging design influenced participant choices based on appeal, harm, and style (Study 2).
Methods: We conducted two discrete-choice experiments with US adult smokers online in 2018.
Guided by Andersen's Health Service Use Model, this study examined the predisposing, enabling, and need factors of MH service use among middle-aged and older lesbians. Data were collected from 455 lesbians ages 50 and over through a national online survey. Ordered logistic regression was conducted to examine the predictors of mental health counseling use.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: Persons with mental illness have poorer oral health and are less likely to receive oral health care than those in the general population. A comprehensive understanding of barriers to and facilitators of accessing oral health care from a multidisciplinary perspective is lacking. The authors of this qualitative study sought to explore barriers and facilitators in addressing the oral health needs of individuals with mental illness from the perspectives of patients, psychiatrists, and dentists.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground And Objectives: Medical schools aim to admit talented learners who are honest, patient centered, and caring, in addition to possessing the required cognitive skills. The Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) describes core competencies for entering medical students in three categories: science, preprofessional, and thinking and reasoning. The authors sought to determine desired characteristics of medical school applicants at a rural, community-based medical school in light of the published core competencies.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe Food and Drug Administration (FDA) can regulate the introduction of new tobacco products and some changes to existing products. Cigarette packs have been used as a marketing tool to target specific groups and priority populations. Research has shown that sexual and gender minority (SGM) adults are substantially more likely to use tobacco products than their straight and cisgender counterparts.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Globally, the tobacco industry is promoting heated tobacco products. These products may represent a strategy to promote dual use of tobacco products. One product, IQOS from Philip Morris International, is being proposed in the USA for marketing as a less harmful product.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Natl Med Assoc
October 2019
Background: Increasing numbers of underrepresented in medicine minority (URMM) physicians has garnered increased attention. Pipeline programs aid this effort and are designed to expose learners to the healthcare experience and strengthen academic preparedness. This paper describes the clinical experiences of students who participated in a bridge to medical school Master's Degree pipeline program at a community based medical school.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground/aims: The aim of this investigation was to identify which design elements on Natural American Spirit packs are salient to (i.e., noticed by) U.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFew studies have asked older lesbians to reflect on the primary experiences of their life. The following provides the responses of a nationally representative sample of 221 lesbians over the age of 55 to an open-ended question on anything they wanted to share. Through triangulated data analysis, resulting themes include the importance of the Women's Movement, coming out, as well as the role of discrimination.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHealth Promot Pract
January 2019
Background: There are substantial health inequities for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people compared to their straight/cisgendered counterparts. As evidence of these inequities has become unequivocal, better strategies to address them are needed. One approach is to leverage communications and media advocacy efforts to raise awareness about inequities.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Racial Ethn Health Disparities
February 2019
Black men have reported a number of stressful experiences during medical school training. Guided by Critical Race Theory, the authors examined the survey responses of 16 Black men who matriculated at one medical school to assess perceptions of medical school stress. The researchers identified several themes: (1) perceived academic inequities created tension between Black and non-Black medical students but provided bonding opportunities among Black male medical students, (2) stress negatively impacted academic performance and personal health, and (3) use of social support and spirituality contributed to coping and resiliency.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: Researchers and regulators need to know how changes to cigarette packages can influence population health. We sought to advance research on the role of cigarette packaging by assessing a theory-informed framework from the fields of design and consumer research. The selected Context of Consumption Framework posits cognitive, affective, and behavioral responses to visual design.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPurpose: In the U.S., tobacco products are now regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCigarette packaging matters to consumer behavior. However, it is less clear which changes to packaging design would be salient for adult smokers. Such information is critically important to regulators in the United States who are charged with reviewing new tobacco products for their impact on population health.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThere is very little research focused on older bereaved lesbians. This study is a response to the lack of knowledge about the issues for older lesbians who lose a partner. We examined bereavement issues for 55 older lesbians.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Gerontol Soc Work
August 2016
Previous literature has consistently discussed reoccurring issues with conducting research in the gay and lesbian community and, for the purposes of this article, particularly the older lesbian community. Issues with sampling, including gaining access, ethical considerations, and conceptual definitions are ongoing struggles repeated within the literature. This article provides the experience of a research team in conducting such research and presents the viable solutions and ongoing barriers, as well as newer considerations that future research must take into account.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFOlder lesbians are, at minimum, a triple threat of marginalization due to ageism, heterosexism, and sexism. A national survey specific to this often-invisible population has not occurred in over 25 years. The present study was completed to reveal the needs, strengths, and experiences of the current cohort of older lesbians.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn response to the very limited and mostly outdated literature on older lesbian sexuality, this exploratory study examined older lesbian sexual identity, romantic relationships, the impact of aging, and experiences of discrimination within these contexts. Utilizing an online survey that recruited via numerous online lesbian communities and snowball sampling, 456 lesbians over the age of 50 responded to closed, Likert scale, and open-ended questions that provided a preliminary understanding of older lesbian sexuality. The results indicated that older lesbians have experienced fluidity in past romantic and sexual relationships, as well as in erotic fantasies, despite strong identification with being lesbian.
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