Objective: To employ the neonatal seizure framework developed by the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) Neonatal Task force to assess its usefulness in determining the etiology of neonatal seizures.
Methods: The members of the ILAE Neonatal Task Force evaluated 157 seizures from 146 neonates to determine internal validity and associations between semiology and a specific etiology.
Results: Provoked neonatal electrographic and electroclinical seizures were due to multiple etiologies.
Objective: The International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) Neonatal Seizure Framework was tested by medical personnel.
Methods: Attendees at the 2016 ILAE European Congress on Epileptology in Prague, the International Video-EEG Course in Pediatric Epilepsies in Madrid 2017, and a local meeting in Utrecht 2018, were introduced to the proposed ILAE neonatal classification system with teaching videos covering the seven types of clinical seizures in the proposed neonatal classification system. Five test digital video recordings of electroencephalography (EEG)-confirmed motor neonatal seizures were then shown and classified by the rater based on their knowledge of the proposed ILAE Neonatal Seizure Framework.
Seizures are the most common neurological emergency in the neonatal period and in contrast to those in infancy and childhood, are often provoked seizures with an acute cause and may be electrographic-only. Hence, neonatal seizures may not fit easily into classification schemes for seizures and epilepsies primarily developed for older children and adults. A Neonatal Seizures Task Force was established by the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) to develop a modification of the 2017 ILAE Classification of Seizures and Epilepsies, relevant to neonates.
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