Environ Sci Process Impacts
December 2023
The purpose of this study was to assess the utility of a low-cost flow simulation tool for an indoor air modeling application by comparing its outputs with the results of a physical experiment, as well as those from a more advanced computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software package. Five aerosol dispersion tests were performed in two different classrooms by releasing a CO tracer gas from six student locations. Resultant steady-state concentrations were monitored at 13 locations around the periphery of the room.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis study examined the dispersion of potentially infectious aerosols in classrooms by means of both a CO tracer gas, and multizone contaminant transport modeling. A total of 20 tests were conducted in three different university classrooms at multiple air change rates (4.4-9.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInt J Environ Sci Technol (Tehran)
July 2021
A study of aerosol dispersion was conducted in a university classroom using a CO tracer gas emitted from three source locations in a steady release, one source location per test. The tracer gas emitted from the single source location represented the potentially infectious aerosol droplets emitted from a single student and was thus a way to examine the influence of one sick student on the rest of the class. Two parameters were adjusted during the testing-the spacing of the desks, which included a spread and compressed configuration, and the inclusion of three-sided clear dividers attached to the student desk surfaces.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFReal-time particle monitors are essential for accurately estimating exposure to fine particles indoors. However, many such monitors tend to be prohibitively expensive for some applications, such as a tenant or homeowner curious about the quality of the air in their home. A lower cost version (the Dylos Air Quality Monitor) has recently been introduced, but it requires appropriate calibration to reflect the mass concentration units required for exposure assessment.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIndoor sources can greatly contribute to personal exposure to particulate matter less than 2.5 μm in diameter (PM2.5).
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