Publications by authors named "Ozzello L"

The immunohistochemical staining patterns of type IV collagen (TIVC) and smooth muscle actin (SMA) were studied in benign and malignant breast lesions in order to assess their usefulness in the differential diagnosis of difficult lesions. Eighty-six in situ breast carcinomas (8 with microinvasion; 1 diagnosed after immunostaining) and 58 invasive carcinomas, with associated benign lesions including 87 nonproliferative fibrocystic changes, 19 sclerosing adenosis, 17 atypical hyperplasias, 7 benign papillary proliferations, 6 radial scars, and 105 normal mammary tissue, were studied. TIVC and SMA were concomitantly positive throughout in 94% of benign tissues, in 16% of in situ carcinomas, but in none of the invasive carcinomas.

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Human mammary carcinoma xenografts (MCF-7) growing in nude mice were treated with natural interferon alpha (n-IFN-alpha) alone or conjugated to a humanized monoclonal antibody (MoAb) anti-breast mucin (HuBrE-3vl) or to irrelevant human IgG1kappa. The IFN and the conjugates were administered as 20 intra-lesional (i.l.

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The potentiating effects of human recombinant tumor necrosis factor-alpha (rTNF-alpha) on the antitumor actions of recombinant interferon-gamma (rIFN-gamma) and of natural interferons alpha and gamma combined (nIFN-alpha/nIFN-gamma) were studied on human breast cancer xenografts growing bilaterally in nude mice. The cytokines were injected singly or in combination in one of the two tumors of each mouse to study local effects while the opposite tumor was left undisturbed to evaluate systemic effects. The tumors received 20 intralesional injections (four cycles of 5 daily injections each).

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We transfected the mouse IFN-gamma and/or the mouse B7 (T cell costimulatory molecule) cDNAs into B16 melanoma cells to study the effects of local constitutive expression of these molecules on the tumorigenicity and immunogenicity of this aggressive tumor. Cells expressing IFN-gamma (B16.IFN-gamma), B7 (B16.

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Highly aggressive murine B16 melanoma was engineered to secrete IFN-alpha constitutively. Cells expressing IFN-alpha were injected into syngeneic C57BL/6 mice and the mice were monitored for tumor development. Secretion of IFN-alpha by B16 melanoma cells completely abrogated their tumorigenicity in syngeneic mice.

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Up-regulation of a tumor-associated antigen (TAA) TAG-72 was investigated immunohistochemically in skin recurrences of 10 breast cancer patients treated with intralesional injections of natural interferons (nIFNs) alpha and gamma. Up-regulation was assessed by comparing the immunoreactivity of pre-IFN and post-IFN specimens stained with monoclonal antibodies (MoAbs) B72.3 and CC49 at near end-point dilutions.

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Two groups of patients with disseminated breast carcinomas who had failed radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and hormonotherapy were treated with natural interferon alpha (nIFN-alpha) alone or in combination with nIFN-gamma delivered in cycles of 10-12 intralesional (i.l.) injections to recurrent and metastatic lesions.

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Monoclonal antibody (MoAb) BrE-3, an anti-human milk fat globule (HMFG) MoAb, is used here as a novel prognostic indicator for survival and relapse time in patients with infiltrating ductal carcinoma of the breast. A scoring system (4-Score method) was developed to this effect that measured, in a statistically reliable fashion, the level of expression of the epitope for MoAb BrE-3 in the cytoplasm and membranes of breast carcinoma cells in paraffin-embedded sections. In univariate analysis, data obtained by the 4-Score Method as well as data from traditional prognostic indicators (tumor size, axillary node status, and grade of differentiation) were found to be associated with patient survival and relapse.

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An immunoconjugate composed of natural interferon alpha (nIFN alpha) bound in a noncleavable fashion to a monoclonal antibody (MoAb) recognizing a breast epithelial membrane mucin (Mc5) was used to to treat xenografts of a human mammary carcinoma cell line (MCF-7) growing in nude mice. The immunoconjugate (nIFN alpha/Mc5) was administered as 20 intralesional (i.l.

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Cutaneous recurrences of breast carcinomas were treated with 10 i.l. injections of nIFNs alpha and gamma delivered in combination (7 lesions) or singly (11 with nIFN-alpha, one with nIFN-gamma).

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Taking into consideration the relationship of breast neoplasia with recent knowledge obtained on the molecular structure and biosynthesis of the breast epithelial mucin, an epitope on this molecule detected by monoclonal antibody (MAb) BrE-3 was chosen as a marker to study the correlation of expression of the mucin and prognosis in infiltrating ductal carcinomas of the breast. Strong statistical validation was obtained in the use of BrE-3 in immunohistochemical procedures where scores for the expression of the mucin on paraffin-embedded sections of the primary breast tumors were studied. Four different immunohistochemical variables measuring levels of expression (intensity or prevalence) in cytoplasm or membrane were obtained for each of 227 patients' breast tumors and subjected to Kaplan-Meier univariate and Cox proportional-hazards multi-variate analysis.

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Two monoclonal antibodies to progesterone receptor (PR), JZB39 and KD68, were used for the immunocytochemical visualization of PR in different kinds of breast cancer specimens including (1) cryostat sections of tumors frozen at -80 degrees C; (2) paraffin sections of tumors fixed in formalin or in Bouin's fixative for varying periods of time at room temperature or at 4 degrees C; and (3) imprints and cryostat sections prepared from the tissue used for frozen section diagnosis and stored at -80 degrees C after fixation in Zamboni's solution. Sections of conventionally frozen specimens as well as imprints and cryostat sections stored for varying periods of time were stained with the peroxidase-antiperoxidase technique, whereas the avidin-biotin technique was used for paraffin sections. In all types of specimens the PR immunostaining was localized to the nuclei of carcinoma cells and displayed considerable heterogeneity both in intensity and in distribution of positive cells.

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Nude mice bearing bilateral xenografts of human breast carcinoma cells (MCF-7 and BT20) were treated with 2 or 45-day cycles of intralesional (i.l.) injections of human natural interferon beta (nIFN-beta) alone or in combination with human natural interferon gamma (nIFN-gamma).

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We report a case of malignant mesothelioma in which the tissue diagnosis was established by examination of a skin biopsy specimen. We also review the cutaneous manifestations of malignant mesothelioma. To our knowledge this is only the second reported case diagnosed primarily by examination of tissue from the skin.

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A peroxidase-antiperoxidase technique was used to visualize estrogen and progesterone receptors in stored imprints and cryostat sections of breast carcinomas that were prepared at the time of biopsy or frozen section diagnosis. This was done to provide an alternate technique for the assessment of the receptor status of tumors that could not be adequately assayed with other biochemical or immunocytological methods. Fixation in Zamboni's fixative followed by passage through cold methanol and acetone before storage at -80 C insured good preservation of the receptor proteins over extended periods of time (up to 56 weeks).

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Natural interferons (nIFNs) -alpha and -gamma were used to treat nude mice bearing bilateral xenografts of human breast cancer cells (MCF-7 and BT 20). The IFNs were administered singly or in combination by means of intralesional (i.l.

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The effects of intralesional injections of human natural and recombinant interferons-alpha (nIFN-alpha and rIFN-alpha A) were studied in nude mice bearing bilateral xenografts of human mammary carcinoma cells (BT 20, MCF-7). One tumor of each animal received intralesional injections, while the contralateral tumor was left undisturbed. Thus, the injected tumors were subjected to the local action of the IFNs whereas the opposite ones were exposed to the systemic effects of the IFNs seeping into the subcutaneous tissue following the intratumoral injection.

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Immunostaining of estrogen receptor was carried out on paraffin sections of breast carcinomas using an anti-estrophilin monoclonal antibody (D75P3 gamma) and the avidin-biotin technique. The tumors were fixed in Bouin's solution or in formalin for varying periods of time at room temperature or at 4 degrees C. Best results were obtained following fixation in Bouin's at room temperature or in formalin at 4 degrees C.

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Estrogen receptor (ER) was detected in frozen sections of 36 breast carcinomas using an antiestrophilin monoclonal antibody according to an immunocytochemical technique elaborated and made available by Abbott Laboratories in the form of a kit (ER-immunocytochemical assay monoclonal). Immunostaining was confined to the nuclei of the carcinoma cells. In all positive specimens, nuclei with different staining intensities were present in addition to a variable number of unstained nuclei, presumably because of functional heterogeneity.

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Immunostaining for Factor VIII-related antigen was seen in deparaffinized sections from 19 of 20 postmastectomy angiosarcomas and from four of four sarcomas that arose in chronically edematous tissue unrelated to breast carcinoma. Staining was also seen in sections from two malignant hemangioendotheliomas, four capillary hemangiomas, and one granulation tissue specimen. Sections from two lymphangiomas were immunonegative for Factor VIII-related antigen in the endothelium of lymphatic channels, whereas staining was observed in the surrounding normal blood vessels.

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This study focuses upon 38 patients found to have unsuspected carcinomas or lobular neoplasia in fibroadenomatous tumors. Combining the pathologic and clinical features of these patients with those of 56 comparable instances reported upon in the literature, it becomes apparent that the biologic and clinical behavior of lobular neoplasia, intraductal carcinomas and invasive carcinomas is essentially the same regardless of whether the lesions arise in or outside a fibroadenoma. In addition, they are often a part of a multifocal malignant condition in the ipsilateral or contralateral breast.

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Two monoclonal antibodies against MCF-7 human estrogen receptors were used for immunoperoxidase staining of paraffin sections of human breast cancer tissue. The staining was predominantly located in the nucleus of epithelial cells. Variation in the staining intensity was observed among individual cells.

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One hundred forty-six patients with clinically nonmetastatic carcinoma of the prostate were treated at Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center from 1964 through 1976. Of these 146 patients, 24 (16.4%) had developed at least one additional primary cancer.

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