Publications by authors named "P Domenici"

Energy efficiency is a key component of movement strategy for many species. In fish, optimal swimming speed (Uopt) is the speed at which the mass-specific energetic cost to move a given distance is minimised. However, additional factors may influence an individual's preferred swimming speed (Upref).

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The collective dynamics of self-organised systems emerge from the decision rules agents use to respond to each other and to external forces. This is evident in groups of animals under attack from predators, where understanding collective escape patterns requires evaluating the risks and rewards associated with particular social rules, prey escape behaviour, and predator attack strategies. Here, we find that the emergence of the 'fountain effect', a common collective pattern observed when animal groups evade predators, is the outcome of rules designed to maximise individual survival chances given predator hunting decisions.

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Variability within species is key for adaptability and biological evolution. To understand individualities in the context of animal movement, we focused on one of the most remarkable migrations-the journey of the endangered European eel from their birthplace in the Sargasso Sea to freshwater environments. Laboratory observations unveiled a continuum of diverse phenotypes of migrating eels: Some displayed a heightened tendency to swim against a constant water flow, while others a greater propensity to climb obstacles.

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The study of repeatability in behaviour and activity level can be used to evaluate inter-individual differences, which are fundamental to assess the resilience of populations to environmental variation. Previous work on repeatability in wild fish populations has largely been based on acoustic telemetry or mark-and-recapture and has revealed repeatable activity patterns over relatively long periods in a number of species. Although accelerometry is a promising tool for investigating the swimming activity of fish in the wild, little is known about the repeatability of accelerometry-based traits in wild fish.

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