Publications by authors named "P Corbeil"

Purpose: Immediate biomechanical and functional benefits of knee braces and lateral wedge foot orthoses (FO) are often reported on patients with medial knee osteoarthritis. However, the effectiveness of their combined use in a longer-term orthotic treatment remains unclear. The aim was to evaluate pain, function, comfort and knee adduction moment (KAM) during the stance phase of gait with three modalities of orthotic treatment.

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Background: Posterior tibialis tendon dysfunction (PTTD) is a chronic degenerative musculoskeletal disorder causing a progressive ankle complex and arch collapse altering lower limb biomechanics. However, biomechanical changes associated with stage 1 and 2 PTTD need to be better characterized during walking to guide clinical recommendations and improve non-operative treatments.

Research Question: What are the lower limb kinematic and kinetic differences between individuals with stage 1 (PTTD1), individuals with stage 2 PTTD (PTTD2) and healthy counterparts during gait?

Methods: Sixteen PTTD1, 11 PTTD2 and 20 healthy controls were included in this multicentric case-control study to compare their lower limb gait biomechanics.

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Background: Patients with acetabular dysplasia have an abnormal acetabular geometry which results in insufficient coverage of the femoral head. This coverage deficiency reduces contact surfaces within the joint, accelerating the wear of the articular cartilage and predisposing patients to early osteoarthritis. Periacetabular osteotomy is a surgical treatment of acetabular dysplasia that aims to reorient the acetabulum relative to the femoral head, increasing coverage.

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Foot positioning strategies are a key parameter in manual materials handling. The objective of this study was to assess the effects of transfer distance, pace and foot positioning on low back loading. Sixteen handlers performed a free handling task with conditions of pace (self-selected and 25% faster), distance (1.

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