Publications by authors named "PRCIC M"

The concept of-boundaries of operative radicallity-is, according to our opinion, a set and defined concept of an established surgical procedure (acording to various regions, organs and diffusion of tumor) which is based on a contemporary accepted surgical doctrine in the treatment of malignomas of varios organs. This concept depends on the diagnostical and other conditions which should be stated precisely, as well as, on the skill of the operative team (according to specialties) that has to undertake the operation. Factors contributing to formation of exact conditions for the assessment, realization and maintainance of operative radicallity in malignomas of various lokaization are: early detection of malignomas; modern preoperative diagnostics; good knowledge of anatomic-topographic data; general orientation abut TNM system; significance of preoperative preparation of a patient with a malignoma; knowledge of modern intraoperative diagnostical procedures; experience in intraoperative emergency biopsy: skill of operative team in expanded operative treatment; performance of operation in the conditions of good anesthesia and reanimation; taking of steps for the prevention of operative and postoperative metastases; provision of additional cytostatic and imuo-therapy; follow-up of the treatment of a malignoma by medical team work; organisation of systematic postoperative check-ups and provision of timely surgical reinterventions due to occurance of isolated metof steps for the prevention of operative and postoperative metastases; provision of additional cytostatic and imuo-therapy; follow-up of the treatment of a malignoma by medical team work; organisation of systematic postoperative check-ups and provision of timely surgical reinterventions due to occurance of isolated metof steps for the prevention of operative and postoperative metastases; provision of additional cytostatic and imuo-therapy; follow-up of the treatment of a malignoma by medical team work; organisation of systematic postoperative check-ups and provision of timely surgical reinterventions due to occurance of isolated metastases and relapse.

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