Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a heterogeneous disease and the most common form of acute leukemia with a poor prognosis. Due to its complexity, the disease requires the identification of biomarkers for reliable prognosis. To identify potential disease genes that regulate patient prognosis, we used differential co-expression network analysis and transcriptomics data from relapsed, refractory, and previously untreated AML patients based on their response to treatment in the present study.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAcute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a common, complex, and multifactorial malignancy of the hematopoietic system. AML diagnosis and treatment outcomes display marked heterogeneity and patient-to-patient variations. To date, AML-related biomarker discovery research has employed single omics inquiries.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn this study, considering the enhancement potential of microalgae and MBRs for wastewater treatment, the microalgae Haematococcus pluvialis, which is a freshwater species of Chlorophyta with a high capacity to synthesize astaxanthin, was bioaugmented into an aerobic MBR to investigate its potential on treatment of antibiotics in wastewater, reducing membrane biofouling, and impact on the microbial community structure. For this purpose, two control MBRs, with and without antibiotics, alongside an MBR bioaugmented with H. pluvialis, were set under mesophilic conditions, using inoculum from a local wastewater treatment facility and synthetic wastewater.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAfter the Paris Climate Conference (Conference of the Paris COP21), emerging countries also start progressing as the world has shown serious concern towards carbon neutrality targets. In doing this, the tourism and hospitality businesses have also emerged as an industry that has shown tremendous economic positive outputs and support to an economy with the lease inputs. However, tourism has also been reported to lead to increased environmental degradation as foreigners came to the host country, whereby ecological innovation emerged as a potential solution for eliminating the level of carbon emissions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBioprocess Biosyst Eng
September 2018
Levan polysaccharide is an industrially important natural polymer with unique properties and diverse high-value applications. However, current bottlenecks associated with its large-scale production need to be overcome by innovative approaches leading to economically viable processes. Besides many mesophilic levan producers, halophilic Halomonas smyrnensis cultures hold distinctive industrial potential and, for the first time with this study, the advantage of halophilicity is used and conditions for non-sterile levan production were optimized.
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