Publications by authors named "P G Yeni"

In extra-pulmonary tuberculosis, therapeutic management is difficult in the absence of reliable tool to affirm healing at the end of treatment. In this prospective multicenter study, we evaluated [F]FDG-PET for this purpose. Forty-two patients out of 55 included patients could be analyzed.

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Article Synopsis
  • - The study examines the health issues faced by HIV-infected transwomen compared to HIV-infected cisgender men, focusing on metabolic syndrome, thyroid, and adrenal functions.
  • - Results showed that while the prevalence of metabolic syndrome was similar between the two groups, transwomen had significantly higher rates of subclinical hypothyroidism (12% vs. 3%) and adrenal insufficiency (20% vs. 8%).
  • - The findings indicate that although hormonal consumption was common among transwomen, it did not affect antiretroviral drug effectiveness; however, regular assessment of thyroid and adrenal functions is recommended for this population.
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Objectives: To evaluate the dolutegravir+lamivudine combination in virologically suppressed patients living with HIV.

Methods: The ANRS 167 LAMIDOL trial was an open-label, single arm, multicentre trial assessing once-daily dolutegravir (50 mg)+lamivudine (300 mg) in virologically suppressed HIV-1 patients on first-line triple-drug regimens. The main criteria for inclusion in the trial were plasma viral load (pVL) ≤50 copies/mL for ≥2 years, CD4 nadir >200 cells/mm3 and WT HIV prior to treatment initiation.

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Background: Miliary tuberculosis (miliary TB) is characterized by a hematogenous spread of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Cerebral lesions associated with miliary TB have been reported with diverse frequencies.

Methods: We retrospectively analyzed brain imaging in 34 patients presenting with proven miliary TB hospitalized in our teaching hospital between 2008 and 2014.

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Some of the 12 criminal trials and sentences in France for HIV transmission in 1998-2011 attracted substantial public attention, with a possible negative impact on people living with HIV (PLWH) through reinforced stigma and discrimination. This analysis aimed to characterize PLWH enrolled in the representative ANRS-VESPA2 survey, aware of and concerned about convictions for HIV transmission. Being a migrant from Sub-Saharan Africa, having difficult socio-economic conditions, having unprotected sex with one's main partner and concealing one's HIV status were all factors statistically associated with concern about the sentences.

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