Publications by authors named "P Lestang"

The treatment of sleep disorders has been strongly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. When the lockdown is over, resumption of usual patient care will require precautions to limit the risk of contamination for patients and caregivers. In this document, the French Association of Otorhinolaryngology and Sleep disorders (AFSORL) and the French Society of Otorhinolaryngology (SFORL) put forward a summary of the measures for continuing the treatment of sleep apnoea syndrome in these new practice conditions.

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The frequency of disease within coral communities was evaluated using an 18-month series of coral photographs taken before, during, and after a major dredging program at Barrow Island, off Australia's northwest coast. Up to 60 corals were assessed repeatedly at each of four dredging 'impact' sites (<1 km from dredging), and four 'reference' sites (>20 km from dredging). Contrary to an earlier report, the frequency of occurrence of coral disease (usually <5% of corals) was not significantly altered by dredging.

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There is little literature on the intralingual trajectory of the hypoglosal nerve. We performed an anatomical dissection on 6 cadavers and completed our study with histological examinations. The 12th cranial nerve enters the lower part of the tongue laterally, reaching the anterior border of the hypoglossal muscle where it follows the ascending lingual artery medially to terminate anteriorly to the lingual V.

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