Publications by authors named "P Jobst"

Hepatitis E is an important global disease, causing outbreaks of acute hepatitis in many developing countries and sporadic cases in industrialized countries. Hepatitis E virus (HEV) infection typically causes self-limiting acute hepatitis but can also progress to chronic disease in immunocompromised individuals. The immune response necessary for the prevention of chronic infection is T cell-dependent; however, the arm of cellular immunity responsible for this protection is not currently known.

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Genetically modified pigs have become available recently. In this study, we established the gnotobiotic pig model of human rotavirus (HRV) infection using cloned pigs with homozygous disruption in the gene encoding immunoglobulin heavy chain (HCKO), which totally impairs B-cell development. To clarify importance of B cells and cytotoxic T cells in rotavirus immunity, CD8 cells in a subset of the pigs were depleted by injecting antipig CD8 antibodies and the immune phenotypes of all pigs were examined.

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In the visible to infrared spectral range, highly-reflective silver mirrors are applied in the manufacture of optical instruments such as telescopes. However, it is still difficult to combine high reflectivity and long-term stability of the protected silver coating. We show that the deposition of impervious protective layers is necessary but often not sufficient for long-term environmental stability.

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A poly(A)-trap gene targeting strategy was used to disrupt the single functional heavy chain (HC) joining region (J(H)) of swine in primary fibroblasts. Genetically modified piglets were then generated via somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) and bred to yield litters comprising J(H) wild-type littermate (+/+), J(H) heterozygous knockout (±) and J(H) homozygous knockout (-/-) piglets in the expected Mendelian ratio of 1:2:1. There are only two other targeted loci previously published in swine, and this is the first successful poly(A)-trap strategy ever published in a livestock species.

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