Publications by authors named "P Verdoux"

Infiltration of effluents from wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) into groundwater can be a source of Contaminants of Emerging Concern (CECs), such as pharmaceutical compounds, that are not fully removed during the treatment processes. A multi-tracer approach, based on hydrogeochemical, isotopic, and organic tracers, is applied in the Vistrenque Aquifer (Gard, France) to assess the dispersion of such unintentional plumes and its potential implication on groundwater quality for CECs in a small catchment area. In this area, a point source of WWTP effluent causes contaminant infiltration and unintentional transfer to the aquifer.

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Anthropogenic activities can be the source of saline solid wastes that need to be treated to reduce their salt load to meet the purposes of reuse, valorization or storage. In this context, chloride remediation can be achieved using high-salt accumulating plants. However, there is very limited information on the comparative potential of different species in the same environment, and only scarce data concerning their efficiency as a function of growth stage.

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Along the 98 800 km Rhône catchment area, 3 million people depend on the river resource and its sustainability. Flow rate monitoring of the French rivers showed the importance of the Swiss part of the Rhône (measured at station 1), the Isere (station 2) and the Durance rivers (station 3) contribution into the Rhône downstream (station 4) during summer when other recharges are decreasing. While their contribution is only of 10-30 % during most of the year, those rivers could contribute to more than 60 % of the Rhône flow rate during the driest period.

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Aquatic plants commonly used in landscaping or as ornaments are subject to a growing worldwide market that is source of trade between countries which can induce the transfer of unwanted invasive alien plant species. To protect national biodiversity and economy, authorities promote the use of local markets without however providing the method to do so. This study deals with the feasibility of using Sr stable isotopes for discriminating the origin of aquatic plants at a worldwide scale.

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At present, some triazine herbicides occurrence in European groundwater, 13 years after their use ban in the European Union, remains of great concern and raises the question of their persistence in groundwater systems due to several factors such as storage and remobilization from soil and unsaturated zone, limited or absence of degradation, sorption in saturated zones, or to continuing illegal applications. In order to address this problem and to determine triazine distribution in the saturated zone, their occurrence is investigated in the light of the aquifer hydrodynamic on the basis of a geochemical approach using groundwater dating tracers (H/He). In this study, atrazine, simazine, terbuthylazine, deethylatrazine, deisopropylatrazine, and deethylterbuthylazine are measured in 66 samples collected between 2011 and 2013 from 21 sampling points, on the Vistrenque shallow alluvial aquifer (southern France), covered by a major agricultural land use.

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