Publications by authors named "P S Crossen"

Cytogenetic analysis of a patient with non-Hodgkin lymphoma revealed the following karyotype: 49,XXX,t(2;14)(q21;q32),+4,+8,del(13)(q14q21). Southern blot analysis with an Ig region probe showed non-productive rearrangements indicative of a translocation involving the Ig locus. However, molecular cloning of the abnormal rearrangements did not show novel sequences derived from chromosome 2 but showed that the BCL-6 gene was juxtaposed to the IgH enhancer.

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We have characterized the double minute chromosomes in a case of acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Southern blot analysis showed that the C-MYC was amplified. Further analysis with probes located both 3' and 5' of MYC indicated that the amplicon was at least 700 kb in size, extending from the papilloma virus integration site situated 500 kb 5' of MYC to the PVT gene located 280 kb 3' of MYC.

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A case of acute myeloid leukemia (M2) with double minute chromosomes and complex karyotypic abnormalities was analyzed cytogenetically and molecularly. Comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) showed that the 8q24 region that contains the MYC oncogene was not amplified. Instead, amplification of chromosomal regions 11q23-->qter and 9p11-->pter was identified.

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We examined the methylation status of the third exon of the MYC oncogene in 39 patients with B-cell malignancies. DNA was digested with MspI plus EcoRI or HpaII plus EcoRI and hybridised with a probe specific for the third exon of MYC. Thirty four patients showed complete methylation of the CCGG site.

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We report a patient with Philadelphia (Ph)-positive, BCR-ABL rearrangement positive, chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) with a prolonged chronic phase of 24 years who was first prescribed alpha-2 interferon 22 years after initial diagnosis. This therapy was tolerated poorly on account of thrombocytopenia, but an eventual major cytogenetic response was followed soon afterwards by transformation to terminal acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Cytogenetic studies indicated that the transformed myeloblasts were karyotypically normal and Ph negative.

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