Objectives: Confirming the prognostic value of global QFR and evaluating the long-term prognosis of QFR-concordant therapy in stable coronary artery disease.
Background: Wire-based functional evaluation of coronary disease is linked to patient's prognosis. Quantitative Flow Ratio (QFR) is a newer index of computational physiology, linked to clinical outcomes and prognosis at 1 year follow-up.
Background: The agreement between single-projection Murray-based quantitative flow ratio (mQFR) and conventional three-dimensional quantitative flow ratio (3D-QFR) has not been reported hitherto.
Methods: Patients from a multinational database were randomly selected for the study of agreement, according to sample size calculation. Both conventional 3D-QFR and mQFR were analyzed for all available arteries at a central corelab by independent analysts, blinded to each other's results.