Publications by authors named "P du Cros"

Setting: Papua New Guinea is a high-burden multidrug-resistant TB (MDR/RR-TB) country that reports low rates of bacteriological confirmation. Sputum drug susceptibility testing for second-line drugs is important. Access to culture is limited.

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Tuberculosis, caused by the () bacteria, is one of the world's deadliest infectious diseases. Despite being the world's oldest pandemic, tuberculosis is very much a challenge of the modern era. In high-incidence settings, all people are at risk, irrespective of whether they have common vulnerabilities to the disease warranting the current WHO recommendations for community-wide tuberculosis active case finding in these settings.

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Article Synopsis
  • The study examines whether rapid multiplex PCR testing in the emergency department can enhance the treatment of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) in children compared to standard care.
  • Conducted in 11 French centers between 2016-2018, the study included 499 children, with some receiving the PCR test and others only standard care, and tracked the effectiveness of initial antibiotic treatments over 15 days.
  • Results showed a significant improvement in antibiotic treatment appropriateness in the PCR group, particularly reducing unnecessary antibiotics for viral pneumonia, indicating better antimicrobial stewardship without adverse effects.
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